We're keeping the site 'private' until tomorrow. That means everyone who follows this tumblr will have a full day's access to the site before it gets advertised elsewhere. So make sure you submit your face claims/reserves! Reserves made through the tumblr will last three days starting tomorrow. 
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NOW OPEN! http://shallowgraves.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=idx
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Are you ready?
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APPLICATION CODE | Due to an extended duration until the opening of the site (Monday, Noon PST), we are posting the code for the application on TSG so those who might not have the time to get to the application writing this upcoming week can write it before hand.
If you're interested in joining TSG, make sure you read all of the content first! It'll also be a good idea to check the claims reserves lists in case any of them apply to your character. Our application is a freestyle app, meaning you can write it however you want. Make an interview, write it in third person, do whatever! All we need to know is your character's personality, past, and whatever else you think is important. (Hunger Games victors should also describe the game in his/her app.) We ask that it be at least 500 words in length but we wont deny you if you're a little under it as long as your character is well developed. REMEMBER: All characters have flaws! We won't accept Mary Sues. If you need help creating images for your application, post in the request thread in the Graphics Central forum (contact one of the admins via tumblr until the site opens on Monday). You are allowed to color the text where your character's full name appears in the app if you want to and know the html to accomplish it.
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(CONTENT) The Resident Redistricting Regulations:
The Resident Redistricting Regulations allow designated Capitol workers to transfer a resident from one district to another. Those who disobey district rules are put on a review list. Once on the review list, appointed capitol workers will judge the offender based on history of prior actions. If multiple crimes or serious crimes have been committed, he or she could be deemed necessary for relocation. The offender’s entire family can even be put on the review list depending on the offense. An unmet production quota is the reason most families have their names placed on the review list. Even so, it is rare to see all members of a family redistricted. Normally, the main offender or a child of the offender will be redistricted instead as a method of punishment. If relocation is deemed necessary, a new district is chosen based on offense history and abilities. (E.g. a cattle worker in D10 is less likely to be put in D3 where the jobs are generally a bit more mentally challenging unless he or she has shown sufficient knowledge of electrical subjects.) Rebellious individuals are often placed in stricter, capitol-loving districts like District One and District Two. If a resident that is chosen to be relocated is under the age of eighteen, he or she will be placed with a host family. Host families receive extra rations as well as forgiveness for any past offenses. In some districts such as districts one and two, being a host family is considered an honor. After all, someone has to shape those rebellious kids into the perfect district resident! Other families become hosts because of the need for extra rations, or extra hands to help with working.
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open open open open
We'd love to but unfortunately, it looks like the date is getting pushed back a bit more. D: They need help at the shelter tomorrow so I'll be gone all day and Malena will be busy working on homework all day too. While we technically could open tonight, I doubt anyone really wants to work hard on their app only to have it ignored for a day since the admins are both gone. It's definitely be opening on Monday around 12PM PST! We're making finishing touches right now so we'll be ready to go on Monday. :] We'll also be posting the application template as well as information on Arbitrum and the Redistricting Regulations in a bit. That way, you guys can get started planning out your characters if you don't have time on Monday.
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Face reserves are now open!
Make sure you read the rules on the reserves page before choosing your play-by.
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Face reserves and site opening:
Due to scheduling conflicts, the dates have been pushed back. Face reserves will open starting at 2PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) on Thursday, January 12th. The site will open the following Saturday night. (January 14th)
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i'm so incredibly excited for this site. i have such a good feeling about it. -buzzes-
Woooo! It'll turn out amazing, we're sure of it.
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A punishment to some, to some a gift, and to many a favor.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca on death
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First off I'm excited about this place. Secondly, how far post-mockingjay is it gonna be set? I read over the history and didn't see it, but if I missed it I apologize.
Yay! We're excited that you're excited. :] The site is set about 70 years after the Third Quarter Quell.
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OPENING DATE: January 13th, 2012.
Face reserves will open up on January 11th. More information regarding reserves (including the specific time they will be open) will be posted in a few days.
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(HISTORY) A Story of Death and Rebirth.
Years ago, the Earth changed. Once powerful nations fell, buildings turned to rubble, and violent quakes shook the earth, molding the land masses in different shapes. Human life changed drastically. From the ashes of destruction rose the great nation of Panem—the nation that survived.  
As Panem grew, so did the land that it reigned over. Regions were divided into thirteen different districts based on gross product. The area that encircled the government buildings became known as The Capitol. Panem prospered for years but as the Capitol residents grew wealthier, the district residents grew poorer. Insufficient living conditions inspired ideas of revolt and soon, the Dark Days were born. 
The districts residents were no match for the all-powerful capitol. Their overwhelming numbers could not surpass the technological advancements held by their counterparts. By the end of the war, only twelve districts remained—the thirteenth having been decimated by the Capitol in order to set an example. In their defeat, the Hunger Games were created.  Every year, two children—a boy and a girl—from each district would be randomly selected and thrown into an arena to fight to the death. The one who remained after all others perished would be allowed to return home, bringing food, wealth, and glory to his or her respective district. The televised event served as a reminder of who was in charge, a warning to future rebels. It became a source of entertainment to the Capitol residents and a source of great anguish for everyone else. The games served their purpose for seventy four years, until one little girl threatened to destroy everything. 
They spoke of a new world. They spoke of peace. They told stories of a different future, one without fear. What they failed to remember were the events of the past, the history which they should have learned from. Like the rebellion before them, the district rebels held little strength when pitted against the Capitol. They fought arduously and lasted longer than the Capitol officials expected thanks to one burning, beacon of light—Katniss Everdeen, otherwise known as the Mockingjay.  In a fairy tale, the story ends with the heroine conquering evil and bringing harmony to the land. The history of Panem may have played out in a similar manner if it was merely words on golden pages. Unfortunately, Panem was no fairy tale. Once their Mockingjay had been killed, it was just a matter of time before the rebellion disintegrated. 
At the end of what would later be known as the Time of Destruction, finding an appropriate punishment for district residents became the Capitol’s top priority. The Hunger Games were no longer enough to keep them in their place. After days of debate, the Resident Redistricting Regulations were officially established. They were concise and to the point, simple enough to be understood by the uneducated—but even with such little articulation, the gravity of their meaning resonated within the soul of every citizen outside the grand Capitol walls.  According to the rules, unproductive or unlawful individuals could be reassigned to a different district at any time for the ‘good of the community’. Public beatings and other methods of punishments continued to be used, but none could compare to the threat of relocation—especially since the regulation was written to include those associated with the perpetrator as well. One violation from a family member could put his or her entire family on ‘the list’—a compilation of names that were reviewed by the council to determine whether or not relocation was necessary. Frequent law-breakers would be sent to the unfavorable districts. Some of the more rowdy ones would disappear altogether, never to be seen or heard of again. To make it all worse, unmet quotas were often seen as a law violation in most districts, so even the slightest drop in productivity could cause a family’s name to be put on the list.  Over time, some grew to see the relocation regulations in a positive light. Parents in poor districts began to bargain with officials, hoping their child could be relocated to a wealthier district. In some cases, such agreements worked out fine. In others, the end result was less than favorable; however, it was a gamble some residents were willing to take. 
It took years for the great nation to re-establish itself, but eventually, the time came when everything settled once again and after fifty years of peace, the Capitol made a shocking move—they gave the citizens a ‘gift’. Clearing out a small plot of land in the center of Panem, Capitol workers constructed a small town later known as Arbitrum. Its purpose was to serve as a gathering point where citizens from all districts—and even capitol residents—could come and socialize. Complete with a marketplace, empty shops to be rented, and a large square for nation-wide events, Arbitrum became a popular destination for district residents. Of course, the town served to benefit the Capitol as well. Not only did productivity increased as residents worked harder in order to obtain tickets, but it actually became easier to create tension between the districts, preventing further rebellion. Every year during the games, districts are ranked from highest to lowest pride based on attendance and participation in the side events that transpire in Arbitrum. The more residents present to cheer on their tributes, the higher the ranking. The higher the ranking, the better rations that district receives the following year.  Much has changed since the Time of Destruction and if the past is any example, it won’t be long before more changes are afoot in Panem. -------------------------------------------------
.... more information on the Redistricting Regulations, Arbitrum, and The Hunger Games will be posted later this week. 
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History page will be posted shortly. Stay tuned.
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Omgomgomgomg. I'm so stoked for this, just sayin'. I heard you guys are both fantastic site makers, so this gives me incredible hope.
Oh, thank you so much! Adri and I both appreciate the immediate, positive response we've received in just a few hours time.
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This post will be updated as the site work gets completed. Check back regularly if you wish to see how much work is left. Skin; graphics, sidebar, etc - 60% Content; plot, setting, etc - 85% Boards; setup, descriptions, etc - 30% last updated 1/2/2012.
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