theronlight · 2 years
Commissions are open! TAT 3 days!
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theronlight · 2 years
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Obligatory post
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theronlight · 2 years
Like Fire Emblem, Join this server!
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theronlight · 2 years
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theronlight · 3 years
Reblog if you’re dead
Wanna see how many people are dead
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theronlight · 3 years
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❤️ happy birthday kuko!! ❤️
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theronlight · 3 years
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AA textposts: part 2!
this time with 100% more edgeworth
Most of these were made at different times so they’re a little inconsistent
(part 1)
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theronlight · 3 years
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play dai gyakuten saiban
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theronlight · 3 years
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i can’t wait to meet herlock sholmes
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theronlight · 3 years
Ebon Hawk Crew + Physical Affection
Idk how many people on this site ever played KOTOR but I have crew cuddling headcanons so bear with me. 
(starring Female Revan because that’s the best Revan)
Revan is the most open with affection. She’s in a relationship with Ride or Die, Swore to Follow Her to the Ends of the Earth at the First Sign of Affection McGee, co-parent of Mission (and Juhani?? and Bastila??? she’s stopped trying to classify her ducklings), and by far the most emotionally stable one of the crew, baring Jolee. She either got good with physical affection or got out. If you need a hug? Want someone to braid your hair? Had a nightmare and don’t want to be alone? Revan’s your (wo)man.
Carth doesn’t go out to initiate cuddling on a regular basis unless it’s with Revan, but he’s very liberal with shoulder claps and half-hugs and other casual affection, and if you sit on the same couch you WILL end up leaning against his chest and tucked into his side. It’s just going to happen. Even Canderous ends up pressed knee-to-shoulder when they sit next to each other during crew dinners.
Mission doesn’t ask for cuddles. Mission was a Taris street rat who spent the majority of her life getting used to people coming at her with knives, and would actually rather die than be seen as an insecure kid who needs coddling. So she doesn’t ask. What she does do is aggressively sit on you and stare straight ahead until you get with the program. They do.
Juhani is an actual cat, and demands the same level of affection as one. No lap is safe. You’re sitting down? Hope Juhani is not in a cuddling mood, because she will push your shit out of the way and take its place. She’s awkward and hesitant about it, like she half expects to be kicked for it, so no one ever says no. It’s dangerous if you’re looking to be productive. Her favorite spot is with her head on someone’s legs and face pressed into their stomach.
Zaalbar never asks for affection, he just sits next to you and l e a n s until you’re like. Barely touching. Mentioning it gets you a glare that could curdle blood. The only exception is Mission, who he got far too used to physically holding back from bad fights, which has since translated to hugs. Everyone else gets manhandled like nobody’s business tho. If you need affection, he’ll pick you up by the scruff and dump you on the nearest crew member. This is how Carth ended up in Canderous’ lap for an hour. They ended up taking a nap on the couch.
If you’re over 18, Jolee will not give you a hug unless pressed. He spent twenty years in isolation on Kashyyyk. He’s not a hug man. He’s old and crotchety, and has limited patience for most of your shit. You can get physical affection after almost dying, and only after almost dying. Occasionally if you’re coming back from a long time away, and you catch him as part of the greeting party, you can sneak a quick one in. What he does do regularly is force stews of questionable edibility down crew members throats, and badgers you until you come down to medbay for treatment. If he’s bitching at you, that’s his way of saying he gives a shit whether you live or die.
T3 is a droid, but if you don’t cuddle him at least once a day he’ll get indignant and a lil sad and no one likes that. Mission likes to sit behind him with her chin on his dome and her limbs wrapped around him like she’s scaling a tree. Headpats and foot-ramming are his love language.
HK thinks physical affection is some kind of sentient he shot last week. He says “I care about your miserable existence” with weapons and insults and if you don’t get it that’s not his fucking problem.
Bastila will jump and get awkward if you come at her with the affection too hard. She likes it but she does Not know how to deal with it, so if you hug her she’ll stand there stiff as a board. She doesn’t actually want you to let go. The crew knows this, and have resigned themselves to hugging a metal pole doing a human impression
Canderous isn’t super great at physical affection and pretty much never needs it himself, but if a crew member wants some from him he will shift and keep doing whatever it was that he was doing. If you want a limb, chances are he’ll just let you have it. One time someone tries to test how far this goes, and that’s how Canderous beat and interrogated a dude with a child on his leg and one arm occupied by a sort-of cat wrapped around it like a tree trunk
(Jolee and Canderous won’t start cuddle piles, but they often make up the base of one when another crew member drops down on top of them and then it escalates from there)
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theronlight · 3 years
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theronlight · 3 years
But isn't all food bad for you? I've been eating lasagna and muffins every day of my life for 40 years and I feel terrible.
Why is Garfield sending confessions to a Fate blog
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theronlight · 3 years
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He found his glorious purpose
(Once again, credits to my friend for making this)
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theronlight · 3 years
the most assless and titless character you have ever seen
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theronlight · 3 years
On Thor & Loki’s Broken Relationship and Odin’s A+ Parenting
Thor’s Pattern of Threatening & Scapegoating Loki
What Did Thor Actually Learn While He Was Exiled?
Does Thor Realise How Toxic Odin Was?
Abuse Apologism in the Thor Fandom
Loki Is A Classic Case of Internalised Racism
Frigga’s Misguided Effort To Elevate Loki In Odin’s Eyes
Loki the Perpetual Scapegoat
Thor’s Love For Loki Is That Of A Child
The Symbolism of Odin’s/Thor’s One Eye
Odin’s Family Dynamic (Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5)
Understanding The Traumatic Aftermath of Thor’s Banishment
Genocide Is A Family Tradition
Frigga’s Role As The Enabler
Loki Has Every Right To Reject Frigga’s “Love”
Loki’s Complicated Relationship With His Father(s)
The Jötnar Vs. The Æsir
Was Loki Really Abandoned As An Infant?
Loki’s True Intentions In Crashing Thor’s Coronation
The Only Way Loki Could Prove He Wasn’t A Monster Was To Become One
Loki Was Right To Reject Frigga’s Ultimatum In The Dark World
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theronlight · 3 years
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Felix: If I had a nickel for every family member that died saving Dimitri, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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theronlight · 3 years
"this file may harm your computer are you sure you wanna downl-" yessssssssssssss yes i am sure yes destroy my fucking pc i dont care
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