theshadowedstar · 4 years
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the last dragonborn about to assassinate the emperor, circa 4E 201
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“The dead can hold quite a few secrets....especially when it comes to one’s own past....valuable knowledge, no???”
Ellen rests a elbow in her palm, the fingers of her free hand splaying as if to add exclamation to her words, a light smile tugging at her lips.
“Of course, that depends on whether or not someone puts stock in their past....which I assume you do. Yes...those eyes of yours hold the spark of one who adapts, who grows from their past successes and failures....”
Previous || @theshadowedstar​
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The feeling of having a stare lock onto him for a small uneasy amount of time didn’t go unnoticed, though Joseph continued on the act of pretending nothing were amiss. Truth be told, he knew little of the other and though his easy-going behavior alluded to being entirely at ease; some guards were maintained beneath the surface. 
★ “ Eh, I guess, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’ve a mind for curiosity myself but then again what is there to say about dead people? All I know is they lived, they loved, and they died. ”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
Ellen blinks....sipping at a mug of coffee....before spitting it’s contents forth, eyes wide. How many days has it been!?!
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
A simple smirk and chuckle followed...before a serious look takes her features. “Women tend to enjoy going places, seeing beautiful sights with those they adore. A little food couldn’t hurt, either....you’ll find that treasured memories can be just as valuable to a woman as any bit of jewelry....”
(Theshadowedstar) “Some women happen to enjoy a bit of Type A~....”
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★ “ What the Hell are you talking about? ” Sheesh, what’s a guy gotta do to get some decent advice around here?
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
My boyfriend won’t stop talking to me about whether or not I would eat Pokémon steaks. We think maybe Mr. Mime steaks would have white meat and ooze a purple liquid. I feel like you’re the only one qualified to tell us more
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listen the ONLY part of a mr mime thats edible are the red spots, and thats ONLY after being properly cooked - if you bite into any part of their body while its still raw youll suffer near immediate food poisoning
luckily, just like red kidney beans, the potential toxins are easily to remove provided you take the right steps
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once theyve been safely removed from their inedible surroundings, the larger red spheres are ready to begin working with - its worth noting that the smaller spots on the hands and cheeks also fall into this category, but theyre almost always too small to be considered harvesting by most professionals 
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youll want to start by cutting away any flesh thats still directly touching the pale parts; when in doubt, a wider cut is always preferred. better safe than sorry ! one benefit of working with mr mimes is that, along with many others in their typing, their bodies are held together with physic energy and thus dont require deboning
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the next part is going to require boiling in a large pressure cooker- some may find it a challenge to to find a pot big enough to host all the parts, so cooking them individually is fine. remember to follow the instructions to the letter
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after theyve been removed and dried, an easy way to text if theyre safe to eat is to cut them in half and check the spongy center - a darkened purple core means theyve been boiled long enough, while any lighter, greenish tints means you probably needed a bit more time
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once theyre out of the danger range, you can now safely use them in variety of dishes ! their almost mushroom-like texture means they absorb flavors well, and pictured above is one of my personal favorites
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THIS guy though, you can just pop em into your mouth whole. its fine
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
Bribing the Fae Gods
“What on earth would we do with a goblin”
“We can play volleyball with him”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“I’ve been well, this past month. Busying myself with my work, that sort of thing....” She raised a hand, palm up as a smile adorned her pale face. While she was quite content with her....work....she certainly found it a pleasant experience, meeting up with a friend.
“I believe I have been a tad TOO busy as of late, funnily enough. How have the days been treating you, Joseph~???”
(Theshadowedstar) “You know, I’m surprised most out there don’t see through that charade of yours....but I guess a good actor can easily mask a keen mind.” (I return)
★ “ Yeah well, people see what they want to see.. or I’m just that damn good of an actor as you claim. ” Joseph flashed a coy smirk, quite happy for once to see another familiar face as opposed to being picked on for a while there. Stretching his arms overhead, several rolls of tense shoulders popped at rotating joints. Would he call his demeanor a charade? Perhaps.. though half the time it was through simple caution’s own sake to pick his battles wisely after having several near close calls with adversaries whose testaments were marred skin deep.
★ “ I’ll admit I’d rather have my opponents underestimate me for whatever reason than know exactly what I’m capable of with my tricks and wiles.  Even if they did find me out a bit, I grew to have a bit of contingency plan for that as well. ”
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★ “ But enough of that for now, it’s wonderful to see you again Ellen. How have you been? ”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“.......I say we bake him.”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“It’s definitely a unique one, all things considered....” She kept her gaze affixed on Joseph for a few moments longer than one’s sense of comfort could abide, before clasping her hands together. “With so many individuals carrying that name....makes one wonder at the forgotten stories they held....”
“So....how did your family gain the title of ‘Joestar’, Joseph???” Ellen asked, brow raised.
★ “ Well, ” The single word stretched itself to end on a higher note, hinting at his own uncertainty of the matter before moving on to elaborate, “ From what I know so far, George Joestar the First fathered my grandfather; Jonathan Joestar, who in turn had his own son; George Joestar the Second, and then it leads to me. I don’t really know where the title came from than it being a family name through the generations. ”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
What are we looking for?
Our party has rescued a wizened old Kobold cleric from some zombies. She asked us to help her find her friend, Krookla. As our party gets onto Krookla’s trail, we see a zombie with a lamppost impaled through it. 
My rogue sees this and asks the little wizard, “Is Krookla a kobold?”
“Mmm, yes,” says the little cleric, “swole-bold.”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
The Stand User bows her head, a simple sign of respect. “It is a.....rare piece, aged for many a generation. If anyone can appreciate that, I’m sure it would be you. A extension of good will, one could say.”
(Theshadowedstar) Ellen set a bottle of aged wine upon a table, a brow raised to Santana as she stuffed her hand into her pocket, mimicking her other limb. “I heard from along the vine that you enjoy the finer alcoholic beverages....” A decent gift, the Hybrid thought. One that could possibly prevent the possibility of the Pillarman’s hunger falling upon her in the future.
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x– DULL eyes were set on the other once the bottle was set - never moving. so was this an exchange of pleasantries or for mercy? It was all the same to him. “I suppose this would do…” he grunts in reply. That was it…no thank you or any more sign of gratefulness. Well, certainly sating his appetite was as gratitude.
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
Ellen was currently working on one of her trench coats, steel blue eyes narrowed in agitation as she stitched a gash upon it’s shoulder. Seems as though it had been damaged during a job of hers. If her shoulder had been wounded, it certainly wasn’t now. Not even a scar could be seen, leaving the birthmark upon her skin unmarred....
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“A person whom has a.... vested interest in the Joestar family.” Ellen stated, a light smile on her lips. She was more than certain that the other could see her....which she didn’t mind, truly. “No malevolent intentions in said interest, of course.”
(Theshadowedstar) From the shadows, a question came. “So....you must be Genevieve???”
“Depends on who’s asking.” The Brando hummed, golden eyes reflecting in the dark, much like a feline’s would.
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“Of course not....” She stated, gently swirling the contents of her cup in a seemingly absent minded motion. Of course, Ellen knew full well how...predictable her comment would have been. When enough individuals pick at a detail or idea enough, even a fool would learn to detect future attempts. And Joseph was no fool....
“Admittedly, I do not truly know Julya myself. Not personally. I’ve only been able to make assumptions to how she may be from what little I know of her. I am more than certain you’ve never SOUGHT to make her your enemy. The situation is likely that of the clashing of personalities.... a clash that neither side seems to be truly attempting to work around.” She clasps her cup in both of her hands, a small smile on her lips. “One that you don’t truly HAVE to work around, of course. You two are your own individuals, walking paths of your choosing.”
Previous || @theshadowedstar
★ “ That’s why I said ‘ Difficult ’ and not ‘ impossible.’ ” And here we go with the Grandmother comment in 3…2.. 1.. Boom. As if on cue, Ellen’s comment involving the woman flew through the air as expected; though it’d earn a small eye roll from the male. Issuing a small huff, Joseph switched his gaze to trace along the outline of a small crack in the wall.
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★ “ You know, I find it funny how most people tend to believe I am in need of advice I don’t ask for. Allow me to ‘ask’ you this, have you met Julya first? Do you know how she acts or why she even holds a certain dislike for me in the first place outside of my banters with her? No? Well then, case closed and to be perfectly clear; I am NOT going to everyone I see and purposefully trying to make enemies. ”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“Blindness makes it difficult, yes. But not impossible. To imply otherwise is an insult to Julya, and others like her...” A brow raises, a nail gliding across the surface of her cup. “....I’m sure your GRANDMOTHER wouldn’t tolerate such, would she??? Perhaps if you thought about how others would REACT to your behavior before you’d act, you’d have fewer enemies....???”
“......You are lucky I’m not correcting Julya’s new found ‘knowledge’, JoJo....” Ellen remarked, sipping from a mug....judgmental gaze affixed firmly upon him.
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★ “ Pfft, I’d pay to see you try to teach Julya how to count numbers before she says something insulting in German and leaves or tries to eat you. ” Brushing off the stern line of sight came as easy as him leaning against a neighboring wall, hands cozy within the interior of his Greatcoat’s pockets. Moving to wave a hand in front of his eyes for added emphasis, his remark came as casual as simply commenting upon the weather. 
★ “ You know she’s blind, right? Makes things like numbers difficult to understand and she doesn’t have much patience for it either. Trifle with Jules at your own risk. ”
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theshadowedstar · 5 years
“Of course. I would suggest a shady spot, but I have the idea that you would prefer a well lit spot to sit upon....” Ellen smiled at that, brow raised. There was no form of hostility in that expression, or so it seemed. Considering what he may have already discovered about her abilities, from minor details she was sure he’d note, she knew he would prefer a higher chance of safety to a cool spot.
“In truth, I merely know what the Speedwagon Organization has recorded of you....and some other tidbits, of course.”
“Perhaps, in due time, I’ll be able to explain…truth be told, I’m still not entirely sure why I’m doing it myself.”
That was the truth, of course. She couldn’t see WHY she would act on some mystical gut feeling. After all, logic and planning were key parts of her work, her life. Yet here the woman was, speaking to the man before her.
“I would, however, like to apologize for the awkward start of our encounter here…I myself have notbeen quite used to social interaction as of late…”
★ “ Alright, I guess that settles it then. ” Relaxing his stance, a hand rose to scratch at the side of his cheek. Momentary lapses spaced in between his thoughts, contemplating what his next move should be before Ellen’s voice piqued his attention back to the present.  
★ “ It’s fine, I’d like to apologize in turn for my manners now that I am certain you mean me no harm. ” So far, so good..? “ We could move to somewhere else with benches if that’s appeasing to you, I’m quite curious to how much you know of me. ”
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