thequeensofmemes · 3 years
Random Quotes
In order to insult me, I must first value your opinion.
If the devil was to ever see you he'd kiss your eyes and repent.
May flowers grown in teh saddest part of you.
If I could do girlhood again, I'd ask to be scarier. Less whimpering, more pyromaniac urges, more flirting with kerosene.
Perhaps it is the greatest grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.
I'm too alone in the world, yet not alone enough to make each hour holy.
I am the shape you made me. Filth teaches filth.
I am fond of lovers but I cannot love, I am too far away, I am banished.
I have searched for my mother's love in all corners of the world.
And that's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.
Marriage can wait, education cannot.
Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.
What terrifies me most is the idea of being useless: well-educated, brilliantly promising, and fading out into an indifferent middle age.
At fifteen you had the radiance of early morning, at twenty you will begin to have the melancholy brilliance of the moon.
I wish I wasn't such a dreamer. I've ruined this life for myself.
To whom do I owe the biggest apology? NO one's been cruller than I have been to me.
Strange how we decorate pain.
If he writes her a few sonnets, he loves her. If he writes her three hundert sonnets, he loves sonnets.
It os the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.
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thequeensofmemes · 3 years
Emma 2020 Quotes
Whatever you say, always comes to pass!
I lay it down as a general rule that if a woman doubts whether she should accept a man or not, she certainly ought to refuse him.
'Til men do fall in love with well-informed minds instead of handsome faces, a girl with such loveliness as __ has a certainty of being admired and sought after wherever she goes.
I am very much mistaken if your sex, in general, would not find these qualities the highest claims a woman could possess.
Better to be without sense altogether than to misapply it as you do.
We are both prejudiced. You against, I for him and we shall have no chance of agreeing until he is really here.
He's a trifling, silly fop.
With whom will you dance?
There is one thing which a man can always do if he chooses, and that is his duty.
You have been a friend and companion such as few possess.
You’ve always been your own master. You’ve no idea what it is to have tempers to manage.
The misfortune of your birth, ought to make you particularly careful as to your associates.
If they were very poor, I might hope to be useful to them in some way, but a farmer can need none of my help, and is therefore as much above my notice as he is below it.
But how can we admire a painted beauty with such loveliness… before us in the flesh?
I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry. Fortune I do not want. Employment I do not want. Consequence I do not want.
One is sick of the very name, “__.”
I had no right to expect much, and indeed I did not expect much. But I had imagined him, I confess, a degree or two nearer gentility.
Considering how very handsome you are you seem little occupied with it. Your vanity lies a different way.
You must be the best judge of your own happiness.
__, comport yourself!
Do not attempt with your good nature to understand a bad one. You must let it go its own way.
I give you encouragement? You are entirely mistaken, sir. I have no thoughts of matrimony at present.
He sought to aggrandize and enrich himself.
Where there is a ballroom, there can be a ball.
It is always the lady’s right to decide on the degree of acquaintance.
Our companions are excessively stupid.
You must allow that what is good and what is ridiculous are most unfortunately blended in her.
I have been unpardonably vain and insufferably arrogant.
He uses everybody ill and they’re delighted to forgive him.
If I loved you less then I might be able to talk about it more, but you know what I am.
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thequeensofmemes · 3 years
Six the Musical Quotes
How you doing tonight? So obviously you know who we are. So you came here tonight to party with us old school. Who lasted the longest was the strongest. The biggest sinner is obviously the winner. Who had the son takes number one. Who was most chased shall be first placed. The most inglorious is victorious. There is only one you need to hear from tonight. Then ___ died, so naturally I am imprisoned for 7 years. I just don't think I will look that good in a wimple. The one with the plan, the plan to steal the man. The one who chased the king, but paid the price with a swordsman's swing. Wait, didn't you actually die? Weren't you the one he truly loved? I had a daughter and he literally chopped my head off. I stood by him, like I was made of stone. What hurts more than a broken heart? He had to adjust his location settings, if you will. __ has certainly done her justice. No need to thank us, the pleasure has been ours. It's the usual story, isn't it? The savvy, educated, young __, deemed repulsive by the wheezing, wrinkled, ulcer ridden ___ ___ years her senior. How could anyone ever overcome a fate as devastating as being forced to move into a splendid palace with more money than I could spend in a lifetime, with not a single man around to tell me what to do with it. Now that's one horse out of the race. He didn't even have the decency to say goodbye. Guys, I have the plague. Good luck trying to compete with us, honey. Dying of natural causes... when will justice be served?!? Being rejected for your looks legit sounds really rough, I wouldn't know anything about that. No one cared when you died. It is not her fault no one remembers her bland and uneventful life. You seriously want to talk about humiliation? You know what? I'm good. I can't keep doing this. __ is just trying to make us look stupid instead of playing by the rules like everyone else. But isn't there a bigger problem here? Aw... we could have done it as a song...
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thequeensofmemes · 4 years
Avatar: The Last Airbender Quotes
Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.
I’m angry at myself!
Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.
It’s easy to do nothing, it’s hard to forgive.
You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.
You miscalculated. I love ___ more than I fear you.
Step aside, filth.
There is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you.
I know sometimes it hurts more to hope and it hurts more to care. But you have to promise me that you won’t stop caring.
My own mother thought I was a monster… She was right of course, but it still hurt.
In the darkness, hope is something you give yourself.
Never forget who you are, for surely the world won’t.
Why am I so bad at being good?
___ ___ says ___ was born lucky. ___ says I was lucky to be born.
Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all.
It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale.
Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.
know you’re not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but it’s just so sad!
There are reasons each of us are born. We have to find those reasons.
Protection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love.
Being part of the group also means being part of group hugs.
Love is brightest in the dark.
Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since ___ busy, I guess it’s up to me.
You’re awfully cute, but unfortunately for you, you’re made of meat.
Stop! Stop it right now! What’s wrong with you? We don’t have time for fun and games with the war going on.
In my country, we exchange a pleasant “hello” before asking questions.
Don’t you know that fans only make flames stronger?
Why would ___ want YOU back? Except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass ___!
Yesterday my mouth tasted like mud. Now it tastes like sand. I never thought I would miss the taste of mud so much.
I didn’t know what or when, but I knew I’d know it when I knew it!
Nice speech, ___! It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way!
The past can be a great teacher.
When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.
There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place.
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thequeensofmemes · 4 years
The Great S01E03 Quotes
We will have free bread and medicine for all, education and art for all.
Is this a coup or a fucking book club?
I do not remember the new rule where I justify why I tell you to shut up.
Next time he is on you, stab him in the face.
I would have ridden, but my horse has trouble with stairs.
I promised you a lover.
It is thoughtful of me, I agree.
I cordially invite you to my execution and wish we'd known each other better.
You perhaps did not need to hear that story.
That is immoral and disgusting.
Give me some of your medals.
I am an instinctive military genius as my father before me.
I have the only key.
I won't stab him. I haven't even hidden a knife anywhere.
He is a danger to us. I suppose we should kill him, but he is sort of family, and we are sentimental.
He has a shine for me, I believe.
And why did he choose you?
Your father did not educate you?
Do you aim to charm me?
It'll be fun, albeit possibly fatal if it goes awry.
You may stay the night.
It is inspiring. It inspires fear.
Your beauty hurts.
If anyone ever invents something easier than buttons, we are all in trouble.
Unseen forces at work.
I hate all the pretend at court.
You must treat it as a foolish game.
I am not six. I do not giggle.
So he has made you happy, it seems?
Oh, so he cannot have made you that happy if you want him to go.
I am very disappointed in you, as would your father be.
How can you be so sanguine?
Truth is, he'll do as he wishes with me hang me, flay me, or take me hunting and for a nice lunch.
You have a sadness in you, and worst of all, you do not seem to know how to have fun.
Coughing blood is generally the problem sign.
I am chap with iron will and control.
How marvelous it was when you stabbed holes in that man.
There is now love and fear for me from all.
If you do not want him, you may choose your own lover.
He can fuck off or stay at court. I do not care, as long as you are happy and not a miserable, scowling cunt.
And you are happy and grateful for my efforts towards your happiness?
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thequeensofmemes · 4 years
The Great S01E02 Quotes
You're not Great, are you?
I've never done a coup before, so I'm unsure how to proceed.
You're all hot blood, aren't you?
For while I am brilliant,it must be tested and impregnable.
I am brilliant, which has often been misconstrued as mad.
I would like the take the land of my recently widowed sister‐in‐law and nephews.
So much is laid at the church's feet, I sometimes fear they cannot see the congregation
for the dazzling riches they stack before them.
Let's not ruin the parties.
So your wife will not be happy, but I will, and that's all that matters.
It is a happy court, it seems.
Darling. Are you drunk yet?
I was noticing the unhappy nature of your bride.
She does not love me. Everyone else does, so the fault lies with her.
He needs to be cunt‐struck by you.
Um, should, should we go to the, um,
uh, library or the, the garden?
It is thrilling to break the rules, is it not?
You have caught my eye.
Oh, my God. You are trying to seduce me.
I am not well‐versed with women.
I was not good at seducing, and he was not good at understanding that he was being seduced.
We should also find you a lover.
I should take a lover?
You remain unhappy, I become
more and more angry, and then I kill you.
I don't want to kill you. You're not a bad person.
I could kill you. You are a bad person.
I like you. You're funny,
in a droll, despairing sort of way.
Please do not speak to me. I beg you.
It is something I am forgetting as I walk away from you. Good day.
I was thinking a small carriage accident, a suitable period of mourning, and onward to a new choice.
I could kill her and start again. Why is no one excited by this idea?
I suspect I will always need more, as I am a person who always needs more.
And if you're seeking flaws, I could also make a list of yours if it would aid you.
I've always said you're the smartest man in the kingdom.
She is smarter than I hoped.
You just have to try and control everyone, don't you?
I'm killing her, a carriage accident later in the week.
Your obvious unhappiness endangers you.
My nature and my station collided, that is all.
Everyone has their thing. Hers was cruelty.
I apologize if I have been of sour face lately.
No eyes, that one. To never see a naked woman or a deer in full fucking fight again. Still, he may fuck ugly women and be happy now.
The secret is to imagine your feet have wings on them.
To be true to my heart, apparently, I must be disingenuous with my face.
It is not a crime to lie to others, just to lie to one's self.
You perhaps thought the taking of an empire would be effortless.
What's the point in believing in something if you will not act for it?
I saw a small man and imagined something bigger.
You cannot just force everyone to just bend to your will, for externally they will, but inside, simmering discontent will rise, and may spew forth.
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thequeensofmemes · 4 years
The Great S01E01 Quotes
I overheard my father talking last night.
He said your father is a fool, that you have practically no money,
and that you'll soon lose everything.
I don't think that's true.
We had strawberries last night.
God, you are a child.
I am to be married!
Who would marry you?
Does this crazy man know your family situation?
They have bears.
They look cute.
You look taller in your portrait.
Send her back. Get me a tall one.
She's not another inbred, is she?
It wasn't mentioned.
I assure you, I am of sound mind, sir.
I wrote a letter?
We threw a little something together.
Your family, apparently, are fucked.
Wedding's at seven.
I have to get back to my whores. Horses. Horses.
Aren't you gorgeously optimistic?
She is a vision of radiance.
I must make my introduction.
Oh, God is a cruel master.
I saw soldiers on the road on my trip.
Oh shit, maybe we lost.
It's like the sun has floated into our court and exploded.
No, you don't talk, my love.
Let us hope my seed has found purchase.
Brief is often a relief.
The truth is, we do not know each other.
I will cut your throat.
I like it. Yes, that's better.
You are a witch.
You must break a lot of glasses.
I would not bury her. I could not bear the thought
of never seeing her.
Someone should work out what goes on
between a chap and his mother. There'd be money in that.
It may indeed be pleasant to have a wife.
How sweet you are. I could put you in my mouth
and you would dissolve.
I will be your dearest friend and confidante. You will need one.
Most of the women have tongues in the shape of a cat‐o'‐nine‐tails.
We cannot read.
Might I escort you to your apartments?
It was uncharacteristically clever of him.
Do not be boring
and have a peasant's morality.
Please, make your husband happy.
Is that not what you came here to do? Is it not hard, though, to share?
The decisions must weigh heavy.
You will bear my heirs. There is no higher use.
You are slow of mind and wit.
Will it stop you talking about dull things? And I jest, of course. Sort of.
My father won battles. He expanded the kingdom.
I make women happy. Sometimes they yelp like newborn puppies. It's a lovely thing.
Women are for seeding, not reading.
Man will never be free until the last king has been strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
Are you pregnant?
This is bigger than you and your happiness.
My father was in the military. He said that to some, war is merely a chess game, and to others, a horror of responsibility for the blood of men. Where do you fall on this?
There's no point owning these people if you can't use them as you wish.
If you had shown me an ounce of kindness, I was ready with a heart full of love.
I'm glad she's not alive to see this. Not that I'm glad she's dead. I'm not. Never. Sometimes. Just once.
Don't look at me like that. You're a disappointment to me, too.
You will die here in content old age, having given me many hours of pleasure and service, and many heirs. Boys, preferably.
This has never happened to a woman before.
What am I to do? Just live at someone else's whim?
Ever since I was a child, I felt like greatness was in store for me. A great life, I felt. Like God himself had spat me forth to land on this Earth and in some way transform it.That I was here for a reason, a purpose.
Why did He make you a woman, then?
For comedy, I guess.
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thequeensofmemes · 4 years
The Great Quotes
Maybe god speaks through me
You are dancing close to heresy
He does not love you, that is all
We just need some clear air together and you will love me and forgot him, probably in... a week?
You will one day look at this as a funny story to tell our children
You love me
My father used to say when a woman wants to kill you, you are in business
They have bears. I may get one. They look cute
You are playing a game on me
It is a game were we both win
I will go, it is safest for you
Anyone in this court could turn on you, including me
I did not drink, now I do. I did not kill, now I do. I did not hope... oh no, that is still the same
Be kind to him, he is a delicate soul
Did you just call me a dumb whore?
I more implied smart whore
I wish I'd been terrible
it is frustrating to wait outside the doors, isn't it?
You would rather witness their idiocy?
You need a lover, it will cheer you
Ever since I was a child, I felt like greatness was in store for me
It is a trick men are slow to learn, you ask
That noice, I have not heard it before, good or bad?
“n-fucking-believable, I’m about to cut your throat and you’re making jokes?
When I cut you heart out, I will have a look in and see if it was true.
Do I look happy?
I'd love a confident smile of inevitable victory, if you could
Why don't you fucking love me, by the way?
I workd the corridors of self-interet using what assets I have
I never thought being doomed would feel so pleasant
Women are for seeding, not reading
You seem to live by your own rules
It helps they think I'm mad
She gave me a twig
She's not another inbred, is she?
I have to get back to my whores...whor-ses...horses
Someone should work ot what goes on between a chap and his mother. There'd be money in that
You are the only person who has not loved me. It is inconceivable to me and says nothing good about you
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thequeensofmemes · 4 years
Into the Woods lyrics
Cinderella at the grave:
What is it that you wish, child?
Do you know what you wish?
Are you certain what you wish is what you want?
If you know what you want, then make a wish
Hello, little girl:
Hello, little girl
Tender and fresh
This one's especially lush
You're missing all the flowers
The sun won't set for hours
Take your time
The birds are singing sweetly
You'll miss the birds completely
Just one would be so boring
Look what you're ignoring
The cow as white as milk:
What are you doing here?
You forgot your scarf
You shouldn't be here, it's not safe!
I want to help
I know things now:
I should have headed her advice
He seemed so nice
He showed me things, many beautiful things
I had been so careful
I never had cared
He made me feel excited, well, excited and scared
With that sickening grin
How could I know what was in store?
Though, I really got scared
And you brought us to the light
And I know things now many valuable things that I hadn't known before
They will not protect you
The way that they should
And take extra care with strangers
Even flowers have their dangers
Nice is different than good
A very nice prince:
He's a very nice Prince
It's a very nice ball
Is he charming, they say that he's charming
We did nothing but dance
I don't meet a wide range
It's all very strange
Did I abuse her or show her disdain?
Why does she run from me?
If I should lose her how shall I regain the heart she has won from me?
When the one thing you want is the only thing out of your reach
Oh, the torture they teach!
Am I not sensitive, clever well-mannered, considerate passionate, charming as kind as I'm handsome?
You are everything maidens could wish for!
Is that girl must be mad!
You know nothing of madness
I must have her to wife
It takes two:
You've changed
You're daring
I thought one was enough
It takes patience and fear and despair
Let's hope the changes last
Stay with me:
Children should listen
What were you not to do
Why could you not obey
What would you have me be
I embarrass you
You are ashamed of me
You don't understand
I am no longer a child, I wish to see the world
Don't you know what's out there in the world
Someone has to shield you from the world
Princes wait there in the world, it's true, princes, yes, but wolves and
Who out there could love you more than I
What out there that I cannot supply
The world is dark and wild
Stay a child while you can be a child
On the steps of the palace:
He's a very smart Prince
He's a Prince who prepares
I'm caught unawares
Well it means that he cares
This is more than just malice
Better stop and take stock
All right what do you want
Why not stay and be caught
But then what if he knew who I am when I know
I'm not what he thinks
So then which do you pick
Where you're safe, out of sight and yourself, but where everything's wrong
You know that you'll never belong
It's my first big decision
The choice isn't easy to make
It's fun to deceive when you know you can leave
There's a lot that's at stake
You've stalled long enough
Better run along home
At home they don't care
I know what my decision is which is not to decide
Careful my toe:
It'll have to go
Why won't it fit?
You'll have such a life
It's a perfect fit
Any moment:
May I kiss you?
Any moment we could be crushed
This is ridiculous
What am I doing here?
Right and wrong don't matter in the woods
Life is often so unpleasant
Moments in the woods:
What was that?
Was that me?
Was that him?
Am I mad?
Back to life, back to sense
Let the moment go
Your fault:
But it isn't my fault
Oh, and tell us who persuaded you to steal that gold
Then whose is it?
You were greedy!
She went and dared me to!
You're responsible!
You're the one to blame!
It's your fault!
Last midnight:
Doesn't matter how
Anyway, it doesn't matter now
Nothing we can do
No, of course what really matters is the blame, someone you can blame
Fine, if that's the thing you enjoy
You're all liars and thieves
Like his father, like his son will be, too
No one is alone:
Now you're on your own
No one is alone
Who knows what she'd say?
Who can say what's true?
People make mistakes
You decide what's right, you decide what's good
Someone is on your side
Children will listen:
Sometimes people leave you
No one leaves for good
Things will be all right now
Children will listen
Careful before you say "Listen to me"
Careful the wish you make
Wishes are children
Careful the path they take
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
Random Quotes
You're rearranging deck chairs on the titanic, my friend
We can do whatever sins we want! There's no god here to observe this
The man who sleeps with a machete is a fool every night but one
You cannot kill me in a way that matters
Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing
Am I supposed to be gratful to have survived this?
But who prays for satan? Who has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?
You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit
Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show
In a sense, I'm the one who ruined me: I did it myself
I'm drowning and you're three feet away screaming: "Learn how to swim"
You've seen my descent now watch my rising
She was just another broken doll, dreaming of a boy with glue
A golden cage is still a cage
Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness
How many centuries deep is you wound?
Being against evil doesn't make you good
Know the rules well so you can break them effectively
You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering
Sad brids still sing
I heard a woman becomes herself the first time she speaks without permission then, every word out of her mouth a riot
They say a woman's first blood doesn't come from between her legs but from biting her tongue
More good women have been lost to marrige than to war, famine, disease and disaster. You have talent, darling, don't squander it
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
Randome CAOS Quotes
I restore to you your full witch abilities.
So now, my dear, you have both power and freedom. And may you never give up either again.
Our bond is eternal. Our bond is unbreakable.
Had to fight off a giant squid for it, but anything for you.
I'm not the one who stabbed your familiar to death and left you with blue balls.
I plumbed the depths of their tiny minds, plucking all sorts of juicy tidbits.
Every avalanche begins with a snowflake.
I'm done being a coward.
The witches are coming.
You're only supposed to start missing things after you've said goodbye to them, right?
Button your lip or I will do it for you, literally.
Who doesn't enjoy a good scare every now and again? Especially this time of year.
Give me their names and I'll make sure they stop talking about anything. Permanently.
It's just terrible when teenagers slip into comas, isn't it?
Everything has a price.
It's not a tornado that's coming. It's something much much worse.
He said that his dream was that my dreams came true.
My soul is who I am, and I signed it away.
I'm not proud of it but I was arrested for trying to blow up the Vatican.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Who would do such a thing?
Can someone explain why it looks like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre has been nailed to our door?
I’m looking for someone. Not you.
You’ve opened Pandora’s Box.
Why do you have to be such a warlock slut all the time?
Are you going to do something here?
She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard.
All women are taught to fear power. Own it.
What’s happened? Did the Grinch get to you? Or the Dark Lord, perhaps?
Please don't ever do that again. Use magic with me. Or on me, or near me. Never again.
Familiars are goblins who have taken on the shape of animals to better serve their witch masters. There’s nothing human about them.
In the Satanic Bible, there’s no mention of the world being destroyed.
You are powerless, my love. You’ll be like a lamb to the slaughter!
Somehow, against all odds, there remains a hope in Hell.
Your every choice you have ever made has led you here. I've made quite sure of that.
Why can't people just be nice to me?
I'm never going to eat another vegetable again.
My father charged me with protecting this Academy, and that's what we're going to do.
I am evil.
What would you say to frog's legs for dinner?
Can't we just have pizza?
And since when do you wear black? Trying to be edgy, are you?
How do you feel about wearing a costume while you’re working here?
I want freedom and power.
He’s a man, isn’t he?
And what time will we be spellcasting?
I'm leaving my girlhood behind.
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
A Chorus Line Lyrics
Feel free to change pronouns accordingly
I Hope I Get It:
Facing away from the mirror.
From the top.
I hope I get it.
How many people does he need?
Look at all the people!
At all the people.
I really need this job.
I've got to get this job.
I really blew it!
How could I do a thing like that?
I'll never make it!
He doesn't like the way I look.
I knew he liked me all the time.
Still it isn't over.
What's coming next?
It isn't over.
What happens now?
I can't imagine what he wants.
That is a picture of a person I don't know.
At The Ballet:
Daddy always thought that he married beneath him
That's what he said, that's what he said.
When he proposed he informed my mother he was probably her very last chance.
She married him.
Life with my dad wasn't ever a picnic more like a "come as you are."
When I was five I remember my mother dug earrings out of the car.
It wasn't something you'd want to discuss.
He wasn't warm, well, not to her, well, not to us
Everything was beautiful at ballet
I was happy at the ballet.
It wasn't paradise but it was home.
Mother always said I'd be very attractive when I grew up, when I grew up.
"Diff'rent" is nice, but it sure isn't pretty.
"Pretty" is what it's about.
Every prince has got to have his swan.
Everyone is beautiful at the ballet.
I don't know what they were for or against, really, except each other.
I was born to save their marriage
When my father came to pick my mother up at the hospital he said: "Well, I thought this was going to help. But I guess it's not."
I used to dance around the living room.
I could never really sing
It really blows my mind
She gets depressed
But what I lack in pitch I sure make up in power.
Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love:
It's a mess
Time to go
Too young to take over too old to ignore
Gee, I'm almost ready
That's the story of my life
I spent my whole childhood waiting to grow
My whole life was a secret
I dug right down to the bottom of my soul
I felt nothing except the feeling that this bullshit was absurd!
They called me "Hopeless"
And I cried 'cause I felt... nothing.
The Music And The Mirror:
Let me wake up in the morning to find I have somewhere exciting to go.
To have something that I can believe in.
To have something to be.
Choose me.
Help me return to the world of the living by showing me how to begin.
Play the music.
I'll do you proud.
Throw me a rope to grab on to.
Dance: Ten; Looks: Three:
Didn't cost a fortune neither
Beggars really can't be choosers
Keep the best of you, do the rest of you
Pits or class
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do
You know you'll never be lonely with you-know-who
One moment in her presence and you can forget the rest
The girl is second best to none
She walks into a room and you know she's uncommonly rare, very unique
Can't get enough!
She's the one!
What I Did for Love:
Kiss today goodbye
I can't regret what I did for love
Look my eyes are dry
I won't forget what I did for love
Love is never gone
As we travel on love's what we'll remember
Point me toward tomorrow
We did what we had to do
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
Six Lyrics
Ex wives:
Listen up, let me tell you a story a story that you think you've heard before
We know you know our names
Know all about the glories and the disgraces
History's about to get overthrown
Get ready for the truth
All you ever hear and read about is our ex and the way it ended
Tonight we gonna do ourselves justice
Was married 24 years
I'm a paragon of royalty
Why did I lose my head?
When my son was newly born I died
Lock up your husbands
Lock up your sons
I saw him to the end of his life
I bet you wanna know how I got this far
I said, I bet you wanna know
No way:
There's no way
In all the time I've been by your side I've never lost control
And even though you've had your fun running around with some pretty young thing I didn't say a word
You must think that I'm crazy
You wanna replace me?
If you think for a moment I'd grant you annulmen
So you read a Bible verse that I'm cursed 'cause I was your brothers wife
Daughters are so easy to forget
If you thought it'd be funny to send me to a nunnery honey, there's no way
Please tell me what you think I've done wrong
If you can just explain asingle thing I've done to cause you pain, I'll go
I'm not going away
Don't Lose Ur Head:
I wanna dance and sing
You should try and get ahead!
I'll think about it maybe
You're living with his wife?
Like, what was I meant to do?
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said I'm just trying to have some fun
Don’t lose your head
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
If you wanna be wed make up your mind!
Somebody hang you
Way to make the country hate you!
Tried to elope
___ out every night on the town just sleeping around like "What the hell?"
If that's how it's gonna be maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three
You damned witch
And now he's going 'round like "Off with her head!"
What was I meant to do?
What was she meant to do?
Heart of Stone:
You've got a good heart but I know it changes
You'd lift me high, or let me fall
You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable
When the fire's burnt when the wind has blown when the water's dried you'll still find stone
When I say you're the only one I've ever loved I mean those words truthfully
I know, without my son our love could disappear
Soon I'll have to go
I'll never see him grow
But I hope my son will know be'll never be alone
'Cause like a river runs dry and leaves its scars behind I'll be by your side
Haus of Holbein:
But which one will it be?
No one wants a waist over nine inches
So what, the makeup contains lead poison? At least your complexion will bring all the boys in
Ignore the fear and you'll be fine
We must make sure the princesses look great when their time comes for a portrait
Get Down:
Sittin’ here all alone on a throne in a palace that I happen to own
Fill my goblet up to the brim
I wanna go hunting, any takers?
You said that I tricked ya cause I, I didn’t look like my profile picture
I’m the queen of the castle
Get down, you dirty rascal
When I get bored I go to court
All You Wanna Do:
I think we can all agree I'm the ten amongst these threes
Ever since I was a child I'd make the boys go wild
We spent hours strumming the lute, striking the chords and blowing the flute
Tell me what you need what you want
I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me
And maybe this is it he just cares so much it feels legit
We have a connection
I think this guy is different
All you wanna do, baby's touch me, love me can't get enough
All you wanna do, baby's please me
Run your fingers through my hair
Tell me I'm the fairest of the fair
Gets what he wants and he won't take no
Passion in all that he touches
He even let me use his favourite quill
Still I came back the next day as he required
You see, I'm all you needa ll you want, you don't need to plead
I know, this is it he just cares so much this one's legit
I'm sure this time is different
You can't wait a second more to get my corset on the floor
Yeah, that didn't work out
I decided to have a break from boys
You'll never guess who I met
He swears it's true that without me he doesn't know what he'd do
I'm finally where I'm meant to be
He cares so much, he calls me 'love'
I guess it's not so different
There's no time for when or how 'cause you've just got to have me now
So we got married.
His temper's short and his mates are sleazy
The royal life isn't what I planned
Why did I think he'd be different
It's never, ever different
When will wnough be enough?
I Don't Need Your Love:
I'll miss you every day
I wish that I could stay with you
I'm holding back the tears tonight
I have built a future in my mind with you
There's nothing left for me to do
I don't need your love
Been a wife twice before, just to survive
It's what I have to do
I am not your toy, to enjoy till there's something new
There's nothing left to discuss
But it's time for us to rise above
He got down on one knee but I said "No way!"
___ sent me a poem
We're one of a kind
I'll do that until I die
It's the end of the show
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
The Swan Princess Lyrics
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This is my idea:
I can't believe I'm stuck with her all summer
I'll be she doesnt wrestle, hunt or box
He looks conceited
What a total bummer
If I get lucky I'll get chicken pox
So happy you could come
So happy to be here
How I'd like to run
This isn't my idea of fun
The children seem to get along quite nicely
We'll join our lands if this arrangement clicks
That's my point precisely
It's such good parenting
So happy we agree
I think we've got a deal
This is my idea of a match
Good heavens, child, don't dawdle we can't keep ___ waiting
I haven't packed or washed my hair and ___ I get seasick
She soon will be arriving
Is that respect you're showing
You make me kiss her hand again I swear I'm gonna be sick
One day Prince ___ will be her intended
We've tried all summer but we just can't lose her
You'd think she'd take a hint a learn to read
This really isn't fair
We really couldn't care
Long before they met ___ and ___ were destined to be wedded
She tries to talk me into playing dress-up
She's always flirting with the castle guards
I think you really sorta like her, 'fess up
I'd like her better if she'd lose at cards
I think I've won again
We need a royal wedding
I'd love to be invited
At least we'd get a holiday to rest our ploughs and axes
Someday these two will marry two lands will be united
For as long as I remember we've been told we'd someday wed
All their pushing and annoying hints
I've got bruises with their fingerprints
I can do much better I am sure
He's so immature
I see him smiling and my knees start buckling
I see inside him and my doubts are gone
She started out as such an ugly duckling and somehow suddenly became a swan
This is my idea of love
Practice, Practice, Practice:
This masquerade is more than I can bear
There goes my reputation
It's awful, this humiliation
He's not happy 'til he has attacked us
If we refused then he would have sacked us
Far Longer Than Forever:
I'd run to him today
Somehow I know he's on his way to me
I'll hold you in my heart
It's almost like you're here with me
I close my eyes and I am where you are
I've made an everlasting vow to find a way to you
I'll never be alone
No Fear:
Were off on a mission
There's danger around us
Try your luck
How bout a kiss for luck?
No choice
Were heading for disaster!
Princesses on Parade:
Every single princess on the planet prayed to be invited to the ball
Most would swim the moat to be here
Rumour is that at this joyous scene tonight the prince will might be choosing his future queen tonight
Each enjoy a royal pedigree
Each a remarkable maid
This is the likely occasion when the heir to the throne picks a wife
Where have you been all my life?
Each the pride of her community
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
Mulan II Lyrics
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Like Other Girls:
The life of a princess from her birth is well-defined, she must humbly serve her country, play the parts shes been assigned
She guards the hopes of her people weak and mighty, rich and poor
Who could ever ask for more?
I wanna be like other girls
To be free like other girls get to be
To slouch when i sit
To eat a whole cake
No escorts, no manners, no nursemaids, no worries,no hands folded perfect, like holding a lily
To speak for myself, to sing way off key
Marry someone I've met, who loves me for me
I wanna be like other girls, climb up a tree like other girls can
Lesson Number One:
One alone is not enoug
You must stand firm
Cut quick like my blade
Think fast
You're still out of balance.
You're only halfway there.
It's okay to be afraid.
You need both together.
Girl Woth Fighting For:
Suck in your gut there's a girl worth fighting for!
I think she wants us to come over!
My girl will laugh at all my jokes, but tell it to me straight!
She'll rub my head when I get sick-
And let me pick off of her plate!
He'd really better just propose quick!
Well I have to say based on today I'm cranky.
I'll just spend my life with you two.
Pass the hanky.
Wish that I had a girl worth fighting for!
I would be true to a girl worth fighting
I'd even kiss you for a girl worth fighting for
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
Mulan Lyrics
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Honor to Us All:
Well, honey, I've seen worse
We're going to turn this sow's ear into a silk purse
We'll have you washed and dried pimped and polished till you glow with pride
You'll bring honor to us all
When we're through boys will gladly go to war for you
A girl can bring her family great honor in one way by striking a good match
Men want girls with good taste, calm, obedient, who work fast-paced with good breeding and a tiny waist
We all must serve our ___
When we're through you can't fail
How could any fellow say "no sale"
There, you're ready
Not yet
Even you can't blow it
Help me not to make a fool of me and to not uproot my family tree, keep my father standing tall
Scarier than the undertaker
We are meeting our matchmaker
Guard our girls
Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride or a perfect daughter
Can it be I'm not meant to play this part
If I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart
Who is that girl I see staring straight, back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don't know
I cannot hide who I am though I've tried
When will my reflection show who I am inside
I'll Make a Man Out of You:
Let's get down to business
Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met
You can bet before we're through, I'll make a man out of you
Once you find your center, you are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man out of you
I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim
We must be swift as the coursing river with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man out of you?
A Girl Worth Fighting For:
For a long time we've been marching off to battle
We feel a lot like cattle
Our aching feet aren't easy to ignore
I want her paler than the moon with eyes that shine like stars
My girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars
I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like it all depends on what she cooks like
Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer
I'll bet the ladies love a man in armor
You can guess what we have missed the most since we went off to war
What do we want?
My girl will think I have no faults that I'm a major find
How 'bout a girl who's got a brain who always speaks her mind?
He thinks he's such a lady killer
I've a girl back home who's unlike any other
The only girl who'd love him is his mother
When we come home in victory they'll line up at the door
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thequeensofmemes · 5 years
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Lyrics
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"The Bells of Notre Dame":
The fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakes to the big bells as loud as the thunder, to the little bells soft as a psalm
And some say the soul of the city is the toll of the bells
Dark was the night when our tale was begun
They gazed up in fear and alarm
He longed to purge the world of vice and sin and he saw corruption everywhere except within
See there the innocent blood you have spilt
Now you would add this child's blood to your guilt
You can lie to yourself and your minions
You can claim that you haven't a qualm
And for one time in his live of power and control he felt a twinge of fear for his immortal soul
Even this foul creature may yet prove one day to be of use to me
Who is the monster and who is the man
"Out There":
The world is cruel
The world is wicked
It's I alone whom you can trust in this whole city
I am your only friend
I who keep you, teach you, feed you, dress you
I who look upon you without fear
How can I protect you, boy, unless you always stay in here
These are crimes for which the world shows little pity
Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer
Do as I say
All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone
All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day not above them but part of them
Give me one day out there
Like ordinary men who freely walk about there
"Topsy Turvy":
Come one, come all!
It's the day for breaking rules
It's the day the devil in us gets released
It's the day we mock the prig and shock the priest
Join the bums and thieves and strumpets
Hurry, hurry, here's your chance
Now's the time we laugh until our sides get sore
"God Help the Outcasts":
They tell me I am just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you...
I see your face, and wonder, were you once an outcast too?
God help the outcasts, hungry from birth.
Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth.
I ask for nothing, I can get by, but I know so many less lucky than I.
God help the outcasts, the poor and downtrod.
I don't know if there's a reason; why some are blessed, some not.
God help the outcasts, the tattered, the torn.
Seeking an answer to why they were born.
Winds of misfortune have blown them about.
You made the outcasts, don't cast them out.
I thought we all were the children of God.
You know I am a righteous man of my virtue I am justly proud
You know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
Then tell me, why I see her dancing there, why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul
This burning desire is turning me to sin
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
It's not my fault if in God's plan he made the devil so much stronger than a man
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
Let her taste the fires of hell
Let her be mine and mine alone
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn
God have mercy on her
God have mercy on me
But she will be mine or she will burn!
"A Guy Like You":
That's because it's on fire
Her heart is also alight
You're a surprise from every angle
You've got a certain something more
Call me a hopeless romantic
Any moment she'll walk through that door
She's gotta love a guy like you!
"The Court of Miracles":
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place called the Court of Miracles
But the dead don't talk so you won't be around to reveal what you've found
We have a method for spies and intruders rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
We like to get the trial over with quickly because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Any last words?
That's what they all say.
Now that we've seen all the evicence
Wait! I object!
We find you totally innocent which is the worst crime of all so you're going to hang!
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