theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 24 」ー
24. What’s their dream job?
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Akihiko is considering to return to Japan to work as a policeman at first, but since Shinjiro is here... he might end up as a translator in Prava after getting his degree on Japanese.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 23 」ー
23. Are they looking forward to the next Festival of Red?
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Akihiko haven't been into one, but from what he have heard, he is certainly looking forward to it.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 22 」ー
22. Are they ticklish?
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A boxer must never be ticklish! 
That's Akihiko's weakness though, though he can control it pretty well that he might as well be considered not ticklish.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 21 」ー
21. Have they ever lost someone?
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Akihiko have lost many people. Shinjiro, the kids at the orphanage, his sister...
He even lost many things, his freedom, his honor, his pride, his personality...
Slowly reunions are made and Akihiko regained what he had lost.
But he will never get back his sister, no matter how hard he tries.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 20 」ー
20. Do they bruise easily?
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Certainly not. Why else do you think the family that adopted him as the heir's bodyguard picked Akihiko for?
With rigid training over the years, it's certainly made Akihiko quite durable against bruising even though Akihiko bruise quite easily when he was very young.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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And there's exams the day after tomorrow too...
Not to mention the JLPT two Sundays later. And more advance Japanese classes too. Also my parents are pressing me to find a part time job too...
Should I really be doing all this role playing? It does take a lot of stress off, but lately my parents and classmates are unnecessarily giving me more of them.
I think I'll take another hiatus when the next advance class starts.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 19 」ー
19. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
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Akihiko usually don't celebrate his birthday unless you consider buying something unusual for himself as a birthday.
But since he was reunited with Shinjiro, perhaps he have something that he have planned for Akihiko's birthday.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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I was telling professorpineapple about this picture and I jokingly said that Aki would do that to Koro and I just
it’s 3am what am I doing with my life
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 一緒に泳ぎましょう! [真田+誰?] 」ー
ー「 Title means Let's swim together! [Sanada + Who?] 」ー
ー「 This is an open starter for anyone who wants it. 」ー
ー「 This is also a starter based on this event. 1 point will be awarded to whoever that replies this starter. 1 point should be given to the writer of this starter as well. 」ー
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"We can actually swim in the lake now?!" Akihiko said, embarrassed and excited at the same time. He's really like a school girl knowing that swim month in school have started. He's also really eager to try that speedo he bought recently, But most importantly, this is a great chance to relax and exercise at the same time!
He feel tempted to bring the inner tube along with all the swimming aids, but what would the others think?! Really, a boxer who is also a butler, that can't swim when they see him with all those swimming aids. Though Akihiko can swim pretty well, he doesn't have any plans to be a swimmer soon. In the end he brought the inner tube and put it at a safe place so that he could use it much later when he plans to relax on the lake.
With a holler of CANONBALL, Akihiko catapulted himself into the lake with a loud splash and rose back up with a gasp and begin to swim around the lake, for a lake, this is one big lake that is pretty a sea for child. It's pretty clean too, almost like a pool, but it have this natural feel like a river.
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"Woooh! That was refreshing," Akihiko said to no one in particular as he swim laps in the lake.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
ー「 30 days of meme goodness : day 18 」ー
18. What’s their ‘smooth’ pickup line?
This, this is Akihiko's best pickup line. 
It's smooth and it's canon, and it have 4000+ notes and it is the best pickup line ever existed hands down.
you’re welcome
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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[ … ] It’s spring, the winter is gone
There’s a sense of promise in the air [ … ]
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
I’ve been feeling extremely lonely lately, but looking at this image sorta helped: 
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Just look at how insanely happy Akihiko looks
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You go, senpai.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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In which Junpei’s an idiot, and Akihiko’s an even bigger idiot.
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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Oh... Akihiko's P3P sprites works well too. Where did I put those...?
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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"Ah, thanks," Akihiko said, handing Yukine his boxing gloves as well as a pair of gloves that he always wear when working. He's still in his butler outfit, though albeit messy since he's not at work now.
"I'm alright, they paid me for today and the extra hours. Overtime wages are close to double the amount you get in a day of part time. Thanks for walking me home though, it's at HIlls Apartment Complex at the Central District, it's not out of the way, is it?" Akihiko asked.
encounter 3 || akihiko x yukine
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
Akihiko got more and more upset by the second. Why does the six years apart made him feel like it was sixteen, no, maybe even sixty years apart? With the life experience that they both have, it most probably made reminiscing hard. Nor does asking the other anything in the past six years to be a choice as well. It might be taboo for the other for all they might know. Yet curiosity is making Akihiko desperate to know Shinjiro's six years without him. He shook off presumptions and guesses since it's not right. He needs to hear it from Shinji. But then again, Shinjiro telling him his six years without Akihiko would mean Akihiko would have to do the same. Akihiko don't want that. Knowing Shinjiro, he might even walk up to the family he worked for and confront them for treating Akihiko poorly at times.
But life have their up and downs now, don't they? I mean they are reunited, so it's up. Akihiko's glad to be finally free from the family's grasp, it left him horribly lacking in the connections department since almost everyone he met is affiliated with the family. It's partially his fault too since the only connections he have are those at Japan, and he lost contact not long ago. He's not gonna let Shinjiro know about it. Neither will let Shinjiro know that he developed drinking problems recently, drinking to swallow his sorrow and loneliness. Sure he have his classmates in the college, but they feel intimidated that it made interaction somewhat uncomfortable. The fact that Akihiko don't do well with interaction didn't help either. As his time protecting the heir of that family, Akihiko was almost silent all the time in public.
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"Definitely, you even got a nifty armor for it!" Akihiko said, pointing at Shinjiro's beanie. "Then I think you might win. Boxing isn't too advantageous against street fights and my kicks aren't as good as my punches." Akihiko grinned as he noticed Shinjiro's small smile. The six years between them is beginning to narrow down it seems. That's good, the sooner they share their pasts and present the sooner they can be just like old times again, though this time Akihiko feels like they won't be separated.
Akihiko is really grateful that he met Shinjiro when he isn't drinking or drunk. A reunion with Akihiko being drunk would be the worst, though he worries about Shinjiro's opinion with Akihiko's drinking problems. But Akihiko suspects that Shinjiro have his own habits that could cause problems later on or something that Akihiko really don't like. Smoking perhaps, Shinjiro does seem like the type to smoke, and he smelt a very faint smell of smoke from Shinjiro's breath, not that Akihiko fared any better. He had just drank a can of beer earlier. He did brush his teeth to try covering up the scent though.
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"Whoa, it really does! Smell's almost just like it! It really is like that place we always go. Does the ramen here tastes the same too, or did they add or change any of the ingredients? Cause it really smell almost like it to the point I can taste it," Akihiko said as if Shinjiro just handed him a plate of his cooking. When was the last time Akihiko had ramen? He didn't had any when he was not with Shinji since it's nostalgic. "I just got here for a few months though. Thanks, for welcoming me.'
ー「 再会 [明彦+新次郎] 」ー
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theredvestedboxer · 10 years
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After welcoming a few customers, Akihiko begins to worry about that new guy. Did he really faint in the bathroom, or did he leave. If he leaves, Akihiko is not gonna cover that new guy's part of the job if that happens. Oh, another customer arrived. Things have becoming quite lively lately, which is why we need to hire more worker. Most of them are young ladies and tourists on this hot summer, some students too, those preppy ones who are richer than Akihiko can imagine. How can one be that rich, Akihiko will never know even though he worked for a family that wealthy before.
"Tsk... where is he?" Akihiko mumbled as he noticed his side of the cafe are wondering who is going to take their orders. Alibaba is doing well on his side, he hopes Yukine comes soon. Seeing no possible customers, Akihiko left the entrance for a while and takes orders as fast as he could, his side of the cafe is now full with all 8 tables and those 8 tables are fully seated as well. Fortunately, they all didn't place their orders too fussily, even with the ones Akihiko thought would. What a lucky day.
As Akihiko was taking the last order, he noticed something poking out of the staff's bathroom door. So that guy is finally done with the bathroom, huh? By the looks of it he isn't ready to work yet though. The look on his face when he glared at Alibaba certainly proves that Alibaba tricked him to work here. It's certainly for his own good Akihiko supposed, since getting over a phobia requires constant exposure, though this is too much...
Seems like the other didn't plan on working either as Akihiko watches the other fail on his attempt to hide in the kitchen. Not that the chefs would let him do that. They would chase the poor guy out immediately. Akihiko shook his head as he watched the other froze up. What could possibly traumatized this guy to be so afraid of girl? Did one of them claw him like a harpy, or did one forcibly rape him? Not that Akihiko will know anytime soon.
He walked up to him and the pack of girls crowding around him and bombarding him with questions. The guy was backing right onto him, looking at him with sad, pleading puppy eyes. 
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"Next time, ask those questions to the guy himself. The new guy just arrive a few hours ago and doesn't know anything. No, I don't have a girlfriend, neither would I have time to have one anytime soon," Akihiko said, a little cold. A downright rejection there to various girls. Akihiko didn't care anymore, he wouldn't want to date these kind of girls anyway if they ask questions about him behind his back. Either too cowardly, or just plain not trusting Akihiko well enough if they were in a relationship. The girls leaves in a huff of embarrassment, sorrow and anger.
"You, follow me," Akihiko said as he hold Yata's hand and dragged the other to the front of the kitchen's exit so that Akihiko could drop his orders there. He then drag the guy once again to the waiter's resting corner.
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"You alright there?" Akihiko asked.
ー「 女達怖いじゃねぇか?[八田 + 真田] 」ー
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