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First, if you are taking the time to read all of this, thank you so, so much. That honestly means a lot. If you don't know what this is about however, please take a moment to look at the post on my profile: “The Shadow's Light: Fan Project Reveal.”
Yesterday I revealed   my fan-project, “The Shadow's Light.” I was a bit too vague and confusing with info and, because of this, I think it didn't garner as much attention as I thought it would (at least compared to other posts I've put here on this platform). I felt that I should probably clarify a bit more, so I've gone into a bit more detail and even put in a summary of what exactly this story is going to be.
The Shadow's Light,” is a crossover visual drama/animatic project that tells the story of a new Purple Dragon; a girl who, since her birth,has struggled with the unnatural element of Aether. Being too powerful to control, its dark magics have consumed her over and over again, each time causing chaos to those around her. Because of this, she's been heavily feared throughout the Dragon Realms, with many believing her to be another Dark Master, not the bringer of peace the Purple Dragons before her have been. Time after time, she tried toprove her good nature and make up for the destruction she'd caused. But after another accident where she'd nearly ended the lives of those who'd raised her, the Elemental Guardians, she ran away, completely vanishing from the Realms.
After her disappearance, the Dark Armies – a legion of those tainted by Dark Aether who follow and seek to free the Dark Master – rose out of hiding and began to claim to Realms. They conquered kingdoms, enslaved the innocent, and stole the souls of many, entrapping them within red spirit gems. Over the years, they have gathered a vast hoard of souls, hoping to use their essence to freethe Dark Master on the Night of Eternal Darkness. As the dreaded night draws closer, the people of the Realms are losing hope.
In the last post, I mentioned this would be a retelling of TLoS. While that is at least half true - mainly for the events from TLoS: The Eternal Night and Dawn of the Dragon – a New Beginning is being almost completely omitted and replaced, with only a few aspects being borrowed from the story of that game. As I've said before, this is no longer Spyro's story, and a New beginning pretty much tells Spyro's... well, beginning.
Manyof the same characters from all three games will be returning, including the four guardians, Cynder, Gaul, Hunter, the Chronicler, etc. But, I will also be adding new characters; some good, some evil. There will even be a fifth guardian added to the roster, who acts as the Guardian of Wind. World building has also been massively expanded, with added realms (some even coming from the first three Spyro games),extensions on magic and the use of gems (such as how they can heal,but also weaken a dragon), different dragon types and cultures, etc.
Remember when I mentioned the word “crossover?”. Yes, this also acts as a crossover with another property. It will not just be TLoS, but it will strongly focus on TLoS. I know to some, the idea of crossovers can set them off. But I ask you to please give this project a chance despite this. It is not crossing over just for the sake of crossing over. This property plays an important role in the story and is an essential part to the main character's development and growth. I'm still not going to reveal what that property is just yet (I want it to be a bit of a surprise), but it will be hinted at and revealed in the coming updates.
I plan to make each episode of this series around 20 to 30 minutes. I'm expecting this to be ongoing for a bit, with maybe ten or so episodes being made. I can't say for certain right now. Also, while I am not recruiting right this moment, if you are interested in possibly voice acting for this project, feel free to leave me a pm with an example of your work. It can be for a particular character from TLoS with lines from the games, lines you come up with, or, even, just a random example from any other project you've voiced for. Just show me what you've got, and I may get back in touch with you once I do start recruiting.
Again,if you took the time to read all this, thank you, thank you, thank you! I know it was a lot. I'd also really appreciate it if you could spread the word about this somehow. I really want this to get out there and reach as many people as possible. This is something I've been working on for a very long time now and its very important to me.
Also, as a little bonus, I’ve included the first page of my story board for the first episode. Its not much, its mainly just an establishing shot, but its just a tiny something to show you all.
Hope you have a great day.
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After many years of developing, rewriting, and preparing, I am excited to finally reveal what is essentially a passion project for me, “The Shadow's Light;” a crossover video series that aims to retell and revamp the events of The Legend of Spyro. Not through the perspective of Spyro, however, but through that of another purple dragon with different beginnings. This is no longer the story of someone who meets and follows their destiny. This project tells the story of someone who questions their purpose and existence, choosing to run from their destiny instead of fulfill it.
New characters are being added and old characters will return, being further developed while staying true to their versions in the games. World building has been expanded, adding in different cultures, dragon races, and realms from previous Spyro games, including the original three on ps1. While the project keeps with the original lore of TloS as much as possible, there has been some major changes, one of the most noticeable changes being the dragons themselves. They are no longer 'just' dragons, but a race of humans granted the ability to shift into the great beasts and use their elemental magic in either form. Another major change would be the “crossover” mentioned earlier. This video series will be combining TloS with another property. It will serve a large purpose in the story, helping develop the main character as events play out and adding in a new villain who will play a huge role. While said property will not be revealed at the moment, small hints will be given with each update until the big reveal. In fact, as a first hint, it is not another video games series.
Each week, I will be updating with concept art, storyboards, and more information that will give further perspective on this project. I'm sorry if what I've said here so far seems vague and somewhat confusing (I'm honestly very bad at summarizing), but I want this to be slowly built up until the first episode is finished. This is something that is honestly very important to me and has been in development for, no exaggeration, near 10 years. The idea for this first popped into my head all that time ago and, since then, I have written and rewritten the story over and over again until I felt it was perfect. I've also developed (and continue to develop) my art and storytelling skills almost solely to work on this. I love both TloS and the property this will crossover with tremendously and they both are part of why I am who I am today.
I hope what I've written here today, while not much, is at least enough to give you some intrigue and interests you enough to see what I have to share in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a great day. :)
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