therahq-blog · 5 years
hello my loves !  i missed roleplaying with all of you & if you’re reading this / still interested in joining us in our brand new group ,  you can find us here .  if you’re keen to join ,  i’m looking forward to writing with you again !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
hello, lovelies ! it saddens me deeply to write a post like this so soon into our story, but i’m sure it had been expected from at least some of our players. a couple of reasons have led us to this choice, but right now we believe it might be the best choice to close down the group. we had many plans for therahq, several plot drops with pandora making a mess, but with how few active players we have at this point and the busy schedule of the admins, we’ve decided it is best to place the group on a long term hiatus. we’ve very sorry for such decision, and we hope everyone in the roleplay can see why we’ve taken such measure. thank you so much for the short yet wonderful time we had here, and we’ll see you guys in the future !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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hello , lovelies ! i have no social life so i’m home on a saturday night , so why don’t you send some question or even apps my way ? we’d love to have you & your muse(s) join our fam !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
hellooo my lovelies, i'm going to be super busy over the next couple weeks & i rly dont think i'll have the time to be around & be active and i dont want to take up spots if i'm not going to be around, and with a heAVY HEART imma ask that y'all please unfollow :((( i will FOR SURE be back once my schedule gets less hectic but i just cant find the time rn rippp i luv u all
we’ll miss you, love & you are always welcome to come back whenever you have the time ♥ everyone please unfollow !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
                                                 。   ✩   ゚ activity check .
unfollow .
warnings .
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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      i apologize for my absence , but i had to travel from the city i go to uni back home to my family . i’ll be around while i get settled , if anyone has any questions or apps for me & i’ll get to my replies very soon , as well !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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      +1 new wanted connection has been added to the list !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
     everyone please follow  !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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      welcome to santorini celeste kwon .  jennie kim is now taken ,  please report to the headquarters with your account within the next  twelve  hours ,  if you happen to need more time let us know  ! 
❛   。   ✩   ゚ is that really ( jennie kim ) ? no wait , it’s just ( celeste kwon ) , that ( twenty one ) year old ( unemployed person ) , who is a ( visitor ) . i heard they’re very ( comical & idiosyncratic ) , but still ( juvenile & egocentric ) . most people recognize them by ( designer shoes, midnight pizza, and spontaneous kisses ) & i can’t wait to see what pandora digs up about ( her ) !  [ piper, she/her, est ]
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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      aye there tag lurkers ,  i’ll be heading to bed ,  but feel free to check us out .  pandora  will soon be contacting everyone ,  so stay tuned  !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
anonymous asked :  are yall active
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      if you are looking for a very fast-paced group , then this one might not be for you . the dash is flowing , but it definitely is not overwhelming & you can surely keep up . i’m very proud that we have such dedicated members that they get online almost every day to do their replies & plot ♥
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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      +1 new connection has been added to the list ! 
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therahq-blog · 5 years
I hate to do this, but I think I am going to leave the rp. The admins are fantastic, the members are fantastic, and I feel so bad about this especially to everyone I plotted with, but I just have no desire to rp lately at all and with the next few weeks being busy, I won't have time either, so it's just better if I leave now. Maybe I will come back when I get the urge to rp again, but I wish everyone the best of luck and thank you for having me here while you did!
we wish you all the best , love & you are welcome to come back whenever you like , of course . everyone please unfollow !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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good morning , guys ! i have my last exam today ( woohoo it was about time ) & then i’ll finally be able to enjoy some vacation time ! i’ll be lurking all day while i revise , so why don’t you check us out ? we’d love to have you join our fam !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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      so my loves ,  i will be going to bed very soon ,  but i’m still  excited  to see what will happen now that pandora made her first move .  make sure to check us out ,  we would be more than happy to have you joining the fam  !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
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1 a.m. ,  soul by splash bar .
     the area is closed off with police tape ,  the k9 german shepherds have been searching for two hours ,  but there is no sign of a bomb . all the civilians’ belongings are gathered into big black boxed  & are sent to the 1st precinct to be processed  &  then returned to their rightful owners .
7 a.m. ,  1st precinct .
many hours have gone by without any updates from the police ,  but police lieutenant michael papadopoulos is finally ready to make a statement to the media .
     “ ladies  &  gentlemen ,  i promise i will be short ,  but i would like to have your undivided attention . thankfully ,  there was no bomb at the area last night ,  though i’m afraid that’s where the good news end . at 3 a.m in the morning , a security breach was spotted by our systems ,  but until our technicians could isolate the virus  &  determine where it came from , it was unfortunately too late . an unkown subject used stolen credentials  & with the use of a high tech device ,  possibly compromised all the devices that were present in the room . while the system was rebooting ,  the perpetrator also put the cctv cameras on a loop ,  so we have no footage available at the moment . an alarming text with a link was sent to all devices ,  but we urge you to stay calm  & let the appropriate authorities handle the situation . an active investigation has opened  &  we assure you that justice will be served . i won’t be answering any questions at this point ,  thank you  ! ”
8 a.m. ,  1st precinct.
     everyone can pick up their belongings from the front desk ,  after signing a confidential form . the text’s link can be found bellow: xopandora
threads based on the first plot drop can continue indefinitely ,  but event-themed threads should be wrapped up  !
please like if you’ve read this  !
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therahq-blog · 5 years
anonymous  asked :  wheres the plotdrop
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      i was finishing it up ,  love .  it will be up in a few minutes  !  if you are referring to the first part ,  you can find it  here .
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