therobbinsnest · 2 years
Back into the dumpster fire of tumblr. Hello darkness my old friend.
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therobbinsnest · 2 years
The X-Files Fanfiction Exchange Masterpost ✨
Secret Santa
2019 | Theme: Seasonal Prompts
Valentine | Easter | Summer | Episode | Spooky Halloween | Secret Santa 
2020 | Theme: Genres
Fluff | Angst | Smut | Episode | Horror | Case File | Secret Santa 
2021 | Theme: Challenge-Based Prompts
Dialogue | Five Times | Missing Scenes | Smut | AU | Song Fic | Other Perspectives | Secret Santa
2022 | Theme: Tropes
Fake Relationship | Hurt/Comfort | Too Close For Comfort | Jealousy | One Bed | Undercover | Darkfic
In Progress
Stella/Scully (November 5th)
Slash (November 19th)
Secret Santa Exchange Announcement in November, Exchange in December
Information about what the exchange is and how to participate here
If you would like to know themes for the upcoming exchanges, just DM me for the schedule.
Our inbox is always open for suggestions for future exchanges!
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therobbinsnest · 2 years
“If Walls Could Talk” (1/?)
As she walked up to the crime scene – a dilapidated house in rural Virginia – local police and her colleagues shot each other bemused looks, ushering coy smirks off their lips. Some turned to their partners to whisper and cover a snicker behind their hands.
She returned their loaded glances with passing annoyance, unsure why she was getting the New Girl In the High School Cafeteria welcome, but her mind was on the case and her partner who, by the looks of his car out front, had beat her to the scene.
She had been elbow-deep in the autopsy bay investigating the suspicious death of a fair-skinned, red-headed female scientist and Mulder had been chasing some leads on a possible suspect when they got the call that they needed to come out to this house right away to see the latest development.
Mulder, who barely let Scully out of his sight since the murder, convinced it was a warning before coming after her next, wanted to drive back to the office and go together, but Scully said it would waste time. She’d meet him there.
Driving to the house, Scully thought about the case and decided it was absurd – egotistical, even – to think that her life was in danger because someone killed a scientist who happened to have red hair. 
Mulder was being his usual overbearing self. It could be sweet, but she hated being treated like a porcelain doll about to fall off a shelf. 
She didn’t need protecting. 
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therobbinsnest · 2 years
The fourth series reads as follows:
Apple Balancing … Potential … The Newbies … The Dessert … Dinosaurs and Cannibalism … Sassy Sprinklepants … The Secret Vault of Mudlerness … Taco Night … Neckhole Wrestling … The Onesie … Multiplication … Catching On … Thanksgiving … The Funeral … Midnight Libations … Stockings were Hung … Mama Walter … Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (Skimmer-style) … Official … Memory Lane … Tartan Tablecloths … Auntie V … Birthday Surprises … Routines … Worry
To catch up: First series … Second series …  Third series
The phone jolted them awake, Mulder automatically slapping at the nightstand, trying to stop the infernal noise from interrupting his warm cocoon of naked Scully suctioned to his chest, hand glued to her breast, feet tangled, knees bent, parts hard. The cold rush of air between them when they separated woke Scully to a half-stupor, “Mulder?”
“Yeah, hang on.” Finally finding the phone, he woke up quickly once he caught sight of the time.
Scully was already struggling to stand by the time he hung up, his statement to her brief but clear, “Sam’s gone.”
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
Sweet Jesus this fic is gold standard.. the stuff of dreams I tell ya🙌
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In which Scully becomes a Consortium doctor, and Mulder moves heaven and earth.
This is a long (81K) MSR story, many years in the making, a bit of a wild ride, but (me being me) you can count on that ending dissolving into fluff.
Well. Here’s that inevitably maudlin moment where I’m overwhelmed by affection for this helluva fandom and all those who wander in’t.
tagging @leiascully and @leucocrystal for essential lockdown tough love beta
@lilydalexf for being the kindest, hardest-working Phile ever
@teethnbone for wildstyling subways with me
@onpaperfirst for hilarity and putting ‘Spook Cops’ on our horizon
@thegrotesckque for just basically existing
@mustangsally78  because you’re the bomb, babe, and herewith a reverential quote from your groundbreaking fic that changed my drifty young life forever.
Thank you all, you’re the best!
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
do you have a list of cute jealous scully fics where mulder is confused at her jealousy because he thought it was pretty obvious he’s in love with her
I have a list of jealousy fic recs.
Here are the stories on that list that include Scully being jealous, but I don’t think any have their sole focus on the situation you describe. I hope you like them anyway! If anybody has a fic to rec that’s just like what anon describes, please let us know.
Achilles’ Heel by FranTheWonderHorse (fran58) Dissonance by @suilven19 Eat It Too by Rachel Anton For Better, For Worse by @dksculder How to Fake an Orgasm by V. Salome The Snow Ball by Gina Rain
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
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Play along! ... I posted on Twitter figured I post here... mental health check ... what’s your current level?
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
Up in your arms
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Read here on A03
Note to my readers: This story does not take place within the universe I’ve established in most of my work. It begins right after “Closure” and while it loosely follows canon, canonical events aren’t important to the story and it will ultimately diverge. It’s essentially how I would have ended the MSR story in S7. No brain disease here, I promise.;)
The title is from Echo & the Bunnymen’s “The Killing Moon” which was the inspiration for this story. (Also, I’m aware Donnie Darko wasn’t released until 2001 but let’s suspend our disbelief a bit, since we’re doing it already anyway.)
Hic sunt smut ahead.
**The last part of chapter one might feel a little familiar: it’s a repurposed tumblr prompt that I was asked to continue and, well, it turned into this.
A lifetime of searching had yielded results: truth, in its infinite cruelty.
He’d sent Samantha up into starlight: an innocent sprite turned celestial body. His entire life he’d dreamed nightly of her, of what felt like nothing but her: her face, haunted and terrified, as she was dragged away from him into the bright lights; her screams of Fox. Every day he hated the sound of his own name more.
He rarely slept, not really. And when he did, never well. He didn’t want to. Sleeping meant living there again and again. Whether real or imagined or simply a manifestation of guilt, the nightmare lived there, a constant within his mind, waiting to be set free.
Tonight, he’d wrapped his arms around his lost sister and let her go, up into the sky, for good. The tears he’d wept were real, but so was his freedom.
Scully drove them to the airport and as they sped closer to home he felt as if he were sleepwalking the entire time: the car, the motel. The airline counter. Security. A cup of coffee pressed between his chilled hands by Scully’s warm ones, the steam and smell of it encircling him. Scully’s blue eyes watching him over the rim of her own cup.
He drank, but tasted nothing.
They said very few words to each other for hours, but when the plane touched down in DC, he felt her take his hand and squeeze it. He looked over and saw tears in her eyes. She was the only other person in the world who could possibly understand where his head was at this moment, and he squeezed back and smiled, not really knowing what to say, but her eyes told him everything he needed to know.
“You gonna be okay tonight, Mulder?” she asked tentatively as she later pulled up to the curb outside Hegal Place.
“Yeah,” he said, and he really thought he meant it. “I’m okay.”
She nodded and he could tell she wanted to believe him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
When he closed the door of his apartment and dropped his keys on the dining room table, he heaved a sigh of relief. He was glad to be home again, but he’d never felt so alone in his life.
Sitting in Skinner’s office felt strange this morning. Mulder was having the distinct realization that his life had been composed of sections: the part before Samantha disappeared, the part while she was missing, and the part after. The now.
The now, the now, the now.
What now?
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
The one year anniversary of “In a Dark Place” has come!
One year ago, @observeroftheuniverse​ and I embarked on a journey of epic proportions. We collaborated on this prompt:
“Fuck or die” Mulder and Scully are forced (at gunpoint, or by some other coercion) to have sex with each other. Dub-con - they both want and have feelings for each other, but not under those circumstances. Bonus points if this is their first time.
Over the course of a few weeks, we tirelessly gave up sleep, work, and family obligations to bring you an original “fake cunnilingus” scene and roughly 6 orgasms for Scully (hey- she deserves it).
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But don’t worry! We love all of the MSR feels, so there is plenty of those to go around! 
Read “In a Dark Place”
@today-in-fic​ @xfpornbattle​
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
proximity - chapter 4
wc: 994 / msr, ust, season 4, cancer arc
summary: they don’t do this.
(chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3)
i love constructive criticism or just comments in general! feel free to message me here or find me (and my other writing) on ao3 here and leave me a comment. xx
The clerk at the front desk gives them a nod as they float across the yellowed tile of the lobby, still tethered together. When they checked in 24 hours and one heat wave earlier, Scully’s hair had been mussed, the left side of her sleek bob curving to the shape of her head, ends sticking out every which way. She had finally given in to the exhaustion that lined her face on their second flight of the evening, a tiny plane from Nashville to the swampy land of Nowhere Special, Florida.
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
Eggs and Windmills
An alternative ending to Ghouli… Assumes MSR is back on track. Thank you to @baronessblixen for some quick and valuable input! Tagging @today-in-fic
It’s the sun that tempts Scully away from the diner opposite their motel. The air is tinged with the undercurrent of Fall and she feels feeble warmth on her cheeks. She walks along the road – deserted and quiet thanks to the newly built highway nearby - until she sees this particular diner with a tall, red windmill on its roof. It feels like a memory she can’t quite grasp. So, she steps inside and is shown to a booth.
The diner is fresh and empty. Tables wiped clean and silverware untouched by the grease of the day. Dust dances in the morning sunlight and she smells smoky bacon from the kitchen. Her dry eyes ache as she scans the menu and finding anything that wouldn’t induce a combination of dopamine and heart disease is a challenge. She settles for an omelette. The coffee is hot and bitter, serving as a distraction from her guilt: Mulder is on a morning run, and would expect her to eat with him later. He has never really understood her need for solitary wandering. He knows when her mood shifts, and gives her space, but he doesn’t get it. During their very first case, having known her less than 48 hours, he showed her his deepest and inner-most self. The neglected child in him craves attention, contact and acknowledgement. Professionally she had to prove herself to him for the best part of a year, yet very early on he attuned his physical movements to hers resulting in an intimacy which is both affirming and invasive. He sustains himself in relation to others – his sister primarily, then his father and, finally, her, the weight of which has more than once threatened to suffocate her. She exists, and that alone can sustain her. She learned this the hard way. She is the sun and he has been in her orbit for 25 years.
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
Shut up this is amazing!!!
Title: Petrichor
Rating: Explicit
Summary: He could tell her that her prefrontal cortex was the revelation to the thief on the cross.
Spoilers: Early S7
Author’s Notes:This is a casefile inspired by many things. The Season 7 timeline is a mess, I don’t know what else to say about that.
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
gaycrouton’s Masterlist of Fanfiction
As of January 28th, 2020 Also available on AO3 and FF.net
One Shots (Sometimes Two-Shots)
Bumpy Ride [She knew she was going to be the one who would have to sit on someone’s lap, it only made sense because she was the smallest and lightest, and realistically, she knew that someone was going to be Mulder.]
Bumpy Ride II
Clinical Detatchment [Mulder starts to get anxious after being slipped a little blue pill and it’s up to Dr. Scully to help him figure it out and deal with the side effects.]
Clinical Detatchment II
Close Quarters [Prompt: Initially, the closet had seemed like a great place to hide. Mulder had no idea Scully was claustrophobic.]
A Collection of Constants [Of Mulder’s many obsessions, Scully’s freckles was one of them.]
False Hope in Sheep’s Clothing [What was really going through Scully’s mind during her moment with Eddie Van Bluhnt?]
Gym Defense [While doing required fitness tests at the gym, a man pulls some dirty tricks while sparring with Scully, and Mulder is not having it.]
Mixed Signals [Scully gets flowers from a secret admirer and that, combined with the way Mulder’s been acting, prompts her to be honest with herself.]
Nocturnal Emission [Scully watches Mulder have a wet dream]
Out of the Mouths of Babes [Someone on a case gets a crush on Scully and is very upfront about it. Mulder can’t help but get a little jealous.]
Unbearable Silence [How can she say she’s fine when there’s blood running down her face?]
Ten Times Mulder and Scully were intimate in their own unique way
Six Times Mulder saw Scully in her lingerie
Four Times Mulder and Scully got a little too close
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
Ohhhhhh this is amazing.
Good Thinking
tagging @jeankob
An unpacking of complications, the belated appreciation of a shelf.
He can tell she’s crying.
He almost calls her Darling.
“Jean. Come on. We cannot do this.” He thumbs his temple and switches the phone to his other hand. It is better she doesn’t call.
But she sniffs in a way that worries him. “It’s an emergency.”
And he learned long ago that love is not petty.
“Alright. It’s alright. You are at your house?”
Jean is at her house. He expected, almost, a practical problem—a burst pipe, or she finally fell on the porch steps with her hands full.
Instead there is no sign of danger but the fact that she is wearing her glasses unselfconsciously, cupping her elbows as if cold. There in the doorway he feels guilty for looming over her. And she is small enough to slip past his boundaries. He thumbs her cheek.
“Your nose is red like Rudolph.”
She studies him for a long time.
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
👽 X-Files Season 7 Fic, Part 6
There are so many great stories set in season 7 of The X-Files! Here are even more, following five prior sets of season 7 fic recs. Enjoy! Part 1 ** Part 2 ** Part 3 ** Part 4 ** Part 5 Bardo by @darwin-xf The Choices We Make by a_steady_wish Devoured, cleansed by @frangipanidownunder Expectancy by @mldrgrl A Few Thousand Plus One and No Such Thing as Perfect by @mldrgrl Fingertips by @baronessblixen Hands by @purrykat In Milford by @spookydarlablack the king of small victories by @all-these-ghosts Old Growth Forest by Andrea scenes by @o6666666 A Sunset Moment by @baronessblixen Untitled “all things” story by @purrykat Untitled “all things” story by @purrykat Untitled “Millennium” story by @purrykat Untitled Season 7 story by @leiascully The Way it Should Be by @frangipanidownunder Without Speaking, Confess by @thetwoguineabook
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
Tagged by @edierone​ --THANKS!! See how this goes.... I’m old so I dunno if there are gifs for some of my shows 🤣🤣 I’ll have to wing it ... I think eveyone has done it already!!! But if ya haven’t do it!!!
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therobbinsnest · 4 years
My Fav Fanfics
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Hi everybody ! today I wanted to share with you the best msr fanfictions I have read. I was inspired by @sarie-fairy and I said to myself ... why not do it too!
Most of the stories are from the Ao3 site, others are not. I will put the link with the title of the story + summary 😉
Katherine of Ireland by @ Jenna Tooms Summary: The Kind is dead. Long live the Queen.
The Pequod Universe (series) by @sunflowerseedsandscience
Captive Fox (series) by @ Bluebonnet Summary: In a land where women rule and men are chattel, young Fox Mulder is about to become Lady Dana Scully's most prized possession.
You and Me by @ Lolabeegood Summary: In 1812, fifteen year old Katherine Scully and seventeen year old William Mulder find themselves in unlikely circumstances as the British attack American troops. The adventure begins with a proposal of a different kind.
He is the Master of His Fate, She is the Captain of Her Soul by @ ScullyLikesScience Summary: Story begins during the final events of “The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati.” It then chronicles a canon-compliant progression of Mulder and Scully's relationship throughout Season 7, including the beginning of their love affair, and on through Seasons 8 & 9. The story will conclude post-IWTB, and may or may not incorporate Season 10 & 11 storylines.
Free by @ JustTooMuch Summary: This man she married. Stephen Cowan. Brilliant Attorney. Pillar of the community. Cruel and abusive husband. Of course, he wouldn’t have that last one printed on his business cards.
By the Dim and Flaring Lamps by @sunflowerseedsandscience Summary: Captain Fox Mulder, the abolitionist son of a Virginia plantation owner and slaveholder, has turned his back on his family and everything he's ever known in order to fight for the Union, rather than joining the ranks of the Confederacy alongside his fellow Virginians. He runs off to Pennsylvania to join a newly-formed regiment in the spring of 1863, and there, he meets and quickly befriends the enigmatic young Daniel Scully, a private under his command. Private Scully's steady shooting and bravery in battle have proven him to be a far more capable soldier than his age would suggest. But in the days immediately following Gettysburg, Mulder discovers that Private Scully is hiding a secret, one that could change their friendship- and Mulder's entire life- in ways he couldn't possibly imagine.
Souviens-Toi by @ Marie Fieve (It's in French but you can automatically translate it into English on Google Chrome) Summary: A year and a half after leaving Washington, Scully receives an envelope...
The Mastodon Diaries by @ aka "Jake" Summary: Mulder and Scully are thrown back in time… 12,000 years.
A Meeting of Chances by @ Dyann Zimmerman Summary: What if Mulder and Scully actually met while in college?
All That is Dark and Bright by @malibusunset-xf-blog Summary: Up through Emily (except Emily does not die. Please see author’s notes).
Instinct Over Reason (series) by @ agoodwoman
The Whole Truth by @admiralty-xfd Summary: Fox Mulder and Diana Fowley, a partnership of like minds. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, a partnership of perfect opposites. A journey beginning pre-XF and throughout the series exploring these relationships.
Mine by @lepusarcticus Summary: Mulder finishes his sentence.
School, Sex and Subterfuge by @serahsanguine Summary: This story is based in 2018/2019. Mulder is a teacher, Scully is a student. This story is an NC-17 rating. There is no underage sex in my story I researched this before even writing it. Mulder is known to give extra credit of a sexual kind to Someone special in his class does this person turn out to be Scully?
XII by @ fragilevixen Summary: A killer romanticizes each and every victim, leaving behind symbols of his "love"...but who is his intended target?
Une autre histoire by @ Andy56 (in French) Summary: If you do not know what an AU is and the simple fact of imagining M&S during the conflict of the Confederate Yankees repels you, this fic is not for you! Shippers it's for you!
All Things Bright and Beautiful by @ dlynn Summary: "Scully, have you ever asked yourself what kind of man would quit his job, leave his family, follow you across the country, and never contact you the entire time he was here. Never once, in ten years, did he call you, or write you, or contact you in any way. What kind of man is that, Scully?"
Aussi vague que le sable by @ Andy56 (in French) Summary: Scully is married but not everything is rosy. Mulder is a witness at first impotent but which will prove to be precious.
The Scully File by @mldrgrl Summary: Mulder is assigned to monitor Scully's computer and falls in love with her. Set in 1993 and working under the premise that Mulder and Scully met on March 6, 1993 and not March 6, 1992.
Someday Your Child May Cry by @sunflowerseedsandscience Summary: Beginning with the events of "The End" and ending sometime after "The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati," and told in a series of between-the-scene vignettes, this is my re-imagining of Season Six. Amid the re-emergence of Diana Fowley and the loss of the X-Files, Scully tries, with Mulder's help, to turn the impossible into reality.
I've got you under my skin by @ Cuits Summary: In a universe where soulmate identifying marks exist and affect a part of the population, would Mulder and Scully's relationship evolve any different?
Omens by @lepus-arcticus Summary: Mulder and Scully are called to Horizon, Montana to investigate a mysterious and gruesome death.
(And There you go! I hope you will read and love them all! Maybe I will share others after ... ♡)
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