"Why do you wear so much black?" I’m preparing for your funeral, bitch.
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lol this is me, sorry i've been neglecting this blog recently. 
Uh hey, so I write this Michael fic on Wattpad and it’d be awesome if you could check it out??
Love you
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I am sorry I sent that to the wrong person! I thought you were writing those dating things. My bad, you totally don't have to, have a good day:)
Haha it's okay! I'm re-opening requests soon though :3
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WAIT NVM I JUST SAW THE DATING NASH ONE but if you haven't already can you do one for Alex Gaskarth? If you have already can you link me to it?
I haven’t and i’d love to! :)
Dating Alex would involve:
Singing together at an open mic in some bar
Walking Baz and Peyton with him
Having a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant
Building forts 
Grocery shopping
Him helping you around the house
Him cooking you food
Hot and sweaty sex
Cuddling while watching Game of Thrones
Giving you a constant reminder how much you meant to him
Him writing songs about you
Helping him building a studio in your house
You surprise visit him on tour
Sleeping in his bunk
"I swear you’re an 8 year old boy trapped in a 26 year old body"
"Stop making cute faces"
"Are you really gonna keek our dinner?"
"Sing me to sleep"
"Are you gonna stay in bed for the rest of the day?"
"I’m allowed to devour your presence, you’re basically gone 300 days out of the year"
"Stop running around with your dick hanging out"
"Are you really wearing the spangled pants to an award show?"
"Stop having shots every single night"
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Can you write what's it like to be dating Jack Barakat? Thank you!
Okay, so.. 
Dating Jack would involve:
You helping him treat his hangovers
Seeing his adorable sleepy face every morning with his hair flat down and glasses
Getting wasted
Drunk sex
Tracing his Jack Skellington tattoo when you two cuddle in the morning
Him dancing naked around the house
Going to every single one of Raven’s games when he’s home
Skype sex and sexting while he’s on tour
Having a best friend-like and playful relationship
Him serenading you with his guitar to sleep
Him singing you his boner song
Getting random phone calls at 3 am from him saying “I miss you.. and your boobs”
"Stop using baileys and kahlua for milk"
"You’re so cute when you pout"
"Are you really gonna Keek everything?" 
"No, we can’t move out to Alex’s house"
"I’m not gonna let you drive, i don’t wanna die"
”.. Oh god i’m sick of sleeping around, dizzy like a dizzy person because i spin around.. BACKSEAT SERENADE LITTLE GATORADE”
"Fine, we can watch Home Alone again"
"You have a meet and greet in 20 minutes, i’m not giving you head"
"Stop slapping my ass in public"
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If you see this, please don't kill yourself. You will thank yourself one day. You will be happy you are alive.
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Snapchat edits I made for people on twitter… I take requests!
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and i’ll put my ipod on shuffle and tell you your life soundtrack.
LIFE STORY: Opening Credits:  Waking Up:  First Day At School:  Falling In Love:  Fight Song:  Breaking Up:  Life’s OK:  Getting Back Together:  Wedding:   Birth of Child: Final Battle: Death Scene:  Funeral Song:  End Credits:
Leave a "hey" in my ask box
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if you ever think about sending me an ask and decide not to cause “oh she doesn’t care” or “oh I don’t want to bother her” literally I’m the loneliest piece of shit you can find and would still love you if you sent me the word nuzzle over and over again
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Hi! I'm the anon who requested that PTV imagine. It was great! I loved it! Thank you so much, it made me smile so much
Aww, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback and you’re so welcome, I had a lot of fun writing it! Have a great day, you made me smile with this haha
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can I please have a vic fuentes imagine when we get into a argument because he gets jealous of me and a guy
Sorry! My requests are still closed for now, but feel free to re-request this when I re-open them (which should be soon)!
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Can I request a pierce the veil imagine? You are friends with them and they love you and care about you like if you were their little sister. One day you are very upset because you broke up with your boyfriend of like 3 years, and PTV are trying to make you laugh and make you feel better. Please :) thanks!
Hope you like it!
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I Don't Ever Wanna Lose My Best Friends - Pierce The Veil One Shot
anonymous said: Can I request a pierce the veil imagine? You are friends with them and they love you and care about you like if you were their little sister. One day you are very upset because you broke up with your boyfriend of like 3 years, and PTV are trying to make you laugh and make you feel better. Please :) thanks!
A/N: I'm terrible, I know. Sorry... But I'm baaack (if any of you are still here after my mini-hiatus)! This is the last request in my inbox, and it's been there for sooooo long and it's really short (sorry about that). But I hope you like it! Title credit to A Match Into Water - Pierce The Veil.
"We're over." It felt so liberating to finally say those words to him.
"I said, we're over. I can't do it anymore. Goodbye." I said it louder this time, more forcefully. I was finally doing this, and I wasn't going to let him talk me out of it.
"No, you can't just do that!" He protested, raising his voice to a shout.
"I just did." I retorted coldly. I'd had enough of his shit for three years, I wasn't missing my chance to leave now. With that, I turned sharply on my heel and walked away quickly to my car, ignoring his calls of hurtful names after me, rolling my eyes. I felt empowered as I drove away, like I could conquer anything. I felt good about myself, for the first time in I don't know how long, and I drove with a smile on my face, relief coursing through my body that I stuck to my guns and didn't cave in the moment he spoke to me, like I'd done countless times before. It was finally over. I was free. That good feeling lasted about halfway home, until the harsh truth hit me. I was alone. There was nobody there to cuddle, or talk to about feelings, or be really cute with, nobody to miss even though they'd been gone an hour or to surprise me when I was feeling down. I mean, it's not like he was good at that anyway, but it was nice to know there was somebody there... And now I had nobody. I managed to make it home and up to my room before I sat on my bed in tears. I had never felt more alone in my life.
I don't know how long I sat there, tears blurring my vision, but when I heard my front door open and looked out of the window, it was dark outside. "(Y/N)?! You home?!" I recognised the voice as being my best friend Jaime's. Oh shit, I completely forgot he and the guys were coming over tonight. I bit my lip and hastily wiped the tears from my eyes, groaning inaudibly at the black eye makeup that came off on my hand with it.
"Y-Yeah! I'll be down in a sec!" I shouted down, my voice breaking slightly.
"Okay!" He replied, though I could hear the frown in his voice. He probably heard my voice break. He knew me so well, he was practically my older brother. Sighing, I removed all makeup from my face and tried to calm down my red eyes, though I knew they'd be able to tell I was upset anyway. After I'd made myself look as presentable as possible, I made my way downstairs, where Jaime was waiting and had also been joined by Tony.
"Hey guys, where are the Fuentii?" I asked, referring to our other best friends Vic and Mike.
"They're on their way, you okay?" Tony asked as I sat next to him. I nodded.
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing... You just looked a little down is all." I shrugged off his concerns and we broke into another conversation until the others arrived, and we put on the first film of the night, Star Wars.
"Okay (Y/N), what's wrong?" Mike said after our third movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
"What? Nothing's wrong? Why?" I frowned, hoping he'd just drop it. I didn't want to ruin our night with my sob story.
"Dude, seriously? This is your favourite movie, you barely sang to This Is Halloween, let alone Poor Jack." Vic raised an eyebrow. Of course I knew the movie word for word, and Poor Jack was my favourite song from it. I just wasn't in a singing mood.
"Oh well... my throat hurts?" Okay, that was weak, and Mike scoffed at my pitiful excuse.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Jaime sighed.
"You can tell us, y'know. We're your best friends." Tony said, almost sounding hurt.
"No, no Tone, it's not like that! I just... I don't wanna ruin our night... Bit late for that." I sighed, looking down at my lap.
"Then c'mon, tell us." Mike pushed and I looked up to see they were all looking at my intently.
"Fine..." I bit my lip. "I, uhh, I broke up... I b-broke up with Jackson to-today." I managed to stammer out.
"Oh, honey." I heard from somewhere, and I was automatically enveloped in a tight hug. I sighed into it and hugged back, trying not to spill the tears threatening to fall on Tony's shirt.
I looked up from the hug at my four best friends, sighing (again). "He was a prick anyway." Jaime said matte-of-factly, which made me giggle. Then the other guys started telling stupid jokes about him and, as much as I knew they shouldn't, they made me laugh so much my sides hurt.
"Wait!" Mike cut us off.
"Yes?" Vic said, looking at his brother.
"We need ice cream and Mean Girls!" He exclaimed. I laughed at how enthusiastic for Mean Girls he looked, but Tony grinned and ran upstairs, retrieving said movie from my collection in my room and coming back down with it, while Jaime also grinned and went to raid my freezer. I turned to Vic.
"They seem prepared for this." I smirked.
"Well, you know we didn't really like him and we've been waiting for this to happen for... about a year. So we've had time to prepare." He winked.
"Fair enough... I just, I wish it could've worked out you know?"
"I know, (Y/N), but he was a dick and it didn't. So you need to forget about him, and ice cream and Mean Girls is the best way to do that." He replied and I grinned, hugging him.
"I knew there was a reason I kept you crazy Mexicans around."
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I know I should be writing I haven't uploaded on here in weeks... But I want to watch more Teen Wolf. I have a problem and I need motivation for writing. Help.
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Birthday (Michael Clifford)
A little birthday imagine for thesearemyimaginations. Happy birthday, love!
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