therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
This account is no longer active, but will be kept in tact for archival purposes
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Keith laughed although there was no humour behind it. “Ha, yeah. Jason Williams. Town’s goodie goodie,” he said, trying to keep as much disapproval out of his voice as possible. “Gotta work twice as hard at being bad to keep him on his toes,” he said with a smile.
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Adulting...you’re doing it wrong | Keith+Talia
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
“True. True,” Keith said, nodding and taking a bite from the slice of pizza he held. He smiled as he ate, trying to keep the mood light. “Hey, and maybe we can even make nationals this year. That would be cool.”
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
“Thank you”  he said with a small smile, before opening the can and drinking a sip of the soda “Not always though, sometimes people create rumors, and they’re just that, rumors, so sometimes everything is a lie, which is why I just believe it when I hear it from the person” he shrugged, before taking another sip of the drink “Yes, of course, that’s a plus, I agree with you there. Thanks, man, I appreciate the compliment, hopefully you’re right”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Giving the woman a good natured smile, Keith nodded. “Well everyone’s got their own time, and it’s a totally valid decision. I make no judgements about your “shyness” based off it as obviously you’re not,” he offered with a laugh.
“Oh well,” Keith said, stroking his chin and depositing some engine grease on it accidentally, “there’s billions of people in the world. If you make a bad impression with one, there’s plenty more opportunities to get it right next time. But it’s kinda hard to make a bad first impression with me. Probably because in all I’m fairly non-judgemental. I feel black sheep tend to be the most understanding.”
Laughing, Keith shook his head. “Yeah. No thanks. Hot tubs...now that’s my thing. Freezing cold water...not so much. There’s a couple cabins that have nice tubs though. There was a guy a year older than me in high school that would hop out of the tub and roll in the snow buck naked for a quick second before hopping back in. I did it once and not really interested in a repeat,” he said with a smile.
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Here To Help || Keith+
Her grin just widened when he spoke freely about the different places. “Well if it’s like a bucket list item, you just have to make sure you achieve it then.” Of course with her talking about such things with him, it was inevitable he would ask the question about herself. “Technically?..I can’t say anywhere. There’s a few places I have made out, but if we’re talking about different places I have gotten laid…then I haven’t yet.” She wasn’t sure whether she was supposed to be less open about it. It rarely came up in conversation anyway and it wasn’t anybodies business, but since they were on the subject and Amber was actually contributing playfully to the conversation–she saw no reason why not. “I’m not some shrinking violet though–trust me, I’m far from that.” She offered him a smirk. There had been a few times when lust had taken over, she’d always pulled away though.
“And what happens when you don’t make a good first impression because believe me, I have a habit of it.” She tilted her head, eyes locking on him as he gave her the thumbs up. “Oh well then…who cares if I don’t…I obviously did something right with you…” The blonde let out a small chuckle before casting her visual away for a second and then letting it return.
“Yeah..the lake is getting a little cold now. Although, some would say that’s the best time. I once knew a guy and he lived by the coast. even in the middle of winter he would jump in the sea for a few seconds every morning, he said it made him feel alive for the day. Personally…I thought he was crazy and the only thing it would achieve was making his balls pull up inside his body that much to escape the cold, that one day he would end up like one of those ballchinians from the Men in Black movie.”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
The EMTs had finally made their way over to the scene, running to Shawn and Keith on the ground with the man with their kits. One addressed the situation with the leg as Keith leaned back, letting the response unit do their work. Standing, Keith offered his hand. “Thanks man, even a little bit helps,” he said looking over at the other firefighters that held hoses trying to control the fire. 
One of the men walked over, shaking his head. “I don’t know who you are, but you shouldn’t be rushing into burning buildings,” the man scolded Keith. “We have trained men that are responsible for that.”
Keith looked at Shawn confused as though the man might be able to shed light on the situation, or found the situation as odd as he did. “Um...I am trained.”
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“Okay” he said, hoping that the other guy was right, but he was a professional, so he probably was right “I never done this before, shouldn’t you do it while I hold him? I don’t want to end up doing something wrong and making him worse than he already is”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Pulling off his helmet, Keith ruffled his hair. Why was he suited up if there wasn’t a fire nearby? And when had he left the firehouse? Shaking his head he began walking down the street but heard a sound from the side. As she cried and looked around, Keith looked for something that might have inspired the panic.
“Lana? Are you okay? Hey...” he said calmly, reaching out a comforting hand. “Let me know how I can help...”
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⊱ Numb // Lana + … ⊰
Lana wasn’t sure what had happened, but something had happened. 
She had only been wandering around the town, her thoughts in shambles with the knowledge that Erik was now in town and all the complications and confusion was coming back. She hated it all. Hated herself, and hated how she cared to much for the two men who she felt with each passing moment she kept hurting. Erik broke her heart, but she still cared. And Zach was nothing but kind however he confused her so much. Lana just wanted to scream, wanted to beg someone to tell her what to do – to have her parents guide her like they would when she was child. But she wasn’t a child anymore, and that meant growing up.
It was in the midst of these thoughts that Lana felt the change. Her whole body went cold like she bad been dipped into an ice bath. There was a sick feeling of numbness that brought a horror into her. She felt so cold, so numb… Lana pressed hard into hand but nothing. 
She felt nothing.
Lana gasped out loud and began to grow anxious, tears welling in her eyes. “I can’t feel anything — god… I can’t feel anything!”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
“He will be once the EMTs get their shit together,” Keith shouted hot headedly, as he opened the man’s eyes and looked him over. “He’s bleeding out on his leg, I need you to take a suture and tie off his leg just above the wound,” he instructed.
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“Sure” he grabbed the kit, and gave it to him, he used his super hearing to hear if the man’s heart was still beating, and he let out a sigh of relief when he heard it was “I hope he is going to be okay”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Rushing the woman out of the burning building, Keith ran with her in his arms until he reached a safe distance in the grass. He began performing CPR as the EMTs arrived on the scene. “Come on, sweets. Breathe for me.”
Looking around he pointed to someone who was standing in the crowd. “You! Come over here and help me! I need you to grab that kit there.”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
“Pretty sure there’s grape here somewhere,” Keith said, looking over the selection and finding a bright purple can and handing it to the older man. “Well, even with gossip there’s usually some truth to it. It’s just the details that end up getting stretched,” he offered with a smile. “But, there’s a perk of free coffee, so you can’t beat that. Those kid will do well with you as their coach though. You definitely were awesome on the field when you played.”
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
“They are? I haven’t really noticed” he bit his lip, since he met Alaina, he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and honestly didn’t notice other girls anymore, his mind was always on her “What if they’re lying? You know how people like to gossip, so we never really know if what they say it’s true or not” he shrugged, so he just believed it when he heard it from the actual person “How about a grape soda?”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
“Everyone has their go tos, mine is pepperoni and pineapple, but new pizza toppings can sometimes be a blessing or a curse. I one had one that had goat cheese on top...I was not a fan,” he said, smiling at her. “But girls seem to like cheese pizza...I’ll never understand it. You look nice by the way...Matt might be here tonight,” Keith hinted, giving her a wink.
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
“Oh well that will be fun. Those barista girls are hot,” he said, thinking about Kira, “and they’re always talking about something going on in town. It’s a great place to get all the latest at least,” Keith offered with a smile. “Can I get you a drink or something? We have all kinds, although I can’t guarantee the way in proper drink ware...” he said, looking around for the red solo cups.
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
“You’re a lucky one, it’s not everyone that has that opportunity, ” he said with a small smile, he knows that he didn’t, he worked his ass off before going back home, so he could buy his own place once he was back, he would hate if he had to live with his parents.
“For now I will just wait until next year, and then I will be the coach of the football team, I got a job as a barista at the coffee shop though, so I have something to do until next year, can’t be without doing anything”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Keith smiled back. “It’s a gift, really,” he said, chuckling good-naturedly. “Did you just bring yourself or is more of the tremendous threesome somewhere around waiting for me to do something stupid,” he asked, mentioning Lana and Sophie. He hadn’t seen the blonde with her friends as much, and it made Keith a little worried.
Giving a wicked grin he nodded. “Oh, I’ve been known to be very persuasive, Miss Smith. Who knows what someone as impressionable as yourself could be persuaded to do...” he said with a wink taking a bite of pizza.
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Keith gave a surprised look before looking at the large boxes in front of him. “I know I ordered cheese, girls like cheese,” he said giving her a smile. Finding the box halfway down the pile he unearthed it for her, opening it up so she could see. “Cheese with extra cheese...for the people who just like it plain,” he teased.
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Keith laughed and shrugged. “So long as my brother’s not working. He has a tendency to talk people out of arresting me, all for the sake of our mom finding out. “It’ll be the death of her”” Keith mocked in a stern voice. “Murder isn’t something I have experience in. Though theft is one. But mostly it’s breaking and entering.”
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Adulting...you’re doing it wrong | Keith+Talia
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Keith looked thoughtfully for a moment. “Well, the sheriff’s station is kind of a personal bucket list item I haven’t been able to cross off yet,” he remarked with a smirk. The man certainly had it out for authority, and the fact that his brother worked at the station made that particular bucket list item more interesting. “And you? What’s been a particularly memorable position?” he asked, his eyebrows waggling.
“So long as you make a good first impression I feel people will fall back on that when you put your foot in your mouth. It’s been my experience so far, and your first impression...” Keith cut off giving her a wink and a thumbs up. 
Keith took the number, looking at it before placing it in his pocket. “You betcha! It shouldn’t be long. Weather is turning cold, and the lake is too cold to do anything fun in without freezing something off, so as soon as the old folks go back to their sunny Florida...that’s when we descend,” he said with a laugh.
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Here To Help || Keith+
“Mhm..” Both brows were raised in amusement when he spoke, her mouth opening a little as she chuckled. “Plenty of choices then…but the main question is..have you tried all of those positions?” Her voice was teasing as she shook her head.
Amber couldn’t help but find it funny when he described himself and how his mouth tended to get in him trouble, because she could say exactly the same thing about herself. “Well I can definitely relate to some of that. It has been said I am severely lacking some internal filter at times. I guess honesty isn’t always the best policy in certain circumstances.” Amber knew she was too blunt at times and for the majority of it, she never really tried to be any different.
She liked the fact he said they didn’t try and wreck things too much. The blonde was all for partying and even trespassing, but she wouldn’t deliberately damage peoples belongings and property. Maybe it was because she’d never really owned much herself.That wasn’t to say she wouldn’t go into destruction mode on someones property if they crossed her badly. “I think being somewhere you aren’t supposed to be, just makes it all the more exciting…gets the adrenaline going.” She offered him a smirk before taking a receipt out of her pocket and writing on it. “Here…my number…so you don’t leave me out, next time one of those parties come along.”
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Giving Sierra an appreciative once over he gave her a heartwarming large smile. “Well, I’m afraid my townie self doesn’t have the proper glassware for such a very fine bottle of alcohol...kinda new to having my own things. But, if you don’t mind drinking out of classless cups, I’ll definitely have a glass with you?” he offered. Keith’s tastes didn’t run as rich, but he knew when something sounded expensive it likely was very fine quality and didn’t want to offend the pretty brunette.
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
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This wasn’t the usual type of party she’d attend – well, she’d never actually been to someone’s house warming before, nor did she really know what to do in such a casual situation. The wolf had been dressed as she usually dressed, not caring if other’s might have been dressed down – she couldn’t help herself. The place was – quaint, but it was what he had said he had wanted, so she smiled politely while being let in before handing him the bottle she had brought for the warming of his house “Its a Dom Perignon 2003 Rosé” Sierra announced proudly, though after a few seconds she realized he might not have been all that impressed with her champagne selection. 
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therebelwithcause-blog · 9 years
Keith smiled at her sheepishly. “I’m so sorry. I think I knocked on your door before to invite you, everyone is welcome, but you weren’t home. I didn’t have the sense to make flyers, mostly because when that happens then parties get WAY out of hand, and there’s only like a limited space so....” He held out his hand. “Keith Williams, your neighbour who definitely puts his foot in his mouth on more than one occasion and will give you LOTS of blackmail material?” he said, with a small slightly frightened smile to the blonde. “Beer? Vodka? Rum? Jungle Juice?” He knew he sounded like an idiot and cringed at his own self loathing.
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Apartment-warming Paaaartya | Keith +
Freya rolled her eyes as she tired to focus on reading, it was one of her many things that got her through long days. This didn’t really work though, where there is loud music just a few doors down from her. She slammed her book down and stormed out of her apartment and down the hall, finding bottles of random soda on the ground. She sighed and picked them up storming into his apartment. 
Freya was taken back as he spoke to her, she dropped the bottles on the table and stood in front of him crossing her arms, “Freya Solstice” she breathed with bitterness, “Your new neighbor who isn’t quite fond of not being told about parties..more so not being invited” she smiled slightly, trying hard not to let her anger get the best of her. 
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