“Because it wasn’t you, not entirely. You said it yourself– you were feeling someone else’s anger. King Sebastian is thoroughly adored by his people, how many people can say they hate such a man as he? Definitely not you,” Winnie reasoned as she leaned against the bars. Oh how she wish she could hold her sister’s hand as she recounted the things she had done to her own husband. “I know there is something more to this, and soon there will be others that will know once they look past their initial shock. There will be people that will want to find the whole truth; it’s what Sebastian would want.”
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“In any way, it doesn’t matter, not to the people who wholly believe I committed treason. It’s the adoration that has handed me here to begin with.” Mia’s life is spinning out of control right in front of her very eyes and there was nothing to be done to prevent it. One surprise came after another and if it was not Sebastian’s fate as well as her role, it was the pregnancy discovery. The princess thought it best to leave out that part to her sister for now. “And what then, Winny? Say the problem is solved and I am released. My Queenship will not matter and I still will have lost the love of my life knowing I cannot scrub his blood from my hands. This, everything, shall forever taint me.”
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Emlyn reached through the bars once again to take the cup, filling it again with water. She felt a stress fall off her shoulders knowing that nothing more than inadequate food had befallen Amelia. Emlyn knew that Tobias wouldn’t let entirely heinous things happen to her, but he can’t watch her 24/7. Passing the cup once more through the bars, Em leaned up against them; watching the girl closely. “Andrew is distraught. He’s trying so hard to hold it together for the sake of the kingdom. Both of them,” Emlyn sighed. She wants to be with him, but she can’t leave until she finds out what happened. He would want her to stay for as long as possible to ensure that both of his sisters are safe when he cannot. “He wishes so much to be here for you.”
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Amelia’s hand immediately shot out for the cup and she once again drank every drop of liquid contained at the bottom before giving a nod of gratitude. “It’s so like Drew to play the protective older brother. I always found it an annoyingly endearing trait of his. I’ve told him time and time again he carries around too much and...you know the stubbornness well.” Growing up alongside that man was not a cakewalk, but she loved him. “Emlyn, you have to promise me you will get Winona out of that cell and free from this kingdom. No matter how hard she fights to remain where she is, no matter how loud she protests, sweep her away. It isn’t right she’s here when she has done nothing wrong.” Pressing her back against the wall, Mia placed a hand along her stomach. “There’s something else too and I’m afraid it only makes this far worse.” God, she could feel the shame all over again. “Em, I’m with child.”
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Emlyn stuck to the shadows as she walked down the winding corridors, making sure she hid as people walked by. Even though she knew most of the people that worked within the castle, she didn’t want to provoke them even further just because of who she was. She wouldn’t risk it for Amelia, Winnie, and Tobias. Of course they put Amelia in the farthest, darkest cell they could, but that helped with Emlyn keeping her anonymity as she walked closer to the cell. As she heard Mia’s voice call out into the darkness, there was a small smile that pulled at her lips. “Ever so commandeering, Amelia,” Emlyn said as lighthearted as she could as she pushed a cup brimmed with water towards the other woman, her brows furrowing with concern, “have you been harmed in any way?”
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Amelia was about to come to the point of completely giving up and returning to her pacing until night came. In fact, the minute she turned on her heel and took a few paces away from the door, Emlyn’s voice came through from the other side. It was only a moment the blonde realized she wasn’t imagining it. “I know that sarcastic tongue.” Mia practically ran over to the door and seeing Em’s familiar face, grabbed the cup and practically chugged down the water. “Never thought water could taste so amazing in all my life, by the gods.” Emptying the last couple drops of liquid, Amelia rested her gaze along her sister-in-law’s expression. “Besides the poor lack of distasteful food, I’m alright. How is Andrew?”
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Winona hung onto every word her sister said, the confusion and pain that her sister radiated almost suffocating her, but Winnie held on. She needed to be the stronger of the two of them right now; she needed to be the shoulder that held the burdens that her sister was before. “You do love him, Amelia,” Winnie let out in a harsh whisper, anger at the situation brimming to the surface, “that sort of love doesn’t just die along with Sebastian. I know you didn’t mean to do this– I know you. You may have been the knife, but you were not the hand that was behind it. Someone played you– played us all.”
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“And yet, love did not stop me from causing him and the faction he adored from a world of pain.” Amelia tried piecing together that night from start to finish and there were gapes in her memory. Did Sebastian say something to set her off and she reacted in a blinding rage? “I held that dagger in my hand, Winnie, I gripped it as tight as I could and-” She couldn’t finish the statement. Mia knew what happened, she replayed the scene until she knew every bit by heart. “None of it makes even a lick of sense. There is more to this...I just know it.”
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Winnie smiled sardonically, her head leaning against the cold door, “I think you know better than anyone else that if something bad wanted to amble my way, it would have. I’m a magnet for it.” Her smile faded when she heard the cadence difference of Mia’s voice, then a frown took place as she made her confession. What was she supposed to say to someone who had done something that they didn’t understand. “You killed… Sebastian?” Winona echoed, confusion ringing in her voice, “I don’t understand– why would you do something like that?”
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“You cannot imagine how many times I believed our family cursed. We each have our own rotten luck.” Amelia understood where her sister was coming from. For the past year, the royal werewolf family shared their woes as each carried heavier baggage. “I was not certain if he was dead, yet, my gut knows.” She shook her head. “I do not know, but it wasn’t me. There was this voice in my head urging me to do such a thing and,” Mia was at a loss for words trying to explain what she experienced. “I was feeling someone else’s anger, Winona, someone else’s hatred. I love him, you know that I did.”
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Amelia paced back and forth along the confines of her cell, finding that there was not much else to do other than grow lost in her thoughts and she’d rather not sort through those for the hundredth time. Sebastian, her family, the baby, Sebastian, her family, the baby, on a constant loop replaying without anything else to stop it. The blonde finally ceased where she stood, inching over to the door slowly as she tried to peak through the bars. “Can anyone please bring me a glass of water?” Mia waited for any answer and sighed. “Hello?”
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Winnie heard Amelia’s voice, and her face fell. If she was with her, then something truly did happen to Sebastian. Shifting uncomfortably onto the floor next to the door so she could hear Mia better, Winona shifted her night gown just a little more tightly around her. “I am fine. Nothing more than a little rough handling on the way down here,” she answered honestly, the reality of the situation sinking in, “and you? Our situation does not bode well if you are down here with me…”
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Amelia partially turned and leaned against the concrete stone wall just next to the door, her eyes lifting to the ceiling as if she could see what was occurring just upstairs. “Never better. I shouldn’t have brought you here, none of this would be happening if not for me.” Making certain to give herself a stiff upper lip for the sake of her sister, she released a shaky sigh. “I killed him, Winona. Sebastian’s gone and I-” Her vision suddenly blurred and Mia wiped at the tears threatening to streak her cheeks. “Something else entirely came over me and it was just...it was like waking from a nightmare only to find myself still in another.”
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Her mother would have been proud of her; Winnie didn’t cry, didn’t beg to be released. Simply sat, knowing there was nothing about the situation she could change. However, during that time, she had come to a conclusion: it wasn’t her family that was cursed. It was her. It was the only thing during the three instances of extremely bad luck that shared a common denominator. She had seen her parents die before her. She had attacked Samuel. She had been in the kingdom when Sebastian died. How befitting of a bad omen, she mused, to be sealed away in the darkness. Only the shuffling outside of her cell somewhere had her eyes trying to focus in the dimness, despite her acute sight. “Who’s there?” Winnie ventured. Not knowing what to expect exactly on the other side.
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How did she come to be in a circumstance such as this? In pitch dark, alone, afraid, but still fighting with everything she had. Amelia tried prying news from the guards who brought her the feeble platters they called a meal without much success. No one told her what was going on upstairs, what her brother planned to do, the state of the kingdoms. A familiar voice pulled Mia from her thoughts, and although someone did mention Winona was also captured, hearing her sister speak still caught her off-guard. “Winny?” Mia shuffled over to the door, pausing a moment to press her ear to the surface and leaning back. “Winny, are you alright?”
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A Light in the Dark // self-para
Silence, nothing but a deafening silence and the putrid stench of human misery. Most who were brought to the dungeons, betrayers of the crown and the worst of the worst, lived lifetimes in the poorest of conditions and died here without anyone giving a care in the world. No windows to allow even the slimmest of light in, cold drafts to chill one to the bone, cruel guards...this was no place for a Queen.
Amelia spent the time ever since she was locked away huddled in one of the cell’s corners with nothing to occupy herself but her thoughts, sleeping the first few nights in her ruined wedding gown, which only served as a reminder of what she did, before being given a shapeless chemise dress that was closer to a sack than proper clothing. His blood, coating her hands, his blood, coating the dagger’s blade. She replayed the night that was meant to be their first as a married couple but had been warped into an assassination. Why? That is the question she couldn’t stop asking herself. Why did she do it? Why did she draw a weapon against her husband and commit the most heinous of acts? Mia remembered, in that moment, feeling as if she no longer had control over her own body. That she was watching someone else holding that knife. And Sebastian, her Sebastian. The weight of the world crushed her chest with a loss not felt since she lost her parents when she woke up with his name leaving her lips. Amelia’s heart was ripped out every time she thought of him, not knowing whether he survived or otherwise, but never giving herself the glimmer of hope when she knew he had to be dead. There was no use when she saw how many stabs were administered. That was it...he was gone.
Amelia had been nauseous for a time, but the illness continued even after being placed within the prison so it wasn’t chalked up to simply wedding nerves. Depending on who was asked, that was either due to Sebastian’s demise or guilt for the crime. It mattered little what others thought anyway considered they suspected her of treason. Still, the court physician’s presence was requested to ensure she did not perish from what it is that ailed the werewolf before a trial was certain to be set. This doctor, an older gentleman with peppering gray hair and a caring disposition, found Mia sitting on the poor excuse for a dingy mattress when he gingerly opened the cell’s door with a loud creak. The sound immediately sent the blonde’s head snapping in that direction, making her flinch. “Who are you?”
The man mustered a small smile, quickly closing the gated barrier and stepping further into the room with caution. “You have nothing to fear from me, Your Highness. My name is Nathaniel.” Mia weakly scoffed at the statements, “I hardly believe titles are warranted any longer. I may be a princess still, but I am far from your queen. Amelia.” Nathaniel nodded once respectively. “I am a doctor, Amelia, I do not see titles. I only see patients in need of care when required and I have heard it is so in your case.” Walking over to the only piece of furniture prisoners were permitted, a small table, he placed the bag carrying the medical necessities on the flat surface. “The guards tell me you have not been able to keep your breakfast down, yes? And no other symptoms?”
Mia shifted uncomfortably where she sat, casting a small glance in the direction of the chamber pot used for such matters and shivered. This wasn’t the type of conversation a royal typically has, but the man was the first contact she had in what seemed like weeks. “That’s correct.” Nathan paused to give it a thought as he pulled various items from the bag. “How often is it happening? At every meal, once in a while, or in the evening?” He questioned, giving Mia enough time to respond, “That is what I find so peculiar, to be honest. It isn’t occurring at any time of day or meal other than during breakfast and that is if I manage to have an appetite. It’s only the morning when I awake.”
Nathan perked up and slightly turned around to face the woman, “Just the morning?” Something told him the King and Amelia could not wait until their wedding night to consummate the marriage, not that it was his business to pry on that notion. That is, if what he believed ailed Mia was not an infection at all but something...greater. “As a physician, I would like to perform a simple experiment.” Mia shot him a quick look of doubt while Nate busied himself making the appropriate concoction used to indicate what he suspected. “It won’t be painful, I promise. It’ll actually take only about thirty seconds.” Placing the finished product in a glass vial, he stepped forward and held it out. “Here, drink just a smidge and I want you to tell me what you taste.”
Taking the vial hesitantly, Mia carefully inspected the yellow-tinted liquid and after being given a nod of encouragement from the man, she took a small sip. The flavor on her tongue was oddly familiar. She took yet another sip and another before a memory stirred. “It tastes like...honey. Very sweet honey.” It reminded her of her mother. “What does this have to do with me growing sick?” As Nathaniel watched her taste test with anticipation, he slowly leaned back in realization for its meaning. “That potion does not have a flavor. To place in the best of terms, it is only detected by a certain type of someone.” The man fully explained as the girl only gave him a perplexed stare. “You do not have an illness, my dear. It isn’t a disease or a bug you have caught from here or anywhere else for that matter.” He sighed softly, “You are pregnant, Amelia.”
There was nothing Mia heard but the pounding in her head growing louder by the minute, deafening anything the doctor may have been saying. Pregnant. Pregnant. What was meant to cause celebration only filled her with dread and more agony. “No.” The single word came out in a barely audible whisper as the blonde used the wall to support herself while she rose to her feet on unsteady legs. “No, that cannot be possible. Listen, I appreciate the kindness you have shown me thus far, but that test you did...it’s wrong.” The man shook his head, “With all due respect, the potion is never wrong. The morning nausea fits, the timeline fits, it is the one explanation plausible. I know it regards the circumstances, but I do not understand why a child is a bad thing.”
“Why? Why!?” Amelia took a few steps forward, anger flaring for the first time and overtaking any sorrow she once felt previously. “Let me tell you the story of a girl who was forced into an arranged marriage by a father later murdered by the darkest of Faes only to discover she felt a love far greater than anything she has experienced for her betrothed. She cherished this man, coveted him as the one person keeping her afloat after the loss of her parents. A girl who, despite how much she adored her husband, chose to stab him again and again and again without knowing the reason behind what she did. I have harmed the only man I knew who could’ve handled my faults through thick and thin. I have been thrown in the darkest of prisons, my dear sweet baby sister who has already gone into the fire, might I add, thrown in a cell for simply being in this castle. There is a kingdom who now sides against me and you have the audacity to ask me why having this child is considered bad.” And then suddenly, the rage desisted while an unbearable exhaustion took its place. Oh, how tired Mia became. “You come in here treating me with respect when I have deserved none, knowing full well why these four walls are my new home, and you cannot tell me you don’t believe I did it when everyone else does.”
Nathaniel stood listening to the werewolf’s rant, hyper aware from experience that she needed to release this or it would fester. “I am able to see within a person’s heart and know what true malice looks like. Do you know what I see when I look into yours, Mia? I see a devastated young woman crumbled by actions she does not understand. I see a woman trying to be strong for the sakes of a twin brother willing to fight for his family’s freedom and a younger sister equally as confused by recent events. You feel as though you have nothing, Amelia. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to live for, when that is the complete opposite.” At least he possessed the comfort in knowing Mia knew her husband was still fighting for his life when the truth was no one told the Princess. “My word does not count for very far and I certainly cannot convince plugged ears, but I do not believe you did it.”
Mia’s hand instinctively dropped to her stomach as she processed the doctor’s advice. She did not have enough strength to keep herself from curling into a ball and crying, yet, even in the darkest of times, she was not alone. Andrew would fight, Emlyn would fight, she sure as hell would fight, and wouldn’t stop giving it her all for Winnie as well. She was Princess Amelia of the Werewolves, Daughter of Theodore and Annabeth, Queen of the Mer-Folk, and she will survive this. “I don’t know how to thank you. There are simply no words I can-”
A guard suddenly none so gently smacked against the bars, causing the blonde to jump and the doctor to release an agitated sigh as the younger man grumbled, “Time’s running out, old man. I have to escort you out.” Nathaniel held up a hand and turned to face the werewolf. “You can repay me simply by remembering everything I have said. You are not alone, my dear. Take it to heart, let it guide you.” He took the time to gather his instruments, “This is not the end.” With one last word, he disappeared through the cell door.
Amelia stared in the empty space that once contained the doctor and now left her feeling the desolate atmosphere close around her again, although it was not as tightly before Nathaniel’s visit. In a place of desolation and heartbreak, his light sparked a flame within her she once thought long extinguished. That man, perhaps, gave her the greatest and most powerful gift anyone could receive in Mia’s shoes: Hope.
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Sebastian couldn’t get enough of her– feeling every curve underneath his fingertips and the alluring moans and sighs against his lips made his blood burn with need. He pulled away slightly as his wife said something interesting– when were they getting gifts for each other? Bash immediately felt shame, because he hadn’t even thought of getting her one. “My love–,” he started but was cut off by the look that she had adopted; this wasn’t the Amelia he knew, but he had no time to figure out what was wrong. Didn’t have time to even react as the red hot burn of fire streaked through him; stealing his breath as he tried to wrap his mind around what happened. “A…melia?” He asked quietly, mystified as he went to reach towards the wound that was now blooming bright rivulets, ruining his perfectly pressed uniform. His mother was going to be so… mad. The shock settled in, numbing his instincts to duck and cover as Amelia sent another swing with the knife he had no idea where it came from, stabbing– though the pain was considerably worse than the first; his senses completely overloading as he fell to his knees, trying to keep to his feet but he couldn’t. Not as the knife continuously ripped his flesh apart like it was nothing more than butter that was left in the sun for far too long; so sharp that he had to wonder if she had taken care of it regularly. It had to have been in good shape to be that… sharp, right? His knees and hands were slick with his own blood, his uniform no longer the crisp white but entirely red. Sebastian fell down– his own breathes leaving him in struggling gurgles as he tried to breathe through his own blood that was flowing from his mouth and down his neck; inhaling it into his own lungs. For a Mer-man, he never realized that he would be drowning to death, in his own blood nonetheless. “M..ia,” Bash choked out, “wh…y.” His hands falling limp as his blood cooled and dried, staining his floor and his hands forever.
His pleading words were meaningless to her, the only thing mattering in that span of time within the bed chamber was the king’s death no matter how many stabs she must make for it to happen. He would eventually bleed out on the floor and perish, leaving the Mer-Folk kingdom without its ruler. Before Amelia could finish the job, however, a pair of guards standing outside Sebastian’s room noticed the sound of a struggle and practically burst through the door. Mia felt a strong hand wrap around her wrist as she raised the dagger to strike yet again only to have another hand wrap around her waist to yank her off Sebastian. The clattering the blade made striking the ground as she dropped it pulled her from this strange stupor. “What...” The dreamy fog left Mia’s gaze like a curtain rising, plunging her straight into a mass state of panic and confusion. “Get off of me! Let me go, I say! Let me-” The word caught in the Queen’s throat, only to be replaced by a sob. This wasn’t making any sense. “Sebastian? Sebastian!” Men were dragging her from the chamber and that is when she saw the scarlet liquid staining her palms and ivory dress. She did this, she killed him.
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It was short and sweet; that was everything their wedding was in his eyes. It was everything he wanted and more. It was the day that everyone awaited for– King Sebastian was not exactly picky when it came to women, he just knew what he wanted and the women that he’d seen in his lifetime compared naught to the woman he had married. It was their close friends and family while the kingdom waited and rejoiced just outside the corridors of the chapel.
It was the very chapel that he had initially shown to Amelia, the one that sat on the very edge of the cliff that overlooked the expanse of the ocean that surrounded his kingdom– it shown in the perfectly sunny day like gold and iridescent rainbows, but not even the beauty of the chapel and his kingdom could ever compare to the woman that walked down the isle. He stood ever straighter as his blue eyes landed on her, the widest grin on his face as took her hand in his. Amelia was the most radiant he’d ever seen her; Sebastian knew that he loved her the moment he laid eyes on her. How could he not? She was hot-headed, elegant, beautiful; someone to keep him on his toes and challenge him at every angle. The one woman that had somehow managed to get invade every part of him: mind, body, and soul. 
The perfect wife and Queen for him and his kingdom. He pulled the veil over her head, his fingers trailing lightly her her well-done blonde hair, eyes approving every bit of what she was wearing; knowing that what she’d picked out was to get under his skin, although she had already successfully done. Sebastian felt every bit the rogue for wanting to do it again, but he no longer felt that intimidation as he placed his lips on hers– officially making her the Queen that he already knew that she was. Everything after that was a blur to him, because in his eyes it didn’t matter anymore. Just the happiness that exuded from every inch of Amelia was all that mattered; his focus entirely on her, never wavering even as people paid their respects.
By the time he’d steered them to his own chambers, long after the wedding had died out and many had gone to sleep, he was vibrating out of his own skin. Sebastian had already had her once, but Amelia, sweet sweet Amelia, was an addiction to him. Sebastian placed his hands on her face, bring his lips to hers one more time but this time was more sensual and languorous; something that he could actually savor on his time and not others. His fingers skimmed the lacy number of her dress, feeling the curves as he went, like she was a present dressed so decadently for him to unwrap. “Come,” Sebastian whispered as he pulled away from Amelia, turning her so that he can reach the buttons of her dress easily, “let me undress you, my wife.”
She was a vision in white at the wedding that had been months in the making. Years, if one counted the various daydreams Mia possessed as any young child fantasizing about the big day. While she once imagined a large congregation with extravagance, she was deeply satisfied to know those the two parties were closest to were in attendance. Everything was perfect and clearly reminiscent to a dream. The dress, the church Sebastian chose, the floral arrangements, Winnie as her bridesmaid....of course, the only thing missing was her father walking her down the aisle. It was her twin brother Andrew she tasked with that significant responsibility. 
Sebastian looked breath-taking in a formal suit, one that accentuated every muscle well, and as much as Mia took the chance to check him out, it appeared he had done the same with the low-cut gown Emlyn encouraged for the blonde to wear. His hands felt warm in her own, the smile on his lips making her grow weak in the knees. The immortal I do’s, the chaste kiss with enough love to fill the chapel, and then it was finally finished.The Princess Amelia of the Werewolves was now Queen of the Mer-Folk. The joyous festivities took off without a hitch as was to be expected. Mia had her absolute fun laughing and drinking most of the day and into the evening without a care for the world. Her parents would have been proud, she knew it, and remaining melancholy would not have done her good on a happy day such as this so she focused on the brighter optimism. 
However, the real excitement did not begin until the newly united couple were finally alone in the King’s chamber. Placing her hands around Seb’s neck as he kissed her in no way he has done before in the past, she purposefully released a pleasure-filled moan in order to set the mood properly. Amelia enjoyed the brief moment, his fingers streaking along the flesh of her shoulders, a hum releasing from her lips. They already shamelessly had each other in their company long before the wedding and another night meant more experience. “Someone is quite the eager one, my darling.” Amelia tilted her head back with closed eyes and drank in the physical contact...and then something changed. The wedding was finished, the celebrating was finished, they were alone. The mission. Mia’s eyes snapped open and her hand slowly lifted the hem of her gown just enough to reach for the dagger tucked within the thigh sheath. Plunge it into his heart, plunge it into his heart, those were the instructions. “My love, I almost forgot. I have a wedding gift to give you.” The Queen’s gaze adopted a glazed look as she swiftly turned around and jammed the dagger straight through the flesh of his chest. She pulled it out, repeating the process by plunging the pointy edge in a different spot. Two measly wounds would not suffice, oh no. The bloodthirst increased and, gripping the handle even tighter, she forced it into Sebastian’s body more times than she would have bothered to count. She needed him dead, she needed him gone, though, she did not know why until it would be too late.
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And there you can see why I chose to forfeit my right. I much prefer a life of freedom and simply doing what I want. I’d say sorry that the burden has fallen onto you and Bash, but I’m quite selfish. Besides, Bash is the better leader.
Believe me when I say, Bash and I are capable of handling ourselves when it comes to your pushy mother. I don’t know if you noticed this or it’s just me, but she’s been acting a little...strange lately. I mean, it’s not to say she’s completely different, it’s only the fact that she’s being too...nice by her usual standards.
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“Not my comrades, vampires are despicable beings and very annoying might I add.” Rae snorted and raised an eyebrow at the blonde, “Another round of weightless threats.” The brunette raised her fists, opening them and sending a force of red energy into the wolf. It pushed the blonde across the room and singed the wedding dress. She stalked forward, the red mist twirling around her hands, “Do you honestly think that you – or any of your little puppies – could do anything to hurt me? I could tear your heart out of your chest right now without breaking a sweat. If I were you, I’d try to be on my good side before I kill your husband just like I killed your sister-in-law’s father.” Her eyes were dark with annoyance as she scowled at the blonde.
Amelia could barely spit a word out before a force blasted her across the room, her back slamming into the wall and knocking the air from her lungs. “How dare you-” The princess’ gaze dropped to her stomach where a giant black mark from Astraea’s powers almost burnt a hole through the fabric. “You ruined my dress.” Mia hissed through clenched teeth as she slowly rose to her feet. “Make all the threats you like because we’ll be prepared for the battle you bring to us. You know, though, I really am trying to just understand.” She didn’t want to relate to a Fae, but the empathy in her couldn’t help it. “I don’t see why you have to be so cruel to everyone. To murder, and maim, and destroy one innocent life after another. Not all faes are heartless just like not all are bad.”
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Winnie watched her sister closely, almost believing that Mia would tell the girl to talk to Andrew herself; maybe she should just go back to her mother’s garden and stay there. It’s just… easier if she stays out of the way. Out of sight, out of mind. Winona breathed a sigh of relief that she didn’t realize she was holding when her sister relented, knowing that her leaving the faction wasn’t going to go over very well despite who told Andrew. “Thank you,” Winnie said quietly, but a small fragile smile was on her lips, “can we see the ocean– I’ve always wanted to see it. Father used to talk about it from his travels all the time.”
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Unlike her brother’s approach, Amelia would not hound Winona with questions and confront her when an ordeal still clearly affected the poor girl. What happened to Sam was unfortunate and she wished her sister would find a better way to cope, but she was getting her out of the kingdom. That was success enough. “No need to thank me.” Mia reached out to tuck a strand of yellow hair behind the younger girl’s ear, “The ocean will be the first place we drop by once we arrive. Nothing can place it quite into words, however, that is how truly magnificent it is.”
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No? No – you look great.
Mia grew quiet for a moment and nodded. “You’re right, this one is just not going to work.”
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Oh, he was not out of the woods yet– and oh, how the woods were Amelia’s domain. Sebastian thought he would be able to last until their marriage; making sure to keep a respectful distance between himself and the woman before him, but it was starting to become moot. The lines between want and propriety were blurring and it didn’t help that Amelia practically ripped the front of her dress way past fixable. He balked at the forwardness, but she was right; Bash couldn’t help the surge of lust that ran through him, he was, after all, a man. He rested his head on the wall he was pushed into, his eyes closed though he could hear every bit of the woman’s movement, every word that she uttered; gods forgive him, he couldn’t stop himself from reacting to her. Sebastian didn’t want to stop, he was King– no one could really stop him or shame him if this was what he really wanted to do. He opened his eyes once again as Amelia ripped his shirt past ruin, letting out a small hiss as she barely touched him, though he ached for her. Reaching forward, Sebastian grasped the sides of her face just long enough to connect their lips ravenously before his hands wandered to the front of her ruined dress; he pushed the fabric off of her shoulders, letting it pool at her feet and leaving her in the corset she had begun to unbutton with the delicate fabric of her underclothes– revealing almost the entirety of her skin to his naked eye. His fingers ghosted over the now exposed skin reverently as he took his fill; she was like a goddess in the flesh. “Beautiful,” Sebastian whispered as he began to finish the job of unbuttoning the corset, eager to see what was underneath.
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Amelia never thought in a million years Sebastian would ever concede to her advances long before they were due to be married. Sebastian, the polite, kind-hearted, gentlemanly king with an affection for a werewolf princess, would give into his urges that came with human nature. She herself should not have encouraged such behavior and she could hear the appalled gasps of her tutors or anyone who believed sensual pleasures for kings and queens were meant for wedding nights. Yet, she and Seb were not the usual uptight royals, they were two people wishing to fulfill their love by showing it through physicality. Two people who have suffered the cruelties of the world and came back even stronger than before. The kiss may have taken Mia by surprise, but she allowed the man to tear off whatever clothing she had on. His fingers warm along the girl’s flesh, raising goosebumps along her spine. She helped him unfasten the corset and that too feel straight to the floor. “Touch me.” Mia whispered, wrapping her digits around Seb’s wrist and placing his palm first to her breast and then moved it. Lower and lower and lower until it reached the space just above her nether regions. 
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Sebastian was content on holding his future wife in his arms while she was allowed to mourn, he would do it every day if that was what she wanted. He felt, though, the change in her posture– her voice, oh, it meant danger. Bash heard the lilt of seduction just below the alto of her voice, lacing with the words she said. Before Amelia even stopped speaking, Sebastian was already shaking his head; it wasn’t that he didn’t want to, the gods know he wanted the woman in front of him like he needed the air to breathe and the water around him to survive. It was because it just wasn’t proper– he needed to set an example as King. “Amelia, I can’t,” Sebastian said as he stepped closer to her immediately, though not the way that she would want, making sure to avert his gaze from the pale mounds that were more in his view than normal as he buttoned the woman back up again, “it’s not proper, my love. I promise you will get all you want and more as soon as we are married.”
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She waited, oh, she desperately waited for the man’s next moves with bated breath. While Sebastian did step closer, Mia’s eyes immediately dropped to his strong hands as he buttoned up the clasps. While it was amusing and hardly surprising considering how well she knew Sebastian, it was rather inconvenient. “So honorable,” The seductive tone still remained, there was a teasing note as she pushed her lips in a pout. “You can’t or you will not? Sebastian, you are the most selfless man I will ever meet who gives so much to his people that he doesn’t allow himself a taste of something he does not need to have shame for.” Amelia suddenly ripped apart the flap of her dress far less delicately than done before, nudging a hand to Sebastian’s chest until his back smacked against the wall. “You want this as much as I do, darling, I saw the lust in your eye.” Amelia couldn’t stop herself from ripping open his shirt and dipping her hand down, digits barely ghosting the bulge in Sebastian’s trousers. “You are a King, love. A King takes what he pleases. Who...he wants.”
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