therian-bunny · 3 years
I'm watching a bunch of 30+ old-guard alterhumans complain that the people younger than them either only contribute to the nonhumanity/alterhuman communities for the "clout" or because the person only "thinks" they're alterhuman but actually isn't. I want to bang my head against a wall, just, so badly.
That's exactly the sort of attitude that discourages and drives people away from contributing, because it simultaneously belittles the personal meaning behind the essays, art, etc. that people share--"you're only doing it for the likes"--as well as undermining the individual's belonging in alterhuman/nonhuman spaces and larger sense of community. It discourages collaborative efforts and encourages the vicious tearing-down of more uncommon or rare identities and experiences that used to be such a problem in the heyday of grilling.
There's literally no upside to spewing such a pessimistic and frankly bitter attitude. It's dismissive, it's rude, and it's notably coming from a group of people whose collective contributions I could probably count on one hand--which makes think, ironically, that this commentary isn't coming from a place of concern, and instead is just an attempt to deflect valid criticisms that people younger than them have said regarding their gatekeeping, holier-than-thou personas. It's so frustrating to see, especially given I just mentioned in my last essay how some older nonhumans and alterhumans stagnate, and refuse to learn anything new outside their own experiences, and then just stew in a pot of superiority and bitterness of their own making.
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therian-bunny · 3 years
I've always resonated strongest with creature designs that are somewhere between quadrupedal and bipedal. Like, able to stand up and do human things, but retaining the right anatomy to move on all fours.
Best examples I can think of are Zootopia and The Cat Returns.
I just want to be a little cat shopkeeper who has to climb and jump around to retrieve you items that look comically large in my wee paws. Is that so much to ask
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therian-bunny · 3 years
i just wanna be a dog again…….
i want to run in the woods; glide through the underbrush, hop across streams and rocks
i want to track down a hare, chasing it across a field until i lose it in the bushes
i want to wrestle and play with other dogs, rolling around in the grass and mud, getting as dirty as we want, cause there’s a river we can splash around in afterwards
i want to cuddle up with my s/o and our puppies and just be content, not a care in the world except where to explore tomorrow
i want to sleep in the leaves and grass
i want to howl into the night
i just want to be a dog again
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therian-bunny · 3 years
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therian-bunny · 3 years
had the worst toast-buttering experience today
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therian-bunny · 3 years
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therian-bunny · 3 years
Also the community needs to talk more about the fluctuations that can exist in how nonhuman or human you feel, and the ways your mental state can affect this to the point that you sometimes become completely disconnected from your own identity/sense of self.
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therian-bunny · 3 years
When I don’t like someone I don’t follow them or interact w them or even remember they exist. I recommend trying that sometime
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therian-bunny · 3 years
Imagine if pride disk horse was about accessibility for disabled LGBT people instead of Gays Going Ultra Conservative.
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therian-bunny · 3 years
Where are my horns where are my horns where are my horns where are my horns
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therian-bunny · 3 years
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bunny wearing a strawberry hat
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therian-bunny · 3 years
I believe that we should always meet other alterhuman identities with acceptance and open-mindedness rather than skepticism. If someone has an identity or experience that you doubt, or that you think they may be trolling, consider that there will always be experiences outside your understanding. There will be some experiences out there that even if you were to actively try to comprehend, you still might not “get it” and that’s ok. 
I understand the reasons why so many people tend to be skeptical - for many it stems from the desire to safeguard our communities and spaces. Kin communities have been spending years dealing with trolls and people who use our terms while making fun of otherkin who take their identity seriously. I don’t fault anyone for questioning if someone is “legit” especially when their identity or proclaimed experiences seem to match up with that of previous trolls. 
But we need to remember that the range of possibilities is limitless. Remember that even identities we consider “basic” (i.e, a wolf therian) are laughed at by many average people. Remember that we’re seeking solace in a community of people who are supposed to be understanding of those who do not fit in. 
I saw someone in a kin group admitting that they were afraid to be honest about their kintype because they’re a nuclear submarine objectkin. They were afraid it’s too similar to the worn-out “attack helicopter” jokes and people will assume they’re trolling. Nobody should not be afraid to be honest about their identity in communities that were supposedly made for them. 
There are some who are kin with objects, both sapient and inanimate. Some are kin with music or particular songs and albums. Some are concepts such as time or space itself. Some are from different universes. Some are incomprehensible or unknowable. Some completely defy logic or rationality. 
Some people may use labels that don’t quite “fit” their experiences, but choose them anyway because it’s what most comfortable for them. If someone is using a label in good faith, we shouldn’t try to gatekeep them just because they don’t 100% fit the definition. Don’t assume you know someone’s experience better than them, hell, don’t assume you can easily understand someone’s experiences at all. 
Be open-minded. Be willing to check your own assumptions. Be willing to accept that you can’t understand everything. Be willing to tolerate things that are off-putting to you. Just be accepting, and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, at least to start, ok?
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therian-bunny · 3 years
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therian-bunny · 3 years
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This is what happens to a basketball court when the pipes burst
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therian-bunny · 3 years
not that i can control it by any means, but i sometimes feel shameful about being a domestic dog
it sometimes feels like the only real alterhumans are feral or fictional
after all i am very close to humans
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therian-bunny · 3 years
Any therian or otherkin (but especially therian) group with an initiation ceremony is definitely a cult in the making, and likely a fully-fledged cult by the time you're initiated. If any group or community leader insists on an initiation, run for the hills! Don't involve yourself with those communities! Therian cults are a well-documented phenomenon - do not entertain any cultish behavior for even a second.
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therian-bunny · 3 years
how old therians talk is extremely troubling
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