thesanityeclipse · 5 years
How the signs deal w/ hate
Explode: aries, scorpio, virgo, sagittarius
Defend themselves: leo, taurus, gemini, aquarius
Stay quiet: pisces, cancer, libra, capricorn
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
How the signs perceive themselves
Aries: thinks they’re actually the shit…. sometimes. they can be too hard on themselves if they’re not always perfect and they can easily slip into an attitude of not knowing how to move forward. they know they’re strong through it all, though. they depend on themselves and nobody else.
Taurus: they know they’re stubborn, but they try really hard not to be. they very much strive to be kind and warm. sometimes they can push themselves away from the people they love and they try to get themselves back to how they were before.
Gemini: they think they’re the life of the party, and most times they actually are. but when they go home, sometimes all that upbeat energy goes away and they can’t but think that they’re not good enough. they are always striving to be superhuman and to make sure everyone else is happy. and they are aware of the high standards they have for themselves.
Cancer: they know they’re loving, they know they’re sensitive, they know they’ll give anything to someone they love. sometimes they really despise it about themselves, and sometimes they see the true beauty in being soft and compassionate. other times, that much emotion can resort in them turning it into self-hatred and they’re full aware when they close themselves off. they know that they need to not care as much about what others think.
Leo: said to be confident, they can actually get very insecure. there is no worse enemy for them than themselves. they get a lot of anxiety about people and situations sometimes, but they force themselves to push forward and that’s why they get to claim the lion as their own.
Virgo: they think they’re a true badass sometimes lol. but truthfully they know that they have a soft spot for everyone. they know that they can come off as cold, but they only do it so people won’t take advantage of them like they’re so used to.
Libra: they know that they’re lovers. they know that they are romantic just as much as they are spontaneous. deep down, there’s a deep self loathing that takes place. they replace their bad feelings with attention, and they know it’s unhealthy.
Scorpio: they KNOW they’re intense. but they love it. they don’t see the point in living if things aren’t felt fully. but with this, means feeling the negative things fully as well. and they shut themselves out, they can get very hard on themselves for not being able to shut off how they feel.
Sagittarius: they sometimes get insecure and overcompensate for this by acting very confident/cocky. they know this. but they hate having people see their vulnerability, they see a side to themselves that only they know.
Capricorn: they know they can do anything they put their mind to, that they’re intelligent and capable. but they also know that they’re perfectionists to a fault. they can ruin their own ambition by being too negative about themselves.
Aquarius: they know that they have an inner child. they love the feeling of innocence or going back into the past. but, they also know they have the weight of the world on their shoulders and that’s why they act the way they do. the people who laugh the loudest often have the most going on inside of them.
Pisces: they know they’re emotional and soft. they wear their hearts on their sleeves and they’re never ashamed. sometimes, it gets too much for them and they know that they need to escape for a little while, they know they feel the best in nature and writing what they’re feeling.
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
Simple Advice ✨
Aries: you have to believe in yourself first
Taurus: chase the things that set your heart on fire
Gemini: understand that other people don’t think the same as you
Cancer: don’t give up on yourself
Leo: don’t be embarrassed about the things you like
Virgo: work consistently for what you want
Libra: be aware of the intentions of those around you
Scorpio: be willing to let down your guard when needed
Sagittarius: don’t apologize for who you are, ever
Capricorn: don’t forget about the big picture
Aquarius: don’t let other people persuade you so easily
Pisces: feel as much as you need to feel, but don’t let it consume you
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
some things about water signs 💧
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
- take on other peoples feelings, empaths
- feel the need to “fix” everyone
- sleepy 24/7 but do what they gotta do
- extremely romantic and will actually do anything for someone they love
- cries when mad
- will take the long way home to listen to a good song
- so good with children w/o trying?? like. why is every kid attached to you? did u choose this?
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
some things about fire signs
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
-they know how to get the job done
-will absolutely astound you with their passion about that ONE thing they love
-always ready to build someone up when they need it
-will most definitely meet up with you for a 2am venting session if needed
-love that will set your heart on fire, literally
-very loyal, they never give up on people unless there is a SOLID reason
-very good w/ animals for some reason??
-honestly, all they every think about is loving something and being a power couple w/ them
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
some things about earth signs 🌍
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
- very good at making people feel comfortable
- will help you w/ literally anything you need
- love to lay in the grass
- will be the first to speak up if they feel someone is being mistreated
- will actually work until they collapse
- they’re commonly the “voice of reason”
- very passionate about their opinions on things and WILL debate if needed
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
some things about air signs 💨
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
- will give u everything without you asking
- loves to go out equally as much as staying in
- they give the most wonderful advice
- will fight u
- not very good w/ talking about emotions, they have to be pulled out of their lil world sometimes
- have great intuition about people and whether or not they’re good/bad, but don’t always listen to their gut
- doesn’t go to bed till 2am most days
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
some things i love 💕
Aries: they fake it till they make it with EVERYTHING. they might be scared out of their mind but you’d never be able to guess it. they jump in and challenge themselves and never look back
Taurus: they never judge you no matter what you tell them. they’re always open to listening even if they don’t understand it themselves.
Gemini: they don’t take anybody’s shit. they stand up for themselves and everybody else and keep their ground. they know when to pick their battles.
Cancer: they get very passionate about what they love and could literally talk about it for DAYS and it never gets boring bc you know how much it means to them. they truly have a light in their eyes when they talk about what they love.
Leo: no matter how bad they might feel, they’ll always take time out of their day to build someone up. it’s what makes them feel better.
Virgo: they know how to work hard to get what they want. once they have their mind set on something, they keep going until they get it.
Libra: they are always so excellent with words. they know what to say and how to say it, and how to string together the perfect sentence to make your day better.
Scorpio: they have a super empathetic side for the people that they love. they always check up on people and are more concerned for them than they are for themselves.
Sagittarius: they will always have something to say. you don’t have to worry about them not being honest with you, they always give it straight up.
Capricorn: they always make you feel listened to. they truly want to hear about your life and how you’re doing instead of just asking those questions without any meaning.
Aquarius: they are so deep, but they keep it hidden away so only the closest people to them can see this side of them. but once you do, it’s truly exquisite.
Pisces: they are the voice of reason. they may have to think about things for a while, but once they have something to say, there is no option but to listen.
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
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Trying something different, hope ya like it! 🌟 (this took me a really long time so pls be nice lol) gemini & cancer are in a separate post bc 10 pic limit :(
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
how the signs deal with stress
Aries: blank stare, always
Taurus: a lot of aggravation
Gemini: working fast to get it over with
Cancer: push through w lots of tears
Leo: breakdown
Virgo: possible yelling, lots of frustration
Libra: just zone out till it’s over
Scorpio: cry
Sagittarius: lots of venting
Capricorn: work hard vent later
Aquarius: doesn’t phase them, until it does. then steer clear.
Pisces: procrastinate till last minute, then freak out
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
Who are you in the friend group? (check moon)
Aries: the protective one
Taurus: the sassy one
Gemini: the crazy one
Cancer: the calm one
Leo: the loud one
Virgo: the loyal one
Libra: the sensitive one
Scorpio: the talkative one
Sagittarius: the smart one
Capricorn: the funny one
Aquarius: the creative one
Pisces: the empathetic one
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
little things ✨
Aries: they support you endlessly.
Taurus: they will listen to you all night whenever you need it
Gemini: they make you feel comfortable right away
Cancer: they will sit in silence with you for hours and it just feels so calm
Leo: they stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves
Virgo: they always know how to build you up
Libra: they know how to make you feel better whenever things are going wrong
Scoripio: they make you passionate about the world with them
Sagittarius: they make it so easy to talk to them about absolutely anything
Capricorn: they go into things ready to help anyone who needs it
Aquarius: they make you feel like you can be silly without being judged
Pisces: they make you feel listened to and understood
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
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Cancer sun. Aries moon. Virgo rising.
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
2020 for the signs
aries: for you 2020 will be the year you finally take initiative and make a decision on something you’ve been questioning for a while. with mars spending a good portion of the year in your sign you will begin to look after yourself more and work harder for the things you want. you will also finally let go of personal blockages and self-doubt and find yourself being more confident and assertive.
taurus: you will face a lot of changes, especially within yourself. this could be a physical, spiritual or emotional change but one thing is certain: you will come out of 2020 as a new person. next year will also offer you a chance to get out of your comfort zone and change your routine-oriented life. this is a good thing as it will make you more flexible and open to new ideas. you will feel a sense of ease and inspiration throughout the year.
gemini: next year will be the year of romance for you. venus will be spending more than a third of the year in your sign so you can expect 2020 to be fun and indulgent, especially during the summer. next year definitely won’t be boring for you and there’s a huge chance you’ll find that special someone or improve your current relationship by a lot. just watch out for your laziness and tendency to procrastinate as that will be increased during the year.
cancer: with jupiter opposing your sun you might find yourself more restless and more open to expand your horizons. you will also be experiencing enhanced intuition and spirituality. money also may come to play here and you will have no difficulties gaining it but be wary of being overindulgent and spending it excessively. next year you will also be the one who brings joy into your relationships, both platonic and romanitc — but remember to take as much as you give.
leo: if you haven’t felt like yourself lately this is bound to change next year. you may have lost your confidence and spark due to hardships during previous years but this will change in 2020. you will be experiencing a variety of new things, especially with romance. the beginning of the year may start out confusing or slow for you but as it goes on you will feel more like you belong.
virgo: 2020 is an excellent year for you to make goals and accomplish what you want, as it will be an efficient year for you. you may feel a bit confused or “out of it” during your natal planet mercury’s retrogrades but regardless this will be the year that you start taking responsibility for your own happiness and stop burning out for others.
libra: as chiron ventures further into aries and opposes your sign, 2020 may be a year of pain but it will also be a year of lessons and a year where you get stronger. as your natal planet venus spends a good portion of the year in gemini, you will be more open and communicative in general but especially with your thoughts and emotions. the good thing is you’ll be more focused and decisive throughout the year but strong emotions and competitiveness also may arise. 
scorpio: you will be more at ease next year and feel more optimistic as your natal planet, pluto will be conjuncting jupiter for a good portion of the year. during this time around you may also feel like it’s easier to achieve all the things that you want. you will find balance in the things you do and your positive change will not only affect you but those around you too. an abundance of money may come to you and you will be sure to save it or spend it wisely as pluto will also be conjuncting saturn, the planet of perseverance too.
sagittarius: next year will have a karmic feel to you, like all the things you have been doing, whether good or bad, will pay off next year. as the south node resides in your sign starting from mid next year, you may find yourself feeling more familiar and content with the things you already have. you will also be spending more time with friends and family and the people who bring you comfort.
capricorn: you may have felt like your efforts haven’t payed off or that you don’t get recognized enough but this is bound to change in 2020. as jupiter is residing in capicorn this year you may surprisingly find yourself exhibiting all the traits of jupiter  — optimism, indulgence and a desire to have fun. your personal relationships will also improve and there’s a good chance you’ll find love in 2020. whatever you do next year will feel easier and lighter than the previous ones.
aquarius: in 2020 you will find stability and a routine, you may also expect yourself to work harder but with ease and be sure with the things you want. due to your natal planet uranus residing in taurus you may find money and new personal possessions come your way. you will connect with your friends and family on a deeper level and feel a more open, preserving connection with them. 
pisces: as lilith finally exits your sign you will finally let go of past grudges. you will finally feel more free, relieved from your past difficulties and tensions and like anything is possible. next year the focus will also be on your social life and you will feel yourself thrive in that area. you will gain confidence and a sense of worth which will reflect on the things you do.
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
Мне кажется или моя женщина га что то намекает?😂
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
👽Как я скушал ЛСД👽
Приняли с девушкой по марки ЛСД, так как были на даче, подготовка к трипу прошла успешно, музыка подобранна идеально: Shpongle VIF, Hallucinogen. Природа, птички, чистое небо. Расслабились в креслах, ждем начала приключения )
Ощущаются, легкие вибрации, девушку подташнивает, меня же слегка начинает затягивать в воронку красоты мира вокруг.
Девушку прет нефигово, видит узоры на небе и земле, «тонет в глазах».
Наконец пришло и мне, заложило уши и прибило к креслу, окутывая ароматом миллиарда растений вокруг.
Звуки в ушах сами образуют хитросплетения мыслей, завораживая и погружая тело в пляс энергии и струн космоса. Мягкость материи проходит сквозь пальцы, когда буквы пляшут между собой и входят в хоровод. Все встало вдруг на свои места, меня уносит волной настроения и разных цветов, меня слегка трясёт и я не знаю от страха это или от предвкушения. Уютно и тепло, вроде сон накрывает волной, а вроде я все еще тут, реальность стирается со сном и грань столь невидимая. Сердце колитится с бешенным ритмом, но от этого не становится страшно, от этого так приятно, так тепло по телу, как от самой сильной влюбленности, от самой настоящей. Впервые осознаю как это, когда все становится равным, когда весь мир вокруг относителен, включая твое тело. И искренне жаль, что нет столь же четких слов, чтобы описать это чувство, а существуют лишь абстракции. Самое глубокое осознание, что вызывает трепет внутри, осознание того, что все мы едины своими душами, возможно, соприкасается ими, взаимодействуем и так далее. Все это кажется важным, будто я каждому должен это донести, но в то же время это все ударяется о то, что, возможно, это никому кроме меня не нужно. Ощущение внутри твоего тела где-то там около души, совершенно иное, когда ты занимаешься тем, что тебе нравится. Ты будто чувствуешь, что ты должен жить для этого. Это твоя страсть и вот как это - уходить с головой. Через страдания познают страх, боль и многие другие отвратные чувства, но через это же страдание к разуму я познаю такие же высокие и прекрасные чувства. Столько мыслей, переполняющих меня изнутри. Хотелось бы избежать всех тех множеств примитевнейших описаний того, что происходит вокруг. Тут это совершенно не основное, как оказалось. Они уходят и приходят, эти визуалы, даже мой экран сейчас розовый и запятые плывут, но только суть не меняется, суть всего, что есть сейчас и было до этого, все как одно. Стоит мне отвлечься от экрана телефона, мир вокруг играет иными красками.
Мозг улетел за все возможные границы, трип чем то напоминает грибной, нет сумасшедшей энергии, что радует. Очень прикольные визуалы, начинающиеся с краев и плавно поглощающие мой иллюминатор связи с реальностью. Сильнейший раслобон, что улыбает, сразу чувствуется чистый 2сb, за что отдельный респект.
Девушка залипает в телефоне, произошло пару интересных диалогов, поплакались друг другу о большой любви. Вообще плакать под маркой забавно)
Сидим кушаем при свечах, ооооочень лампово и мягко, приятные визуалы которые потихоньку утихают, оставляя место не менее приятному послевкусию в теле, когда ты получаешь от прикосновений всю суть истинной жизни, хочется помолчать и подумать. Атомы внутри словно переживают мой каждый поступок,
Принимают его и соотносят со всеми временными отрезками. Я ощущаю п��лное единение со всем - что составляет понятие «все».
Будто не существует прошлое и будущее
Будто мир - это один бесконечный запутанный цикл - виток в космической сингулярности.
Почти полностью отпустило, покурилили косяк, визуалы слегка продлились, тело и разум потянуло в сон. По ощущениям трип вот вот подойдёт к концу.
Итог: прекраснейший мягкий приход, не плохие красочные визуалы, которые в полной мере проявляют себя ночью. Трип сопровождается множеством духовных и мистических переживаний. Есть постоянное ощущение присутствия по ту сторону реальности. За этот трип я много для себя понял и открыл. Воронка мыслей просто идеально складывается и ведет тебя. Побочек просто ноль, нет назойливой паранойи, или тревоги. Нет сумасшедшей энергии и желания что то делать. Хочется лишь продолжать устремлять разум в глубины своего я, пытаясь ухватить последние выскальзывающие песчинки воспоминаний об этой ночи.
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thesanityeclipse · 5 years
Молчаливый крик,
Сверчков писк в зеркале туманном.
Звезда упала.
Рай искрит.
Твои глаза блистают алым!
Я утопаю в урагане,
Пыльцы космической и звёзд!
И вижу как пылают алым,
С счастливых глаз - осколки слез.
Жизнь это чувство
Кто то скажет, что жизнь дар, для кого это это путешествие, другие подметят, что жизнь это риск, перечислять можно долго, но для меня жизнь это чувства, ощущения, прикосновения. Мы каждый день что то испытываем на себе, мы чувствуем, и порой чувства могут быть разными, но ощутимыми.И порой одни могут чувствовать намного больше чем другие.
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