Roxanne: Hi... who is this?
Roxanne: Not much. I think my nanna would.
Just A Quick Q... - Open Texts
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Roxanne smiled as Riley held the door open because it was a nice gesture and something Roxanne appreciated. "Thank you!" She made her way in and joined the end of the queue, waiting for Riley to join her.
"So how was your Christmas?" Roxanne had spent her Christmas with her parents and extended family in London. There were a lot of them, so they'd ended up staying in a hotel and she had spent most of the time there with her cousins.
"Have you got any interesting classes this semester? I'm doing some intro class on musical theatre, and I can't wait."
It's Just Coffee, Isn't It? || Roxey
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"I'm not really sure. I'm not so great at giving suggestions like this. Now, if you were talking flowers, then I could give you a detailed list." Roxanne figured this woman wouldn't want that, so she tried to get back on subject.
"I think caramelised could be nice."
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Sweet Survey {Open}
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"I don't know how much help I'll be, but I can try." Roxanne had only just rejoined the dating pool after a year of not dating and had totally forgotten that Valentine's Day was coming up.
"Maybe something with fruits, like banana or strawberry or apple or orange or raspberry or peach. I could stand here and list them all but you get my point."
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Sweet Survey {Open}
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Roxanne had changed her outfit three times and she didn't know why. She had no reason to be nervous because it wasn't like she didn't know Riley so it was stupid. She hadn't felt this nervous since Briar which could be a good or bad sign. She wasn't sure which one it was yet but time would tell.
She had texted Riley about going to Hatter's for coffee, sure Pip worked there and soon enough the Spill would probably hear about it from fellow Swynlakers but Roxanne didn't care. Roxanne was more concerned with spending time with Riley and forgetting about what others thought, even if that was hard for her because she did care what others thought of her (something she was trying to work on).
Roxanne had arrived first so waited outside so she could spot Riley then she saw them. She waved at them and as they got closer, she said, "Hey!"
[outfit] @uffdah-riley
It's Just Coffee, Isn't It? || Roxey
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It's Just Coffee, Isn't It? || Roxey
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Roxanne wasn't sure if she was going to the sit at the counter or grab a booth but for right now, she was good just speaking to Jeremy while he made her milkshake.
"I would say I've always been a strawberry person but I'm beginning to be open to mixing it up."
Roxanne was beginning to do things out with her comfort zone lately and maybe trying a different type of milkshake wasn't a big deal to others, it was to her.
"What milkshake would you recommend me for next time?"
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Distraction - Open
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Congrats on completing WriMo!
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Roxanne loved Logan. She just oozed confidence and that was something Roxanne wanted to have. The kind of confidence that made the whole room stop and take a look when you stepped in the room.
It gave her chills!
Plus, she loved when Logan called her Roxy. She didn't even like nicknames that much but it felt different when Logan called her that, like she was part of some inner circle and no one else was invited. "Hey Logan!!" Roxanne smiled at her. "Aw, thank you. Just pour me something sweet, please!"
The Harmony To My Melody || Rip
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Roxanne stood there for a few minutes just holding the gun, and Cruz was staring at her. Maybe this had been a bad idea, and she should just go back to her room. Then Cruz spoke, and it seemed like she was happy that Roxanne had a glue gun, so that was good.
"Oh, that's okay." Sure, she wasn't using the glue gun at the moment, so she didn't see the problem. She took a quick glance around at all the things piled around Cruz and wondered something. "Do you need any help? I'm free for an hour or two."
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Stuck || Roxuz
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Congrats on completing WriMo!
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Sadie Sink photographed by Marco Krüger (2022).
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Something To Believe In
Roxanne is meeting her mum for Christmas shopping but something unexcepted happens on the way...
Roxanne had lost track of the days between essays due in and rehearsing for the winter showcase. It was part of the reason why she was headed towards Hatter's to get a peppermint mocha to get through Christmas shopping with her mum. She just knows her mum is going to take forever in each shop they go in so she needs a caffeine boost before all that. 
Roxanne walked into Hatter's, the bell signaling her arrival where she waved at Pip who seemed busy and could only gave her a quick wave. She understand though because it seemed like this time of year made everyone want to get a cozy drink. She waited in the queue then it was her turn to order, “Peppermint mocha please,” she looked at the cake display, “oh, and a brownie as well.” 
Roxanne moved down the line, chatting to Pip in-between and waving goodbye when she got her peppermint mocha and brownie. She left Hatter's, signified by the bell ringing as she walked out. She looked at her phone quickly and realised the time, “Crap!” She was meant to be meeting her mum already at the NTO bus stop. 
Roxanne started walking towards where Main Street met Ever After when she stopped. Right on the corner of Main Street and Ever After. She didn't know why she stopped, it was if something was about to happen then she felt it. Felt something wet hit her cheek then disappear as if like magic. 
Then Roxanne looked up to the sky and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. “It's snowing!! Oh my God!!” Roxanne started squealing and giggling so much that someone stopped and asked, “Are you okay?” 
“It's snowing!!” Roxanne was more focused on the fact it was snowing to hear what the stranger had asked her. The stranger shook her head and muttered something before walking away. 
“I can't believe it's snowing!!” 
Roxanne had experienced snow before in Swynlake considering she was a native. But this was the first time in her life that she could remember seeing it before everyone else and that was a magical thing in itself.
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Saturday, November 11 – Short and Sweet One-Shot
10 Flowers That Roxanne Martin Has Sold At Sunset Farm.
1. Carnations. Roxanne has discovered that carnations are a popular flower to sell because of their affordable price and sweet sentiment. She has also discovered that around Valentine's Day, they are very popular with the secondary school students.
2. Irises. Roxanne has discovered irises are more popular with the older crowd. She finds a lot of mothers and grandmothers come in wanting to buy them for their mothers, daughters or granddaughters.
3. Roses. Roxanne sells more red roses than any other colour as these are a sign of romance but she has had people buying yellow roses which signify friendship.
4. Tulips. Roxanne sells tulips around spring time when they are in season. Roxanne has sold a lot of red tulips to people wanting to surprise their other half because they are most associated with this idea of perfect love and unity. She has sold yellow tulips to people hoping to cheer someone up and white tulips to people looking for someone else's forgiveness.
5. Sunflowers. Roxanne loves sunflowers and being one of her favourite flowers, she loves selling them to people and loves giving them as a gift to people. Sunflowers are a great gift for brightening someone's day or showing someone how much they warm up your life.
6. Gardenias. Roxanne sells gardenias more around the Christmas season as they make a perfect gift for the Christmas Holidays and they can be slightly expensive to buy all the time. She finds a lot of wedding parties coming in and asking for them as they are also very popular for wedding celebrations with their pure connotations.
7. Orchids. Roxanne finds orchids not to be as popular but still sells a fair amount of these. The pink and purple orchids are the most popular for her to sell but she has sold a few yellow orchids which symbolise new beginnings and she feels they are a perfect gift for the beginning of a new romance.
8. Lilacs. Roxanne sells lilacs around Springtime and the Easter holidays. These flowers are popular with many families in Swynlake. They symbolise rebirth and renewal but also confidence which is why they make perfect gifts for anyone starting a new job or graduating. Her parents gifted her one after she graduated from Swynlake Secondary.
9. Daisies. Roxanne sells daisies and they are another favourite flower of hers. She remembers making daisy chains when she was younger with her mum in the garden. They are typically associated with youth, innocence, and purity so are often gifted to new mothers.
10. Lavender. Roxanne has found lavender to be more popular than she thought it would be. It is usually given as gift to others as a sign of devotion. The scent of the flower is very calming and is great for anyone who needs calming or stress relief. Roxanne has used lavender herself in time of stress and has found it very useful.
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"Yeah, she's around so you probably could." Roxanne didn't see why Pip couldn't talk to Logan O even if they were on rival teams. They all went to uni together and had to be at the same parties sometimes.
"Oh, really? That's not so good, not that I don't like Ed Sheeran but there's only so much you can handle until it gets too much."
Roxanne started giggling before thinking she wanted a drink. "Do you want to get a drink? I'm sure I saw Logan there and I wanted to ask her something anyway."
The Harmony To My Melody || Rip
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Friday, November 10 –  Love Is Stored In The Garlic
Fish and Chips [x]
Roxanne remembers going on seaside holidays with her parents and the rest of the extended Martin family. They'd go to different beaches and always end the day with a nice fish and chips by any pier they could find. Roxanne remembers watching the water hit the cliffs as she ate her fish and chips.
2. Sunday Roast [x]
It's a Martin family tradition to have Sunday Roast, on well Sunday and they've been doing it as long as Roxanne can remember. Her mum likes to cook it from scratch and will source local ingredients for it. Roxanne will make it home every Sunday for it even if she hasn't come home that weekend from university.
3. Shepherds Pie [x]
Roxanne remembers going down to her grandparents over the years and this would be one of the meals they would serve. Her nanna used to let her help in the kitchen to peel the carrots then chop them up and Roxanne remembers it as one of her favourite memories of her childhood. Whenever she has shepherds pie, she thinks about those times and it makes her happy.
4. Bangers and Mash [x]
Roxanne's dad doesn't cook often and when he does, there is one dinner meal he will always cook. Bangers and mash. It's one of her favourite meals as her dad makes the best mash and no one else's mash can compare. He talks about how his dad would make this meal for him and he always wanted to make it for his kids to keep the tradition going. One day, Roxanne hopes to make it for her kids.
5. Toad in the hole [x]
Roxanne wasn't sure about this at first because when her mum said she was making this one night for dinner. Well, Roxanne was expecting real toads and not sausages baked in batter. Once, she realised what it was then she decided to try it and was glad for it. It's a meal she will enjoy if it's made for her but she wouldn't necessarily go out her way to make it herself.
6. Macaroni Cheese [x]
Roxanne has always loved macaroni cheese. Her mum used to make it most Thursday nights for dinner and would maybe add bacon bits to it which Roxanne loved and maybe serve garlic bread with it. It has become comfort food for Roxanne in the dorms whenever she is missing home then she'll make herself some macaroni cheese.
7. Steak and Gravy Pie [x]
It's a Martin family tradition to have Steak and Gravy Pie every year on the first of January and they have kept this tradition going as long as Roxanne can remember. Her parents have hosted in the past but the last few years, they have ended up at her grandparents along with the extended Martin family.
8. Full English breakfast [x]
Roxanne loves waking up on Christmas morning every year because she is greeted by the smell of breakfast cooking. Her mum always cooks a full English breakfast for the family on Christmas Day and as been doing this as long as Roxanne can remember. It's one of Roxanne's favourite things about Christmas morning as she likes to have a buck's fizz with her breakfast then start opening her presents.
9. Fish pie [x]
This was another meal that Roxanne wasn't keen on but she tried it because she knew she wouldn't get anything else. Her parents were very much you ate was was put in front of you and Roxanne does agree with that. It isn't something she would personally choose to eat for dinner or make herself but it was edible and not as bad as she thought it would be.
10. Cheese and ham toasties with tomato soup [x]
Roxanne will make this when she is in the mood for it or in need of comfort. It was something she ate a lot of during her breakup with Briar and it did help her get past it because who doesn't love a ham and cheese toastie. Especially one that they can dip into their tomato soup. Just amazing!
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Sunday, November 12 – Background NPC
Bradley Martin's POV of Roxanne Martin Graduating from Swynlake Secondary. [takes place: June 2022]
Here it was. 
Roxanne was graduating secondary school and Bradley was so proud of her. He couldn't be prouder of the fact that his beautiful daughter was graduating from secondary school. He couldn't stop telling anyone he met which had his wife Camille telling him he was going to embarrass Roxanne if he kept going but he didn’t care. He wanted to tell the whole world his daughter was getting a diploma even if it was just for graduating secondary school. 
The only thing was that Roxanne wanted to head to graduation with Briar and maybe Bradley should have told Roxanne no but he couldn't say no to her. So Roxanne was going to meet him and Camille after, maybe go for a meal in NTO with Briar and her parents. That’s if the girls wanted to but Bradley had a way of persuading everyone to go along with his plans. 
Bradley and Camille were sitting in the crowd, waiting for the graduates to be called and once Roxanne’s name was called. Well, Bradley cheered so loud he was sure he could see Roxanne going red in embarrassment but he didn’t care because his baby had graduated and he was going to celebrate the fact even if everyone was staring at him.
Once the ceremony was over, Bradley texted Roxanne to see where she was but Camille told him she’d probably be with Briar and their friends which he figured but it would have been nice for the heads up. “Fancy a nice dinner at Tiana’s then?” Camille smiled at him and said, “That sounds nice dear.” 
He sent a quick text to Roxanne congratulating her for graduating, of course, they had a gift for her but that could come later when she was home. 
“Let’s go.” Bradley took Camille’s hand and they headed in the direction of Tiana’s, if he had known what Roxanne was just about to go through with Briar, well he would have made sure to include her but he wasn’t to know and that’s okay.
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