thesamemistxke · 16 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 17 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 17 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 18 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 18 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 19 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 19 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 20 days
moved to @miratenebrarum
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thesamemistxke · 2 years
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thesamemistxke · 2 years
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[ hm ]
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thesamemistxke · 2 years
you literally cannot blame me if I kill someone have you seen humans
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thesamemistxke · 2 years
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thesamemistxke · 2 years
“Oh, both, actually!” 
I mean... they both were weird little men. Or... at least, one of them was, for sure. The other’s weirdness was mostly the lack of limbs and color on their face now that they had much more blood out of their body. Which was kind of weird, all things considered. Usually it’s Karl’s duty to, uhm.
     Let’s call it “taking care of intruders”. Sounds much better than “murder innocents”, anyway. Something worth being put in his curriculum if-slash-when he manages to get out of the park.
Now, mind you, Karl was never the type of person -- or, er. Statue. -- who enjoyed voyeurism. If someone finds his playmate before he could, then leaving them alone is just polite. Not him nor Arma, who patiently lied on his shoulder when he decided to sit down and watch, would’ve appreciated having an audience while they fulfilled their duties, anyway.
In fact, if it wasn’t for the weird purple man’s shapeshifting abilities, he would’ve probably just. Left. Find something else to spend the night. Or someone. Does Climber count as a “something” or a “someone”, he asks himself, before dropping the subject and instead focusing on the bloody stranger, offering one of his usual bright smiles.
Guess pretending to be a funny little innocent statue is pointless, considering the mess the other just made, but he can still act as if he wouldn’t happily join the hunt. Just to test the waters, for now. 
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“You don’t see someone making this mess everyday, you know?”
Is he talking about the above mentioned massacre, or is he insulting the poor victim for daring to bleed so much? Yes. The answer is yes.
“Hope you brought a mop with you to clean that up! It’s my turn on cleaning duties, and dirtying my good suit would be pretty annoying.”
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                      THE TABLETOP IS WILD  //  accepting! @thesamemistxke​ commented with a sly smile: ❝  god, what a weird little man!  ❞
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a sigh of effort and relief, his hand reverting to its usual human form  ——  blood drips from the fingers, like a liquid, dense, weird caress. he would smile, but that comment comes before his lips manage to; and regardless, he really needs a cigarette right now.
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his eyes lift, looking for the source of the voice as hands take up the pack of nicotine rolls from the vest. uncaring of the blood, since he’s already stained in it: all of the poor victim at his feet, and not even a drop of his. in all honesty, the job could have gone much smoother, but itch had let the guy go, just for a bit, to brighten up a boring evening. when he caught up, the adrenaline pushed him to go a bit too hard on the man, painting the floor and a few columns of the abandoned train station red  ——  and probably made him a bit inattentive, since he didn’t realize someone else was there, watching.
and there he finds him, just as he puts the cigarette between the lips: leaning against one of the further column, barely lit by the light coming from a streetlamp from outside  ——  his smile well visible on the visage.
needless to say, a hint of a smile appears on itch’s lips as well, well lit by the fire of the lighter drawn near the cigarette. smoke starts to gently surround him, lighter back in the pocket, cigarette between the fingers, and the perfect incarnation of the absolute calm in each of his gestures and glares.
« who  ——  him, or me? » he asks him, glaring at what little remains of the body at his feet, and then up, at the newcomer. « was it a nice show to see? if i knew i had guests, i would have made this last longer. »
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thesamemistxke · 2 years
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thesamemistxke · 4 years
“Yeah… Unfortunately I don’t exactly remember much from then or…a little after.” His mind wandered again but Spoiler pulled himself back to the present with relative ease. “Sorry to hear ya nearly got brained by some crazy bride, though. Ya look like a tosser but not so much to get someone lookin’ to kill ya.”
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“That aside though… What’s yer name anyways? Ya can just call me Spoiler and this-” Spoiler motioned to the large spear/blade he was holding. “-Is my brother, Rip.” 
“‘Ello, scarface!” Rip piped up in his usual snarky manner. 
Oh, yet another suprise! Another talking weapon!     --no, the fact that nobody but him could hear Arma didn’t matter, she’s perfectly able to talk, shut up.
Sure, that weapon was... clearly way less well-spoken than his dear raven, but he couldn’t expect every single talking weapon to be a civilized lady like her.
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“Spoiler and Rip... I’ll try to remember that! I’m the worst when it comes to names.” he still kept on playing the good sweet friendly statue part as he jumped off the gravestone, lifting a hand so Arma could rest on it before starting to walk around the newcomers. Yeah, there’s... definitively something human in that guy. “I’m Karl, and this is Arma. You can say we’re the local cemetary guards and ghost busters.”
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thesamemistxke · 4 years
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[,,, and ok not to be a karl simp on main bc i think he deserves to like. get super killed and die forever,,,
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i’d. i’d love to like. yknow. having him go through a fun little character arc and. im not saying be good, but somewhat morally grey? maybe a tiny bit uhhh anti-heroish yknow????
im just sayin.]
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thesamemistxke · 4 years
[,,, and ok not to be a karl simp on main bc i think he deserves to like. get super killed and die forever,,,
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i’d. i’d love to like. yknow. having him go through a fun little character arc and. im not saying be good, but somewhat morally grey? maybe a tiny bit uhhh anti-heroish yknow????
im just sayin.]
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