I love you! I don't belong here! I am sorry and good-bye (so soon as the way out is sorted!)
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Re-reading books - gauging life & outlook changes via literature.
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Now entering total social withdrawal mode. Please send help, or don't.
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Beautiful & meaningless & tiresome brigade #1
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Paintin’ blocks on sale for $30. Coupon movingagain2015 still good. Link in profile, y'all, and thank you for all of your support ❤️ (at Downtown Lafayette)
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Moving again, which means I have a bunch of art I’d love to find new homes for. Coupon code movingagain2015 gets you 15% off. Check out the mixed bag deal, too! ❤️ (at Maison Rousse)
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Thomas Cooper Gotch . The Lantern Parade. 1918
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Yup. Beckett .
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The confederate flag is the “heritage” of a collection of states that built their wealth upon the back of chattel slavery.
The brutal oppression of Black slaves built the economy and power of the white elite in the south.
The desire to maintain that power structure is what the confederate flag represents.
I am a proud southerner because of the rich culture of food, the appreciation of taking your time, a commitment to hospitality.
I’m a proud Black Southerner because my family is strong. We’ve faced the deepest oppression and still stand tall.
The confederate flag does not represent my pride nor my South. It represents something nasty and vicious. It is violent and oppressive. No ifs ands or buts about it.
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I have everything I need.
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i become so ashamed of the aggressive parts of myself that I push them away and internalize them but that’s what the clawing in my chest is I guess
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Hopeful this will make things better but more certain it will make things worse.
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“I would say, ‘Is there anything I can do?’—but Skip once told me that that was the most hateful and stupid expression in the English language.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Sirans of Titan (via jonanabandana)
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Oh-oh, darling, please believe me
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