son: oh haHA that's good
father: son. what are you laughin about I am very offended by you not telling me immediately
son: do you have to know
father: yes luke
0 notes
This is a bit off-topic but
A dream I had last night
    So, it all starts with me meeting up with Nicki Minaj to collaborate on something (for some reason) and we were supposed to meet in a frozen yogurt place. I'm supposedly aspiring to be a rapper and she was helping me kickstart my career. But, that didn't change the fact that I still idolized Alicia Keys (she rapped in that Usher song, remember?) and even though this dream happened in my hometown, everybody happened to be there somehow.     Then, I walked into the frozen yogurt place and I don't see Miss F-bomb right off the bat. So, I thought I'd get something. But, while I'm walking up to the dispensers, I notice somebody who looked exactly Alicia Keys sitting at a table. So, I go and ask her if there's a reason for that.     And then it's a dude going all okama on my ass.     Actually no. She was all like, "hahahahaha yes there is a reason she is me"     And then I'm like "yeet"     And then Nicki Minaj comes out of the bathroom and we walk out of the frozen yogurt place like     "YEET"
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People Be Like
You: But (whoever the marshmallow you are), what are you even going to do with this nice blog!
Moi: You'll be able to submit your experience with bullying (once I actually verify this account because I procrastinate too much) and there's a chance I'll post it to my blog in response! We're all a ducking family here, so even if you have trust issues (like me haha) you can post on here. You'd better treat everybody else who posts these things right!
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Hey, y’all.
This blog is a work in progress, but it’s a nice li’l project I’m doing. I’m just a branch off a website on Wordpress about stopping issues. Don’t underestimate us just because we’re just some random middle schoolers.
Me? Well, I’m just some random teenager who wants to get a music career somehow singing country and alternative music who’s too obsessed with food and is better at procrastinating than actually getting stuff done.
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