Beyond Judo
Judo was created as a physical, mental and moral discipline. Judo is not only by enemy but also use for self defence.This kind of martial throwing or takedown an arts was started in Japan and created by a man named Jigoro Kano who is a master in Tenjin-shinyo-ryu jujitsu.
This ancient form into a sports which is know as Kodokan Judo. This self defence forms and integrated the best sports was use in education to discipline our physical body and mental thinking.This sports is for women and men, even your children can be because this sports teach us to be calm and to have some respect.
Benefits of Judo
1.It teaches you the value of hard work
When you start out you are getting thrown and submitted at will.  But you will start to see that as you put more time into your practice, it takes you longer to lose, and you lose less and less.  And then you put more time in you will eventually win against those that you were unable to beat before.  And by that time, you are now the one throwing and submitting guys in class.  Judo teaches you the value of hard work, because you actually get to see the fruits of your labor every time you spar.  Your progress can be seen; it’s tangible
2.It teaches to fight fears
 The fear of being physically hurt is a strong emotion that holds many people back from many of life’s more enjoyable activities.  Judo does not sugarcoat the fact that they are combative sports pain is part of the game.  And while injuries do happen, precautions are taken to make sure that you are as safe as possible.  The people that stay with judo are eventually able to face their fears of being hurt, by forcing themselves to take the pain and becoming resistant to their fear of pain as a result. 
3.It toughens you physically
    Practicing judo is going to hurt and it is going to be painful .  As far as physical pain goes, judo is one of the roughest sports out there.  The sport places a huge emphasis on safety, but you are going to get thrown to the ground,a lot .  That is just the how it is.  But as you get thrown more often, your body starts to toughen up and absorb the pain a lot better.  Then, it won’t hurt as much. 
It builds mental toughness
Mental toughness is a big reason why I continue with judo. This sports teach you to fight through discomfort and pain.  It teaches you to fight back when you are backed against the wall.  It teaches you that you should not be afraid to fight someone bigger or more skilled than you. “being thrown around makes you physically tough, but Judo also builds mental toughness; knowing you can go up against a guy twice your size “ 
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