If you voted for tr*mp or support him unfollow me now
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V O T E (part 2)
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It’s Not Too Late to Make 2020 Count
The 2020 U.S. election is right around the corner. Tuesday, November 3, is the last day to cast your ballot. We’re almost at the end of this seemingly endless election cycle–but don’t break out the bath bombs yet. There’s still work to do, like making sure you cast a vote that counts. Here’s some info that’ll help you do just that:
Who should you vote for? Well, that’s up to you. We’re not here to tell you how to live your life, just to make living it a little easier. Find out here where the presidential candidates stand on key issues like climate change, healthcare, and racial justice. Sure, the presidency gets the top billing, but those smaller, local elections affect you as well. Use this state-specific ballot guide to help you fill out your entire ballot. 
It’s not too late to vote early. In some states, the early voting period ends Saturday, October 31, aka Halloween. Like this election cycle wasn’t scary enough. Learn more about your state’s early voting deadlines here. If you still haven’t registered to vote, @whenweallvote makes it easy to explore all of your state’s voter registration deadlines in one place. Find your polling place ahead of time. Waiting until Election Day to look up your polling station is like waiting until the day of the show to buy tickets to a MCR reunion tour. It’s not a good idea. 
If you voted by mail, your job isn’t over. To confirm your absentee ballot has been accepted by your state’s board of elections, use @resistbot for status updates. No, that’s not a text from your crush: it’s Resistbot! Unless Resistbot is your crush…in which case, maybe you should just check the status of your ballot online.
There’s something in the air
If you consider yourself anywhere from barely to extremely online, you’ve been bombarded with misinformation—and you might not even know it. At Tumblr, you control the conversation. As a result, we need you to help us shut down the spread of misinformation. 
With one of the most contentious elections in U.S. history only days away, we’re asking all users to be watchful of what you see and read online. Use our Election Integrity Guidelines to help you identify and avoid sharing potentially harmful information. To combat misinformation within the Tumblr community, we’re also asking users to read more about media literacy and report misinformation or abuse of any kind right here. 
Good luck out there, Tumblr. Don’t forget to #Make2020Count.
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Now this is my type of prompt!!!
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boost if able, re: minnesota protests
in case y’all didn’t see, the Minnesota Freedom Fund is actually good on donations after that massive fundraise yesterday and is directing people to donate to other causes, including Black Visions Collective, Reclaim The Block, and Northstar Health Collective.
MFF page for verification.
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TRAYVON MARTIN was walking home with an iced tea and Skittles. He was shot by George Zinneman, who was found not guilty.
KEITH SCOTT was sitting in a car, reading. He was shot by a police officer, who was not charged.
ATATIANA JEFFERSON was looking out her window, and was shot by a police officer, who is still under indictment for murder.
JONATHAN FERRELL was asking for help after an auto accident. He was shot twelve times by police, case ended in mistrial.
JORDAN EDWARDS was riding in a car and was shot in the back of the head by a police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
STEPHON CLARK was holding a cell phone, and was shot 8 times, 6 in the back. The officers were not charged.
AMADOU DIALLO while taking out his wallet, 41 shots were fired by four different officers. They were all acquitted.
RENISHA MCBRIDE after an auto accident, she knocked on someone’s door for help. The homeowner was found guilty of second-degree murder.
TAMIR RICE was playing with a toy gun, and was shot by police officer arriving on scene. Officer was not charged.
SEAN BELL was hosting a bachelor party. 50 rounds were fired by police officers who were found not guilty of charges.
WALTER SCOTT was pulled over for brake lights, and was shot in the back by a police officer who pleaded guilty to civil rights violations.
PHILANDO CASTILE was pulled over and told officer he had a legally registered weapon in car. Officer acquitted of all charges.
AIYANA JONES was sleeping and was accidentally shot by an officer in a raid on wrong apartment. Officer cleared of all charges.
TERRENCE CRUTCHER needed help when his vehicle broke down. Was shot by a police officer who was found not guilty of manslaughter.
ALTON STERLING was selling CDs, and was shot at close range while being arrested. No charges filed.
FREDDIE GRAY was beaten to death by officers while being transported in police van. All officers involved were acquitted.
JOHN CRAWFORD was shopping at WalMart, holding a BB gun that was on sale—police officer was not charged for his murder.
MICHAEL BROWN was shot twelve times by an officer, including in the back. No charges filed.
JORDAN DAVIS was killed because he was playing loud music. Shooter found guilty of first-degree murder.
SANDRA BLAND was pulled over for traffic ticket; was tasered and then arrested. Suspicious “suicide” while in jail. No charges.
BOTHAM JEAN was fatally shot in his home, which female officer ¿mistook for her own? (Which I’ll never understand.) Officer found guilty of murder.
OSCAR GRANT was handcuffed and placed face-down, officer then shot him in the back. Officer found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
COREY JONES was waiting by his car which was broken down, and was shot three times by police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
AHMAUD AUBREY was jogging. He was shot by two racist men who claimed they suspected him of burglaries. Both men were charged with murder and aggravated assault.
GEORGE FLOYD was suspected of alleged fraud. He handcuffed and pinned to the ground by an officer’s knee. He begged for mercy and he was ignored.
ERIC GARNER: Stopped for selling cigarettes on a nyc street and choked by a cop in broad daylight. Complications of the stress put on his throat by the hold caused his death; Openly said “I can’t breathe” several times and pretty much died while three other cops watched their compatriot kill a man. Eric was well known for just trying to sell goods as a side hustle and never actually hurt anybody.
These were all murders. They were not accidental. All of these innocent people: men, women AND children. Were murdered because they were black. Not because they were violent. Not because they were threatening, but because they were black. Something has to change. We have to MAKE a change. Black lives matter. Black men. Black women. Black children. Non-Binary blacks. Trans blacks. Every single one of their lives matter. Your friends. Your neighbors. Your teachers. Your brothers. Your sisters. We are the change.
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Minneapolis police shoot TV reporter & camera crew with some sort of projectile (5/29/20 evening)
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here’s the link to donate to george floyd’s official memorial fund if you are able to contribute. if you can’t donate, please share. being black shouldn’t be a death sentence.
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clearview AI can recognize faces even given an input image where the subject’s nose and mouth are covered (nytimes)
stop posting images of protesters
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please reblog if you have links for bail funds in other cities or other resources!
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Why do people draw Pacifica like THAT? Like, this child is literally 12/13 years old, and people still choose to draw her sexy. Like ?? That is really gross.
The same goes for all the child characters, actually, but I think I see it with Pacificia the most, at least in the main tags.
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Huevember Day 16: Lost
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I still love pacifica.
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pacifica northwest…. i love you…
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messing around with Photoshop, still no idea how digital art works hhhhh
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Mabifica week day 1&2: swap and party!
I missed these two so much!!
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