therapybard · 1 year
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therapybard · 1 year
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Thank you so much, Eric 🫶
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therapybard · 1 year
Honestly, the more I learn about the other Cerberus Assembly members the more funny it is that Delilah Briarwood got kicked out for fucking Necromancy
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therapybard · 1 year
Does this work? I'm pretty sure it's transparent
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therapybard · 1 year
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my character during @bimney424​ ‘s game
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therapybard · 1 year
Does this work?
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Uhhhhhh does anyone have a transparent image of iris?
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therapybard · 1 year
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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therapybard · 1 year
if you feel so inclined, put in the tags what you voted, where youre from, and if you refer to it as “brinner” (as opposed to “breakfast for dinner”)
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therapybard · 1 year
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therapybard · 1 year
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therapybard · 1 year
Pink Hair Swag Tourney, Round One, Part Six
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therapybard · 1 year
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The Official Shitty Cartoon Dad Bracket: Round One!
Disclaimer in case anyone complains that I don't know how to seed a bracket: you're probably right. I tried my best but I haven't seen like half of these shows/movies and don't know how popular some of them are in comparison to each other, so I sorted a lot of characters together based on vibes.
List of matchups under the cut!
Side A
Martin Mertens (Adventure Time) vs. Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) vs. Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Ging Freecss (Hunter x Hunter) vs. Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Omni-Man (Invincible) vs. Pete (Goof Troop/A Goofy Movie)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
Viren (The Dragon Prince) vs. Father (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Bondrewd (Made in Abyss) vs. Diavolo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Stoick the Vast (How to Train Your Dragon) vs. King Agnarr (Frozen)
Side B
Joseph Sugarman (Bojack Horseman) vs. Buck Cluck (Chicken Little)
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Jacques Schnee (RWBY)
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) vs. Jonas Venture Sr. (The Venture Bros.)
Randy Marsh (South Park) vs. Frank Murphy (F is for Family)
Fire Lord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Endeavor (My Hero Academia)
Pharaoh Seti (The Prince of Egypt) vs. Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012)
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) vs. Rand Ridley (Inside Job)
Big Bob Pataki (Hey Arnold) vs. Mr. Turner (Fairly OddParents)
Side A will be posted tomorrow (the 22nd), side B will be posted the day after.
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therapybard · 1 year
How do I explain to you people that interracial relationships are okay
Not every white person dating a POC is fetishizing. White people can be respectful and responsible when it comes to culture and relationships and not everyone has bad intentions.
Asian people can date Black people without you saying shit like “your kids will be so pretty” they’re not dating for pretty kids. They’re dating bc they like each other.
Someone can dress their partner in clothing from their culture if they want. Someone can take their partner to cultural events if they want.
People in relationships can share cultures, experiences and love without it being toxic or skin deep.
Their partner isn’t culturally appropriating. Their partner is being shown the ultimate form of love, bc their partner trusts them and loves them enough to share their history and heritage.
Yeah, dating someone from your culture is nice bc you automatically have similar experiences. But you’re not limited to dating people with the same experiences. Loving someone is sharing and growing and being together.
Interracial relationships aren’t always toxic, and some of y’all need to stop projecting onto other people.
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therapybard · 1 year
Reasons Garry should Win
Protects Ib through the world as she goes, often risking his life. It's easy for him to die if you do not protect him, and he is set on trying to help save you, even if he's scared.
Canonically queer. He uses feminine pronouns/dialect and was said by the game creator to "cross the boundaries of gender."
Often brushed aside by the fanbase in order to focus on Mary instead, because more is known about Mary's backstory
The game itself inspired Witch's House, another very popular Indie title
That's just a few things. And he's up against Crewmate AmongUs. We can do better than this!
Vote Garry 2023 for the Indieswag Competition
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therapybard · 1 year
Garry isn't allowed to lose. I refuse to let this happen. You guys have forgetten your indie roots. RPGMaker games are our history and Ib is the best of them. Please, guys. Vote for Garry.
Round 1 Part 2
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therapybard · 1 year
You know something that’s funny, is that I was so fundamentally uninterested in the idea of “Caleb goes evil,” like I just find the concept totally boring. (fwiw I’m also uninterested in thinking about “AU where Bren made it through graduation and became a Scourger” - that’s just so opposed to the reasons I like Caleb that I can’t consider even the thought exercise the same character)…
I’m not super opposed to the idea Imogen might go dark side? Like I still don’t really want it to happen necessarily but the concept actually intrigues me instead of boring me to tears.
So anyway. That’s something about me.
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therapybard · 1 year
Who is the one Cinnamon Roll to rule them all?
Welcome to the Cinnamon Roll War! Inspired by the greats, such as @indieswag-competition, @adhdswagcompetition, @gotalittletoosilly, @autismswagsummit, @weirdgirlshowdown, and @mad-scientist-showdown I’m running my own Tumblr poll showdown! I seek to answer one simple questions: who is the purest cinnamon roll? I am taking my definition off of urban dictionary:
A character that is very kind and sweet but faces more hardship and suffering than they truly deserve. Comes from the usage of an article headline from ‘The Onion’ titled 'Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure.’ to describe a person or character that is very good but faces a lot of pain in their life.
Based on that definition, I am looking for two factors in you submissions:
Sweetness: They need to be above averagely kind to those around them.
Hardships: They must face a lot of hardships despite their sweetness.
You can submit your nominations here! I will not be super strict with the above and will try to include a good amount of the characters submitted. My only rules are the following:
No real people, including personas like Vtubers. I’m looking for 100% fictional characters here.
I will not be including any Harry Potter characters. I might add other fandoms I refuse to include in the future, but for not that’s it.
You can submit multiple characters, but only submit each character once.
I’ll only include one character per media unless you give me a very good reason to break this rule.
Animals are fine as long as they demonstrate a human level of sentience. Of course a cute little puppy is going to be a sweet cinnamon roll. We aren’t looking for that.
I will automatically be including two characters. The first one is Nico Di Angelo. He must be included because he is literally cited in the top urban dictionary definition. I also love him.
I’m also including Molly Blyndeff. Why? Because she should be cited in the definition. She’s great and deserves better.
PS: The first person to guess what I got my profile picture from gets a free instant submission. Use it wisely.
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