He told me he was “a little bit of a sadist.” And his blog was at that time very vanilla. Had no idea what I was getting myself into, just knew I liked him a lot. (Turned out way better than expected)
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it’s been like this
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Correction! It’s not my tailbone, it’s off to the side a bit. So either my sacrum or pelvis, I can’t tell. I don’t know that it’s even worth getting an xray since there’s not much to be done for it. It’s been a painful day. No comfortable position to sit in, especially since I’ve lost so much weight in my ass and don’t have as much padding there anymore.
Cheer me up please?? Asks? Kitten/sloth/naked mole rat pictures? Bewbs? Hugs? I’ll take any and all!
Having a tough time this week. The weather has been cooler so I thought I’d feel better, but I really haven’t been other than maybe one day. I really need to make some content but I just haven’t been up for it. Blah.
Get to spend the night with my kiddos this weekend so I’m looking forward to that, and next week Sir has vacay so I’m hoping I feel better for that. We are supposed to have some days with highs in the 60s and I am very much looking forward to that as well. MS and heat really don’t get along.
It’s getting closer and closer to July though and Sir leaving for a month, but I have things I’ve planned for that month that will hopefully keep me sane when I’m home alone most of the time. Not being able to have a job sucks sometimes when you are home alone all day with no energy to go out and do things.
Love y’all, especially all those who have encouraged me over the years. It means more than you know. 💜
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At least for me, it’s different pain lying down vs moving around/sitting on the couch. So doing one hurts the one but helps the other. Do one till I can’t stand it then switch to the other. 🤷‍♀️ it usually gets me through the day. When it doesn’t, that’s what cannabis is for.
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have you joined the chronic pain club today? it's not too late!
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And who, beloved, is usually right? Hmm?
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So Thursday night I developed a sore throat. I had to cancel my trip to see the kids. All day yesterday I felt like I’d let them down (I know it wasn’t my fault, but it’s still true).
Then in the middle of the night last night, I fell on the way back to bed (my MS being a dick again). So my tailbone hurts today.
Universe, could I please get a break this week? Thanks!
Having a tough time this week. The weather has been cooler so I thought I’d feel better, but I really haven’t been other than maybe one day. I really need to make some content but I just haven’t been up for it. Blah.
Get to spend the night with my kiddos this weekend so I’m looking forward to that, and next week Sir has vacay so I’m hoping I feel better for that. We are supposed to have some days with highs in the 60s and I am very much looking forward to that as well. MS and heat really don’t get along.
It’s getting closer and closer to July though and Sir leaving for a month, but I have things I’ve planned for that month that will hopefully keep me sane when I’m home alone most of the time. Not being able to have a job sucks sometimes when you are home alone all day with no energy to go out and do things.
Love y’all, especially all those who have encouraged me over the years. It means more than you know. 💜
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This is hot. Maybe next year instead of pics of me for my phone wallpaper I’ll do pics of hotter women. 🙈
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A couple days ago I went through my old Facebook messages and messaged some people that I hadn’t talked to in forever. Some from hs, some from college, some from adult life. Not everyone replied, but I’ve managed to reconnect with some people and it’s been nice.
One friend from like 8th grade or so (a really fucking hard time in my life and the first time I was suicidal) messaged me back and we started chatting. We both grew up in *super* conservative independent Baptist groups (aka southern baptists are way too liberal and Methodists and Presbyterians etc are going to hell). Almost cults, really.
One day, she slipped a note in my locker. I don’t remember at all what it said, and we weren’t friends at all before that, but I literally credit it with saving my life. We became fast friends after that until her family moved up north. I’m so glad I found her on fb years later.
I at some point told her I was bi, and she told me she is pan! I was so stoked to know that cuz I’ve always loved her for what she did for me. She apparently knew all her life, and used to write about boobs (and penises) in her journal all the time growing up. She thought everyone was pan and just married the opposite sex so they could have babies, lol.
We had lots of other things in common it turned out (including divorce, which I also didn’t know). It was an amazing conversation and I plan to talk to her frequently in the future. She still considers herself a Christian but no longer believes in hell and doesn’t consider the Bible infallible or “gods word” or anything anymore (she considers it more like a diary that we can learn from). And she was super intelligent and well informed and it was so beautiful.
All this to say, maybe consider messaging some old old friends today that you haven’t talked to in a while. You never know, your old friend might become just a friend instead.
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😂 How many times can you lie in one post?
This pathetic cunt was lucky enough to get used tonight. It doesn't deserve Sir's cock in its cunt. It needs to be punished for receiving what it doesn't deserve. @wickedsadist please punish my cunt tomorrow. It's so needy and needs to suffer. 🙈🙈
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Oh man, love this!
Saturday Wake Up Call
I was half asleep when I felt my body being swiftly rolled over onto my back and my legs sharply pulled open and down. Sir rammed his cock in with no warning! It slid in super easily because apparently I was super wet. He fucked me quickly before coming and pulling out. Just a hole for him to use. 🥵🥵🥵
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Having a tough time this week. The weather has been cooler so I thought I’d feel better, but I really haven’t been other than maybe one day. I really need to make some content but I just haven’t been up for it. Blah.
Get to spend the night with my kiddos this weekend so I’m looking forward to that, and next week Sir has vacay so I’m hoping I feel better for that. We are supposed to have some days with highs in the 60s and I am very much looking forward to that as well. MS and heat really don’t get along.
It’s getting closer and closer to July though and Sir leaving for a month, but I have things I’ve planned for that month that will hopefully keep me sane when I’m home alone most of the time. Not being able to have a job sucks sometimes when you are home alone all day with no energy to go out and do things.
Love y’all, especially all those who have encouraged me over the years. It means more than you know. 💜
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After the mystery object ass pain, Sir took me to the bedroom and fucked me hard. He made me cum several times between the couch and the bed (he fingered me a bit on the couch after he hurt me, and it was hard to cum cuz ouchy ass).
At some point during all this, he was also choking me. At least twice that I remember. After the first one, I was a little out of it, and he told me to cum but I didn’t process it. So he had to tell me twice. Whoops!
Then he made me roll a d20. Hard to do while getting fucked, lol. On my phone obviously. I got a 5, and he told me that’s how many more times I had to cum. Glad I didn’t roll a 20. 😲
He kept fucking me hard, and told me I didn’t have to ask permission to cum, just to do it and count how many I had done on my fingers. The first 2 were pretty easy. Then he started slapping my right ass cheek. Hard. And telling me to cum all the while.
It is really really hard for me to cum when I’m actively in pain. Oh, and I forgot, he also kept biting the hell out of my back. So much crying and screaming ouch.
Finally I was up to 4 times cumming. For the fifth one he was rushing me. Hitting my ass really hard and telling me to cum or he was going to suffocate me. I was trying so fucking hard cuz I hate suffocation. Finally managed to cum right before his hand got to my face. Whew!
He clearly needed this. I didn’t really want it, but to please him it was very much worth it. Hopefully next time he’s up for it, I’ll be feeling better and can get more into it. Working so much overtime is affecting him and the heat is affecting me. It’s been a rough time. I’m ready for fall!
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I guarantee that *none* of you will *ever* guess what Sir hit me with tonight (besides his hand) unless he cheats and tells one of you.
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Hubby recently decided that I have to wear a buttplug on Mon Weds and Fri, and do kegels on Tues and Thurs. So hard to remember sometimes! He fucked my ass like a week ago suddenly and with no lube other than whatever he had on his dick from my cunt. Soooo painful.
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I’ve recently thought that maybe when I tell people that Onlyfans is “my job” that they might think I make a living off of it.
That couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t make anywhere close to enough to live off of. Just wanted to clarify this in case people think that.
Please consider subscribing to my Onlyfans dear friends. If you are a longtime fan or a new admirer, I really think there’s something for everyone on there! Give it a try!
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And I had a thought when I saw this again just now. If we had a lovely cuckcake over, they’d lock me in the cage and fuck over and over again on the bed above me, just out of sight. God that’s a hot thought.
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I don’t know why this is so hot, but it is. Why do I fantasize about things I’m against irl??
Calling a girl a "Good feminist" while she sucks my cock in the same tone I'd call my dog a good boy.
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God I love girls with tattoos. (Well to be fair, also guys with tattoos. Just tattoos in general is a big ❤️ from me)
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