therisingseasons · 6 years
This is a message for the followers I have
Thank you for giving The Rising a chance. Thank you for being with it so much that you decided to follow this blog. Thank you for your patience.
I’ll make this worth your while. This year, I’m turning this story around, getting it back on track. You will receive regular updates starting this January. This will probably be after I’m done with my exams (21st).
I’m not giving up, I’m never giving up. The story isn’t abandoned. I’ve worked on it this summer more than you can expect. Amazing things are coming.
Happy 2019!
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therisingseasons · 6 years
The Rising - Arc one
The first arc and very much so the begining of the story is triggered by Silas rising from the tomb. But because Jeremy had to die in order for this to happen, his death is intrinsically a trigger as well.
Because Jeremy dies, Kaithlyn is able to pick his energy in the tomb. This leads to her looking deeper into it, so going to Mystic Falls.
It was supposed to be a quick detour from her life, but things are not what they seem in Mystic Falls. Animal attacks abound and more so, Jeremy died that Saturday. Kaithlyn decides to find out the truth, so she begins her research: the police station, the hospital, the people in town. Things contour themselves even more when she finds out that the Salvatores are vampires and that Matt knew about the supernatural. In an interesting turn of events, her source of information, Stefan, is attacked by vampire hunters. She saves him and settles on a meeting with them the next day.
Because she talks with them, she finds out the truth and that Jeremy was a vampire hunter, thus giving her the possibility to bring him back.
Everyone prepares for the ritual and reacts to the events of the previous night. Finally, once Jeremy’s body is restored and Kaithlyn’s ready, she does the ritual. The result is what she desired, Jeremy’s back, but there’s a cost. Kaithlyn’s life.
Because Jeremy dies, Elena turns her humanity off and falls off the wagon. This changed her. The brothers spend most of the arc looking for the cure in order to fix her with it. However, they’re not the only ones who want it. A lot of people have their own agenda with the cure, including Elena, who wants it out of the hands of the brothers so she can be herself. The search for the cure leads them to NY, but things go awry. Not only does Katherine trick them and get away with the cure, but back in Mystic Falls Stefan is attacked by hunters who demand Damon and Rebekah. Because of this, they can’t search further for the cure, they had to return home for him.
While saving Stefan does go smoothly, it also leaves questions behind. The characters deal with the aftermath of the colision between the gang and Kaithlyn in chapter 7. This colision also triggers several plotlines:
1. Because Stefan got so hurt, Caroline insists that Matt stays away from Rebekah.
2. Because Rebekah compelled Elena to stay in town, she decides to use Matt.
3. Because Kaithlyn talked with the brothers and found out about the mark, she decides to bring Jeremy back with a ritual. To do this, a witch comes over to restore his body.
4. Because the brothers find out about Kaithlyn’s intentions, they are able to pull Bonnie away from the grip of Silas, who had been taunting her with having Jeremy back.
5. Because Rebekah compelled Elena to stay in town, she has to make amendments with the people there. That means meeting her schoolwork done and acting up to what was expected of her. Because she has to pretend to be destroyed by losing Jeremy, she intimidates Matt during the speech.
6. Also, because she burned her house, she has to buy new clothes. But because Rebekah compelled her, she wants to get back at her by going out with Caroline instead. There’s more to that decision though, relayed in arc 2.
And there it came, the moment of truth, the ritual. In the church of Mystic Falls, a ritual is conducted that is meant to say goodbye to Jeremy. In the Salvatore mansion, a ritual is done that is meant to bring Jeremy back to life. In their own way, both of them succeed. Because Jeremy’s life as he knew it is gone, burried in the cemetery. But things start anew for him. He takes his first breath in The First day and comes to realize how much things have changed since he died on the island.
Truth is, everybody wants something and Jeremy’s return won’t go unnoticed.
Just like the moment Silas snapped his neck in that tomb changed everything, the moment Jeremy raises from the coffin will change everything.
For everyone
In the second arc of The Rising
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therisingseasons · 6 years
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Chapter 9 The first day part two is up!
Summary: They did the unthinkable. They raised Silas. There would be consequences. And the first one had a name: Kaithlyn Downright.
Link chapter 9 
Link prologue
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therisingseasons · 6 years
The revamped version of The Rising will be published this Friday, 19th of October.
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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Matt attends Jeremy’s funeral. Who helps him through this terrible time with some heartful advice? 
Read chapter 7 for the answer.
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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Did you like the Beremy moment in chapter 7?
You can read it here.
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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Chapter 7 Ritual is up!
Summary: Kaithlyn Downright is one of many things, including on her way to Mystic Falls. What is she after? And most importantly, with Silas and Jeremy's death looming over them, how will the gang deal with her newfound presence? Note: Starts out slow, but plot includes all characters.
Link chapter 7
Link prologue
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therisingseasons · 8 years
Chapter 7 will be published this weekend.
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therisingseasons · 8 years
Good news everybody!
My exams are over. Can you hear that? Over, like o to the v to the e to the r. Like done. And yes, I passed and even got into the uni that I wanted. #excitement Anyway, what does this mean for The Rising? Um, obviously, I'm going to get back to writing. This whole summer vacation is going to be packed, so awesome. Either way, I already have two scenes of chapter 7. It's called "Ritual". Oh, and I'll just say a certain couple will get a cute fluffy scene. Can you guess who? Tip: it's not what you can originally expect.
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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He made a attempt to leave, but Matt stopped him. "What was the deal with the message, Stefan?"
Stefan shrugged and said, "It's nothing, I've just been receiving these weird messages since last night."
Matt extended his hand forward and said, "Show me." He saw Stefan starting to protest, but continued. "You helped me, Stefan. Let me help you, at least with what I can."
Stefan nodded and they both took a sit on the couch. He opened the messages menu on his phone and passed it to Matt saying "All above this one."
Matt looked over them and he had to agree, they were weird. He excused himself and went to get two notebooks and some pens. He wrote all the messages on the paper and read them out loud.
Veronica species
the Edmirer of
dear wife, we are fading rapidly. out of all the 100 man, only 50 of us made it back from the field today. 38 left to scan the forests, our general has to arrive any second now. i love you, see you soon
peter picked a peak
read again
Matt looked at the paper and bit on the pen unconsciously. Eventually he put it down and said, "Let's decipher the message then."
Stefan wanted to argue, to say that there was no hidden message behind all that mess, but seeing the burning determination in Matt's eyes made him stop. Even if there wasn't a cryptic message behind it all, maybe they could get something to lead them to the owner of the messages.
Either way, it was nice to get help on something and Stefan wasn't about to refuse it. "Let's."
The Rising - Chapter 4 Detective
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therisingseasons · 8 years
Killing twelve innocent people in order to save a loved one... that seems like something Damon would do. When did I become like that?
Caroline, Chapter 4 Detective - The Rising
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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Caroline felt really conflicted about the things that had happened last night. She killed twelve witches to save her friend, Bonnie. Twelve people lost their lives because her friend was supposed to be murdered by one of them.
Caroline knew Bonnie all of her life. They'd been friends since first grade and they didn't let anything come between them; them and Elena. If she would have let them kill her, it would have been a betrayal on her part. Bonnie protected them and risked her life for them more than once. Saving her seemed like the best action that Caroline could have made.
Then why do I feel this big aching in my chest?
Was it because she was scared of Silas? Was it because there was a tiny, tiny piece of her that wished Silas never got what he always wanted?
Caroline shook that thought away and went back to thinking about Bonnie.
She used to say: 'Somehow Bonnie is the only one that always gets hurt.' And she hoped that after finally telling Elena, that they would be more considerate of her. Even in this whole cure hunt, Bonnie got hurt.
She remembered holding her last night, trying to calm her after the horrible news she had to experience twice. What the witches did made Bonnie lose her memory and she had to receive the news about Jeremy for a second time. It was heartbreaking and Caroline will never be able to forget her glassy eyes, her body starting to shake and her broken voice saying that it wasn't true.
The Rising - Chapter 4 Detective
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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Bonnie sat on the couch with the knees held tight to her chest, looking at nothing in particular. She couldn't focus on anything because of the aching in her heart. It hurt; it hurt more than anything else she had ever felt.
Her cheeks were stained with small amounts of salt water, the remains from the heavy crying she had been doing. It didn't feel right, nothing felt right for her.
Bonnie took a deep breath. A breath Jeremy is not able to take anymore, she thought and immediately regretted the decision because of the sharp pain she felt in her heart. She really should had followed Caroline's advice and not think about him anymore, but she did not.
The pain in her heart only grew as she remembered Jeremy's name whispered by Caroline. Don't think about him anymore, Bonnie. He is in a better place now and I know Jeremy wouldn't want to see you all heartbroken. Her speech remained perfect in her mind and every time she thought about it, it only made the hole in her heart bigger.
Bad move, she thought and her hand immediately went to her chest to check her heartbeat. Her heart was beating very fast as if it was she was taking part in a racing game. Here comes the crying…
Bonnie waited for a strong five minutes and she gave a hollow laugh when the salt water ceased to appear on her cheeks. She continued to laugh for another three minutes stopping herself only to make sure no vampire friend was listening at the door, ready to jump in with a straight jacket.
Maybe Caroline was right; maybe I really am going crazy.
She was angry at Caroline for always downplaying her problems, she was angry at Stefan for asking for help when she needed it the most, she was angry at her friends for treating her like trash, but the most she was angry at was herself for letting the situation get so far.
Bonnie reopened her eyes only to see the flames fade away into nothingness. But that was a mistake because doing so only released the huge tears which were formed in her eyes.
The Rising - Chapter 4 Detective
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therisingseasons · 8 years
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Suddenly, he heard the door open and Matt came running to him. He looked scared and it made Stefan wonder how worse could things get.
He left Matt steady his breath out and eventually he asked, "Is there something wrong?"
Matt answered quickly, "You know that girl that you and Damon talked to last night?" He took a deep breath as he ran out of air. Stefan nodded and he continued, "I've spend some time together with her today. She's a vampire."
Stefan gave him a weird look and asked, "And why do you think that?"
Matt took another deep breath and said, "We went to my house and when I entered, she asked me if I was going to invite her in."
Stefan nodded. Matt was probably right. He would have left that kind of behaviour pass as normal before, but not with Silas running around the town and his new understanding of not underestimating people.
Stefan wanted to tell Matt about the weird call he received today, but he felt his phone buzz one time. He received a message. The call was from an unknown number and he asked numerous times if someone was on the phone, he also said his name, but despite his efforts, all he could hear was silence. He eventually gave up and closed, claiming that it was just a mistake.
Stefan took the phone out of his pocket and the first thing he noticed was that the message was also from an unknown number. He couldn't recall if it was the same number which previously called him, but he let that thought slide as his eyes glanced over the text.
It read: Veronica species.
The Rising - Chapter 3 Cocky
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therisingseasons · 9 years
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Rebekah could hear the faint scratch of a pencil against paper and she followed the sound towards the living room. On one of the couches there was her brother laying down and holding a sketching pad in his hand. He was looking unusually cheerful. What had happened while she was in New York with Damon and Elena?
The Rising - Chapter 6 Aftermath
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therisingseasons · 9 years
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The forest was dark and even in the broad daylight, the terrifying aura didn’t chase to show itself. The ground was covered in amber leaves with a few empty spots where the grassless ground revealed itself. Although almost all the trees possessed the same dead foliage, a few sturdier ones had their higher branches privileged with dark green leaves. This was definitely not the place to be, but she still found herself on the cold sand surrounding the forest- an unfortunate forest on a cursed island.
The Rising - Prologue
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