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New friends, a pic of the Women in Games party at the LA Exchange, and a bunch more from the Subnation party with Deadmau5!!!
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Not the best angle for photos but here's Reggie and Bill playing Mario Tennis 2 feet away from me, plus a couple of other pics from the Nintendo exhibit as I waited in line.
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New friends, a pic of the Women in Games party at the LA Exchange, and a bunch more from the Subnation party with Deadmau5!!!
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That’s a wrap.
I realize my day 3 TL;DR was not super brief, but I guess there was a lot to say about it after all. This whole week has been nonstop fangirling.
I stayed until the last second on Thursday, grabbing one last bag of popcorn from the Fortnite booth and watching the exhibitors celebrate the end of the show. When I finally forced myself to leave, said goodbye to the show floor, and walked out those front doors for the last time this year, it was definitely a heavy-hearted moment.
I have more to say about E3 2018: a few impressions, a few reflections. You don’t have to read them -- hell, I don’t know if anyone is even reading this right now -- but I feel compelled to write them.
For now, I’m off to catch my flight home.
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New friends, a pic of the Women in Games party at the LA Exchange, and a bunch more from the Subnation party with Deadmau5!!!
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Not the best angle for photos but here's Reggie and Bill playing Mario Tennis 2 feet away from me, plus a couple of other pics from the Nintendo exhibit as I waited in line.
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Found some cool statues on day 3. SO EXCITED FOR BOTH OF THESE GAMES!
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Swag swag swag swag swag
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RAGE 2. So they didn't let us take pictures in the Rage 2 demo, but it was decked out sorta like this, strewn with broken monitors and tires and crates and mesh. Post-post-apocalyptic decor. Oh yeah and thats actually an ice cream truck! They gave us some while we waited for our demo to start. I had mint chocolate chip with brownies on top. The demo itself really made me feel the rage. It's faced paced but easy to pick up, and now that they've upped the art design (because that's a big deal to me) I can actually see myself playing this.
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Day 3 TL;DR: Reggie Fails at Mario Tennis
It's the last day. I didn't have anything specific on my list, other than to sit in some of the longer/more in demand lineups and check out any smaller things I may have missed.
I didn't get into any of those lines, because they were constantly capped. What happened instead was much, much better.
First off, I demoed Rage 2 and Prey: Moonbase. Yeah, I was more than happy to keep spending time at the Bethesda exhibit. Thoughts on those later.
I ended up going to the Nintendo exhibit and lined up to play "everything except Smash Bros and Pokemon." Cool.
First up was Mario Tennis, which was 200% more fun than I expected. Right before we got schooled by the other team the staff let me know that Reggie Fils-Aimé, President and COO at Nintendo of America, would be playing a match against Bill Trinen, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Nintendo of America.
Right next to where I was standing. Two feet away. Like, right fucking there.
I could not stop smiling and probably looked like a complete idiot in front of the cameras pointed my way. I did not care.
Reggie put up a good fight but Bill won in the end. For those not familiar with gaming celebrities, you might know Bill from memes like "Life's good when you're a ninja block" and "Here's a TV that looks like an apple."
Are these real memes? I don't know; I saw them on Jim Sterling's channel.
Anyway, I was totally starstruck and continued smiling goofily as I moved on to play Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and Overcooked 2.
Now I'm at the official E3 afterparty watching Deadmau5 do their thing.
Epic way to cap off an amazing week. See you back in reality tomorrow; for now, I'm getting my party on.
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Day 2 TL;DR: TES Blades and Everything Xbox
They capped the line for the Fallout 76 tour minutes after I got in, so I tried the Blades mobile game and jammed TES Legends for a couple minutes even though I already play it obsessively on my phone. The reason: if you play at least 2 TES games they give you an "official" sweetroll. It was very delicious.
Then I was off to the Xbox exhibit, which was housed in its own building. I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't spoken to a random gamer that morning, but I'm SO GLAD I went.
Demos I played at Xbox:
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps
- Below
- Outer Wilds
- Ashen
- Kingdom: Two Crowns
I think the highlights here were supposed to be Forza and Sea of Thieves. I don't give a cruller 'bout Forza but I sort of wish I'd gone through the Sea of Thieves line for some pirate swag. Otherwise the lines here were generally short, so I saw everything I wanted to see!
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Day 1 Overview: Magical.
Dawn of the First Day. I headed to the E3 Coliseum at the Novo to watch a series of panels before the show floor opened to Gamer Pass holders.
A few takeaways from the panels.
The Last of Us Part II: The directors confirmed new classes, new crafting options (Ellie can make different types of arrows), a new jump mechanic and improvements on the different prone positions. The latter includes an expansion of the corresponding enemy AI so Ellie can, say, get yanked out from under a car she’s using as cover. Nowhere is safe.
Rage 2: They’ve changed up their approach to the art design: the world looks more colorful and the environments more varied. Big improvement on the last game’s grey and brown landscapes.
Penn Jillette and Randy Pitchford: I was really excited for this one, but man, it was kinda weird. Gearbox’s Randy actually has a background in magic performance, so he did some mentalism tricks on the audience and tried to fool Penn. Then they showed off a Penn & Teller VR game and squashed pie into the face of a semi-suspecting prank victim.
Grant Kirkhope: This guy composed the music for some of my favorite titles growing up, like Banjo Kazooie and Tooie. There’s a warm space in my heart for that so it was amazing to see him in person. He and the director for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle discussed how the music has been integrated into the game’s environments. Then he played the ukelele with Geoff Keighley on kazoo.
The show floor.
Holy overwhelming. There was so much to look at and I was already wondering whether three days would be enough to see everything I wanted to see. (Hint: It’s not.) 
First I made a beeline for Bandai Namco, where I queued up to play the Code Vein demo. It looks monstrous, dystopian and hella creepy, and it plays as smoothly as you’d expect from a soulslike game. I got mobbed by baddies at the end, because I cleverly did the thing you’re not supposed to ever do: rush in and start swinging at random. I also think I was ignoring some kind of lifegain mechanic that wasn’t explained to me and that I’ve been too lazy/busy to look up since. I fell off a cliff with one second to spare on my timer.
Next up was Bethesda. I spent a lot of time here; their exhibit will undoubtedly end up in my top three by the end of the show. They have this thing set up called the Fallout 76 Experience, which looks like a tour through the recreation of a vault, swag included. I didn’t do any more demos or tours here ‘cos I was already running out of time. (Update: I tried to get into this on Wednesday, but they capped the line and kicked us off. Trying again Thursday.)
The rest of my day was spent exploring and checking out the after-party situation with some new friends.
Day 1 overall? HOLY SHIT.
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Wednesday: TES Blades, Fortnite, Nintendo, Sony, a delicious sweetroll. Mandatory sweetroll joke: no one stole it.
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So much going on. So much.
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Xbox has its own building that closes on Thurs, so the "Xbox Experience" took up most of my day. Easily one of the best exhibits!
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So much going on. So much.
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Day 1 TL;DR: I’m in.
I can’t even begin to describe to you how overwhelmed I was when I walked through those doors.
The show floor is huge. I don’t think my pictures convey the scale accurately; it looks like the crowd is swallowing it up, but it’s kind of the other way around.
I’ll have to be brief for now, but basically I made a beeline for Bandai Namco because I wanted to try Code Vein. It was about a 25 minute wait to play for five minutes, which seemed fair enough. It looks and plays pretty smooth; more impressions later.
The Bethesda booth had a lot going on. See the pics; more to come. I’m off to try the Fallout 76 experience!
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