Retiring this blog.
(( I regret characterizing Michael the way I did. It was out of character and I used him as a vessel to project my own insecurities onto. This not only made him a completely different character from the one on Good Omens, but may have sent a bad (and incorrect) message to my readers. Please be aware of how the media you consume impacts you, and I sincerely apologize for any damage I may have caused through publicizing my denial-fueled Michael arc.
Please remember that labels you give yourself are purely that--labels. They only have the meaning you give them. Don’t use them to beat yourself up over things you can’t control, or be overly fearful to the concept of change. 
I enjoyed making these characters their blog, but I don’t want to continue with a character I have treated unfairly.
I hope you understand, and thank you for all your support. ))
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Hey mod you've done wonderful 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
(( Thank you!! even though I’ve made mistakes, this story meant and still means a lot to me ))
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How are you both doing
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Mod Human Gushing
(( I’d like to personally thank this blog and its followers for the time we’ve spent together. This arc, specifically Michael’s arc, was less about being faithful to the little we saw of Michael’s canonical character in Good Omens and instead inserting my own personal questions about myself and the world around me in an effort to make his character more three-dimensional.
I have reached a new era in my life, and discovered more about myself through the characters I wrote. Michael’s arc was how I expected a part of my own life to play out, and recently I discovered that was an unfair expectation to place on myself. That doesn’t make Michael’s arc any less valid or worthy of respect, of course. As I reached the end of character arcs, these characters I used to project onto got their ‘happy ending’s the way I percieved them and I just...didn’t relate to them anymore. I couldn’t project and talk from experience like I used to.
This story has flaws, and unfortunately, Michael’s characterization is one of them. Making him out to be naïve and awkward, setting these end goals for him, even down to the metaphors...they were all how I felt about myself at the time, and in retrospect, I’m glad to have shed that mindset.
I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you for sticking around and watching this story grow and evolve over time, as I did alongisde it. I hope to use what I’ve learned from these blogs to make even better stories in the future.
I am very happy to have come this far. ))
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What are you both doing
Dagon is grooming Michael’s wings--one new, and one old.
Oh, hey!
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*gives Michael a flower crown*
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“Oh, this is Seer! They’re the youngest member of our rebellion.”
I’m here!
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“Aziraphale! It’s great to see you again.”
I’m here!
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I’m here!
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I’m going to go get them. You need to rest.
Mr. Fell says this is the address *sends it* -Seer
I’ll be there in-ow!-
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You’re not going anywhere. You don’t even know how to drive!
Mr. Fell says this is the address *sends it* -Seer
I’ll be there in-ow!-
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Kitty now owns a pet shop
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How are you both feeling
I got a sick haircut! I mean, it was unprofessionally done only centimetres from my neck, but hey! I’ll take it.
I haven’t looked at my wings yet. I’m...a little nervous, and I’m not sure why.
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Dagon floats through a gray landscape and hears a familiar voice say the one thing she’d been wishing it could say for far too long.
“I’m sorry.”
Tears brim in her eyes. She looks for the one she wants to speak to, but can’t find her.
“I forgive you. I forgave you.”
“It wasn't your fault.”
Dagon sobs.
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He...where’d Lucifer go?
...where’s Bee?
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oh shit, oh fuck, oh--
you’re going fucking down 
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