Just For Today
I will accept others as they are. I will not try to change others, but will try to improve myself.
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Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.
Steven Pressfield, The War of Art (via ifveniceissinking)
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One. Do not promise when you’re happy. Two. When you are angry, do not respond. Three. Do not decide when you’re sad.
Wisdom  (via fawun)
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Rejoice despite the fact this world will hurt you Rejoice despite the fact this world will kill you Rejoice despite the fact this world will tear you to shreds Rejoice because you’re trying your best
Andrew Jackson Jihad (via le-dilemme)
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by Matthew Woodson.
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Mi respuesta a que es la angustia. Y no, la angustia no es lo mismo que la ansiedad. Al menos eso creo.
Es un pescado con dientes afilados. Un mounstruo que te va comiendo desde adentro, duele, arde, pica y uno no tiene donde escapar. Te paraliza, te enloquece. Vive debajo de tu piel. Bicho.
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Community member llb asks her spouse to forgive angry outbursts when her bipolar disorder is speaking, to hold her when she is scared, and to know when she is truly suicidal and when she is only venting. 
By Marcia Purse
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The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
Carl Rogers (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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bipolarindeed: axemansjazz: Suzy Delair.
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Y es que este post de Bipolar.me lo tenía q compartir. A ese Hulk mis respetos. Vale la pena leer.
…La semana pasada fui al cine a ver The Avengers o Los Vengadores como se dice en español. Tuve la suerte de haber sido invitada, no una sino dos veces a ver esta genial película. Aparte de lo obvio…
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Sometimes we want to be someone else – anyone but who we are. We want to be someone who feels more free and at peace. We want to be someone who doesn’t have to take medications day after day. We want to be free of the pain and loneliness our illness has brought us. But whether we get what we want or not, what we need is to accept ourselves, our illness, a desire to become well, and the guidance of our Higher Power. Today, do I accept myself, my illness, and the guidance of my Higher Power? Do I commit myself to recovery?
A Restful Mind © 2010 by Hazelden Foundation.
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Aceptar, así fluye, una vez que aceptas la puedes chambear para ser mejor...
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