Trenton councilwoman falls prey to 'blue waffle disease' internet hoax
It guarantees that you will not transfer infectious microorganisms to your partner. Sharing sex toys and the multiplicity of partners can also increase the risk of developing this disease. Oral sex is the usual method of transferring the condition from woman to man. In oral sex, there is no protection against invading microorganisms. Thus, they can easily transfer you and infect you. Some cleansers can cause irritation if it isa new product or you are not used to it. Use of untested cleansers will not only cause irritation,
but may also increase the risk of developing an infection such as blue waffle infection. Physical and mental stress can weaken the overall performance of your body, including your immune system. Thus, pathogens can easily wreak havoc in your body if you are too stressed. As much as possible, you should try to do some relaxing activities for optimal health. Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as trichomoniasis may show no signs or symptoms. If you do not know that your partner has STDs, you are at high risk of contracting an infection. In any type of infection, taking antibiotics is the main treatment. For bacterial infection, penicillin or doxycycline is the prescribed medication. You must follow the instructions of your doctor to avoid aggravating the infection. For the treatment of yeast infection, the doctor may prescribe antifungal creams.
Vaginal secretions and swelling can increase the proliferation of yeasts. Thus, during the condition, a yeast infection can occur as a secondary infection. Moisture can stimulate the proliferation of microorganisms. To ensure that the vagina is clean and free of moisture, regular care should be taken regularly. He uses a feminine wash that contains lactic acid. This will prevent infection and restore normal pH level or vaginal acidity.
The ample undergarments allow a good air circulation, which prevents any additional irritation. In addition, opt for cotton undergarments for effective absorption of vaginal secretions. The transfer of all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) involves two people. This principle is also applicable for this disease. Women are not the only carriers of this infection. Men can also contract this disease and pass it on sexually and orally. From a medical point of view, there is no known disease that can transform the vagina into bright blue. In most cases of vaginal infection and sexually transmitted diseases, the common symptoms are redness, the presence of wounds, vesicles and rashes in the skin. genital area. There is only one medical condition known to produce a bluish discoloration of the vulva, which is bruised. Sexual assault is the most common cause of this disease. In addition, it will only produce a blush and not a bright blue color. Thus, it is not true that blue waffle disease can turn your intimate parts into bright blue. Although the vagina may be exposed to various microorganisms, it can protect itself. It produces vaginal secretions that keep the genital area clean. As mentioned above, excessive washing and douching can alter the pH and disturb the microflora of the vagina.
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