therealperez10 · 8 hours
Honestly it’s just crazy that I denied it to myself until now. Long Sigh* at the end of the day I can’t have you ll fr. my Mona Lisa and you’ll never know it. I’ll admire your beauty from afar but you’ll however give me a 2bd look and I completely understand it. I wouldn’t give me and 2nd look rn either
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therealperez10 · 2 months
Idk. I just feel like everything has been off between us since the ice cream hangout. Maybe it’s just me but lowkey just miss talking to you riz.
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therealperez10 · 3 months
Every time I miss you, I listen to your favorite artist to feel a lil closer to you.
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therealperez10 · 5 months
They say your pupils dilate when you’re excited to see someone. I bet mine dilate every single time my eyes land on you
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therealperez10 · 5 months
I’m not going to lie, I wanted to dance the same way you were dancing with dude at both parties. My fault for putting you on the spot like that though, didn’t mean to intrude
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therealperez10 · 6 months
She literally looks like the ending of Aquel Nap ZzZz, the guitar strumming slowly as she walk into any room.
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therealperez10 · 6 months
Geeking over you at 2 am, yeah she has a chock hold on me fr.
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therealperez10 · 7 months
Like I said, right person at the wrong time.
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therealperez10 · 7 months
Idk who’s prettier. When she takes her glasses off or when they stay on.
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therealperez10 · 7 months
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therealperez10 · 7 months
Hoy tengo ganas de ti
Quiero sentir tu cuerpo
Hoy escuché una canción
Que habla lo que siento
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therealperez10 · 7 months
I really did not expect to like you this much. & you had to come into my life at the wrong time.
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therealperez10 · 1 year
My girl who’s not my girl said hi to me, yeah I’m winning Fr.
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therealperez10 · 1 year
AT school really is a demon of its own, you’re literally studying the body like a doctor. Fr a doctor without the title.
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therealperez10 · 1 year
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Gloomy days #school #FuckedUpFriday
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therealperez10 · 1 year
When she pulls it out for you and says “yessss, you are the maaaan”
It be a lil satisfying to hear when it comes from a bad bi*ch 😏
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therealperez10 · 1 year
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