thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
One should always have at least 2 craft projects going. That way, when one of them is messed up and misbehaving, you can switch to another, and let the first one sit there and think about what it's done.
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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Nintendo Power issue 113 (October 1998)
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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You don’t understand who much power I hold now
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
191K notes · View notes
thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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S2 - S5
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
my brother started calling our cat "doobie brother" which he then lengthened to "dubious brother" and has since morphed into "brother dubious" like he's some sort of fucked up little monk
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
if i had three wishes they would all be to make web 2.0 utterly illegal and go back to normal html
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 9 hours
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thesexydolorosa · 10 hours
tumblr users: i hate tiktok it's the worst
every post of a tiktok video: 12,746 reblogs, 45,094 likes
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thesexydolorosa · 10 hours
We need to be able to discuss the conditions of trans people who want, need, or are already doing medical transition without first apologizing to everyone outside of that demographic.
The men, the women, the nonbinary people, the genderqueer ones, the genderfluid ones, the xenogender ones. The ones who are repressing the need so hard that it's fucking with their memory. The ones who downplay it into just a "want" and think they'll be taking up resources. The ones who've stabilized to a point where they just need the supply of hormones to stick around. The ones who have to worry about customs every time they place the order. The ones who've had to take on crushing debt to afford life-saving surgeries. The ones who didn't have that chance and spend their free time fundraising for themselves. The ones who sit through hours of painful electric shocks to their faces and will have to keep doing it for the foreseeable future until the hairs are gone.
The nonbinary people whose medical needs are so downplayed even in trans communities that some of you fuckers think centering medical transition is inherently enbyphobic. The nonbinary people who have to lie to their doctors to get help in a medical system that thinks their needs are somehow intrinsically different from those of binary trans people. The nonbinary people who need medical interventions that exist but are unavailable due to nothing but institutional negligence.
The young transitioners who've never lived as anything other than their gender, at risk of having to go through the wrong puberty because the sentiment that you could just be gender nonconforming instead is being wielded in texts such as the Cass review to justify the suppression of medical transition.
The group of trans people with transition-related medical needs is a huge segment of the trans community that is seriously vulnerable to political attacks, denied support of any kind in large parts of the world, and for some absolutely terminally online reason expected to walk on eggshells to avoid coming off as transmedicalist.
Some transmedicalists on the internet are mean sometimes. Get the fuck over it and recognize the form that attacks on the trans community are taking now, before the nonmedical form of transness is forced to become the only available option, and then targeted for further suppression.
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thesexydolorosa · 10 hours
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Bi-donna you moved me
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