theshelbylegacy · 3 years
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TARON EGERTON Mark Kermode Live In 3D at the BFI, London › December 16, 2019
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“I’ll be sure to get an address to you before the night is over. I would love to be there.” Merrick released her hand to take a glass from the waiter as they reached the group. “To you and Zeb. And getting to see friends again.” He raised the glass slightly before taking a drink. Barrett mimicked the motion with a glass of his own, choosing to finish his quickly. Setting it on another passing tray he then turned back to the princess.
“Do you have a picture? I have to see what kind of man makes a princess feel so lucky.” Barrett laughed softly. “Also, I didn’t know Merrick had friends, much less from his time in America.” 
Blanche raised an eyebrow at what Barrett was saying before responding to Merrick. “There is no better guide because I can get us into places the public isn’t allowed and no one will bother us as we do things. Or we can slip away and see things like actual tourists.” She beamed. “Zeb can join us, he seems to know the best hole in the wall places. He has a little bit more time to explore, when I don’t drag him to things.” Blanche gave Merrick’s arm a squeeze hoping it would convey he should go with her on this and see what Barrett would say to that.
Merrick nudged her ever so slightly in return as he spoke. “That would be wonderful. He’s an interesting guy so I can only imagine he finds the most interesting places.” He laughed as he reached over to raise her other hand, her left hand, so he could see the ring he had noticed a little better. “And he has good taste. This ring suits you perfectly.” He snuck her a quick grin. “Do you have a wedding date yet?” 
Barrett’s expression barely changed, the amusement only fading slightly. If he had actually thought he had any chance with the princess, a ring on the finger would have meant little to him. Either way, he could say he flirted with a princess. His smirk returned full force. “He is a lucky man, if I might say so, your highness.”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
Blanche raised an eyebrow at what Barrett was saying before responding to Merrick. “There is no better guide because I can get us into places the public isn’t allowed and no one will bother us as we do things. Or we can slip away and see things like actual tourists.” She beamed. “Zeb can join us, he seems to know the best hole in the wall places. He has a little bit more time to explore, when I don’t drag him to things.” Blanche gave Merrick’s arm a squeeze hoping it would convey he should go with her on this and see what Barrett would say to that.
Merrick nudged her ever so slightly in return as he spoke. “That would be wonderful. He’s an interesting guy so I can only imagine he finds the most interesting places.” He laughed as he reached over to raise her other hand, her left hand, so he could see the ring he had noticed a little better. “And he has good taste. This ring suits you perfectly.” He snuck her a quick grin. “Do you have a wedding date yet?” 
Barrett’s expression barely changed, the amusement only fading slightly. If he had actually thought he had any chance with the princess, a ring on the finger would have meant little to him. Either way, he could say he flirted with a princess. His smirk returned full force. “He is a lucky man, if I might say so, your highness.”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“No ma’am.” Barrett said with a small shake of his head. Merrick barely held back his sigh. “I’m saying that because you are obviously a woman of class, you’re intelligent, beautiful. I haven’t known you long and I feel as though I have been missing out.”
“Jesus Christ.” Merrick couldn’t hold back his mutter now as his brother attempted to flirt. Still, he attempted to steer the conversation back on track. “I would love to see you again. It’s good to have a friend again.” Merrick smiled at her even though her attention was on Barrett now. His face lighting up at the thought of having this tiny bit of his fake life back. “And I would love to get a tour of your city some time. What better guide is there than the princess?”
“A very large family business from the sounds of it, if you’re looking to break into international affairs.” Blanche shook her head. “But let’s not talk about business, everyone else is and I’m tired of it.” She focused on Merrick, “how long have you been here? And why didn’t you tell me you were in England? I would have stopped to say hi while I was traveling.”
“It feels like all I’ve talked about since I’ve gotten back to England is business.” Merrick let out a breath, but was quick to school his features into something other than relief. “I had to come back suddenly and have been busy since. I’m sorry, I know it’s not a great excuse.” 
“He’s meant to take over everything when Lizzie deems it the right moment. So him being gone… You can understand he had a lot to catch up on. I think that’s a pretty damn good excuse.” Barrett smiled at his brother which only made Merrick more suspicious. “Though if I was him, I would have made sure to set aside some time to spend with a woman such as you.”
Blanche nodded and patted Merrick’s arm again. “It’s the truth, and you know how much I value that.” She flagged down a waitress to bring them all a flute of champagne. “Now that I know you’re here though, be prepared to entertain me from time to time. You know I love a good city walk.” 
Her attention turned to Barrett, fixing on him solely, that quiet bemused smile returning as she caught on to the game once more. “Oh? A woman such as you? Are you saying that because I’m royalty?”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
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A year of Taron Egerton [52 of 365]
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“It feels like all I’ve talked about since I’ve gotten back to England is business.” Merrick let out a breath, but was quick to school his features into something other than relief. “I had to come back suddenly and have been busy since. I’m sorry, I know it’s not a great excuse.” 
“He’s meant to take over everything when Lizzie deems it the right moment. So him being gone... You can understand he had a lot to catch up on. I think that’s a pretty damn good excuse.” Barrett smiled at his brother which only made Merrick more suspicious. “Though if I was him, I would have made sure to set aside some time to spend with a woman such as you.”
Blanche raised an eyebrow while Barrett kissed her hand. It took everything in her to keep a straight face. “I’ve found the whole thing very dull until the last few minutes.” She hid her laugh behind a smile. “You know me, Merrick, ever the picture of charm and grace. Infinite measures of patience.” She looked at Barrett again. “Your brother told me that your sister normally accompanies him to these functions. Did you happen to draw the short straw to replace her?”
Barrett looked to Merrick, ready to follow his lead. He caused trouble, but he knew better than to really cross any lines like revealing Shelby business. “Unfortunately for him, there wasn’t even any straw pulling. Isa had some other business to attend to tonight and that left only him.”
“Our mother only trusts family with her dear baby boy, Mes.” Barrett said as he gripped his brother’s shoulders, shaking him slightly. With one look from Merrick, he raised his hands quickly in surrender. “Either way, I wouldn’t say unfortunately. I’m glad to be here.” He smiled at Blanche.
“We are a family business, is what it comes down to.” Merrick said as he rolled his eyes at his brother.
“A very large family business from the sounds of it, if you’re looking to break into international affairs.” Blanche shook her head. “But let’s not talk about business, everyone else is and I’m tired of it.” She focused on Merrick, “how long have you been here? And why didn’t you tell me you were in England? I would have stopped to say hi while I was traveling.”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
Barrett looked to Merrick, ready to follow his lead. He caused trouble, but he knew better than to really cross any lines like revealing Shelby business. “Unfortunately for him, there wasn’t even any straw pulling. Isa had some other business to attend to tonight and that left only him.”
“Our mother only trusts family with her dear baby boy, Mes.” Barrett said as he gripped his brother’s shoulders, shaking him slightly. With one look from Merrick, he raised his hands quickly in surrender. “Either way, I wouldn’t say unfortunately. I’m glad to be here.” He smiled at Blanche.
“We are a family business, is what it comes down to.” Merrick said as he rolled his eyes at his brother.
Blanche looked between the brothers, a bemused glint in her eye. “Typically, it’s Your Royal Highness, but I think we can forgive the slight just this once.” She looked the younger brother up and down as if she was taking stock of him. She extended her free hand almost lazily to him, her other giving Merrick’s arm a light squeeze. “Pleasure to meet you Barrett. How have you been finding the event? Dull or extremely entertaining?”
Barrett took her hand, raising it to press a gentle kiss there. “It is a pleasure to meet you, your Royal Highness.” He released her hand and straightened up. “I have to be honest, I was finding it a little dull, but that was before I met you.” Merrick barely held in his groan, 
“Blanche, I hope you can continue to be forgiving. I’m afraid he is always like this and will continue to annoy you the entire evening.” Merrick laughed and his brother shot him a look. “He likes to think he is more charming than he actually is.” 
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
Blanche looked between the brothers, a bemused glint in her eye. “Typically, it’s Your Royal Highness, but I think we can forgive the slight just this once.” She looked the younger brother up and down as if she was taking stock of him. She extended her free hand almost lazily to him, her other giving Merrick’s arm a light squeeze. “Pleasure to meet you Barrett. How have you been finding the event? Dull or extremely entertaining?”
Barrett took her hand, raising it to press a gentle kiss there. “It is a pleasure to meet you, your Royal Highness.” He released her hand and straightened up. “I have to be honest, I was finding it a little dull, but that was before I met you.” Merrick barely held in his groan, 
“Blanche, I hope you can continue to be forgiving. I’m afraid he is always like this and will continue to annoy you the entire evening.” Merrick laughed and his brother shot him a look. “He likes to think he is more charming than he actually is.” 
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“No.” Merrick said, maybe a little quicker than he meant to, but thankfully not too forcefully. “We focus mainly on manufacturing. We started with automobiles in the 20s and have expanded from there as time went on. I’m not sure even I could list all of the things we do now.” 
He lightly nudged her in return before jumping on the chance to shift the topic away from his family. “I’m sorry to hear that Zeb couldn’t make it, but I’m glad to her you two are still together. I could see how he would make events like this more bearable. He was very… unique. I mean that in the very best way.” He laughed. 
“Well perhaps if you return to your roots, you should look into electric vehicles.” Blanche nodded. “He is very unique. And I absolutely mean that in the best way possible. He’s different than most people at these parties. You know how it is, everyone’s nervous, on their utmost perfect behavior. And it just doesn’t feel right.” She huffed and looked around the room at the people networking. “He behaves well, I’m not saying he doesn’t, but he’s more genuine about it. I bet he could have most of the people in this room wrapped around his finger by the end of the night.” 
“That’s quite a skill to have. Very useful, I’m sure.” Merrick grinned at her. “I’m not the best at these things either. At least, I’m not the biggest fan of them, but I have to be. Usually I have my sister to help me get through them, but tonight...” Merrick glanced at his table, only to find Barrett wasn’t there. He didn’t get a chance to be surprised when a familiar voice finished his sentence for him.
“Tonight he’s here with me, Your Highness.” The younger Shelby was in front of them now and bowed slightly. “Your Highness is correct, right? I was never taught proper royal etiquette by Merrick because I didn’t know he knew any princesses.”
“To be fair, I also didn’t know I knew any princesses.” Merrick chuckled softly before gesturing to his brother. He could only hope this would go over well, but he was sure he would have to apologize to her later. “Blanche, this is my younger brother, Barrett.” 
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“Good, because I know no one here and seeing a friend is a godsend I didn’t know I needed. You’re stuck with me for the time being but do let me know if you tire of me. I can handle it.” She sighed, feeling a little lighter. “Zeb couldn’t make it, and I hate doing these things alone now that I have a partner in crime to distract me from all the snobbery.”
Blanche laughed at his statement and lightly pushed Merrick’s shoulder with her free hand. “I am just a simple princess. Would a simple princess be happy hiding out in a bar in a strange country with a bartender? I don’t believe so. In fact, I could name at least three who would be appalled at something like that.” She shook her head, her smile still in place. “Now, what is it your company does? Is there something I could be interested in? Alternative energy, any charity arm I could possibly help with?”
“No.” Merrick said, maybe a little quicker than he meant to, but thankfully not too forcefully. “We focus mainly on manufacturing. We started with automobiles in the 20s and have expanded from there as time went on. I’m not sure even I could list all of the things we do now.” 
He lightly nudged her in return before jumping on the chance to shift the topic away from his family. “I’m sorry to hear that Zeb couldn’t make it, but I’m glad to her you two are still together. I could see how he would make events like this more bearable. He was very... unique. I mean that in the very best way.” He laughed. 
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“She... yes. She does work for me. No you are not keeping me from any important mingling.” Merrick chuckled softly as he placed a gentle hand on hers for a brief moment. A part of him told him he should break away from the gesture, for her own good and for her reputation. The louder part of him told him to stay. His mother would kill him if he squandered the chance to be seen with royalty, but more than that, he missed friendly touches. 
He didn’t move his arm from hers.
“We’re here because we are looking to some day expand our reaches outside of the UK. We’re kind of.... surveying the ground, I guess is the best way to put it.” He looked at her and shook his head with another chuckle. “I’m still not sure I believe this is happening. This is a strange dream, right? I can’t believe you’re here and... just a simple princess, as you put it.” He smiled at her and despite his worries, it was a genuine one. 
Blanche kept a keen eye on the woman who approached them, but she barely heard what she had said to Merrick. A light blush settled on her cheeks at his question. “Ah, yes. I guess you never did get that part of the story.” She chuckled. “Denmark, actually. In line to be queen some day. I spent some time in New York to uh, live a simpler life. You’re telling me you never saw Frederick or any of my security detail?” Her eyes flitted to where the woman now was. “I know they were not there for a few of the times we met up, but they were definitely not too far away.” 
She cleared her throat. “And what are you doing here then? I did not know you were interested in politics. I didn’t know that you were perhaps more than what meets the eye as well?”
“To be fair, it was often at a bar. There were a lot of other tough looking people for them to get lost in the crowd with.” Merrick laughed, his cheeks the slightest red now as well. He really had let his guard down in those times. Isa probably would have still noticed the security. 
Merrick began to fidget with the ring on his pinky. “I… yeah, I guess I’m not exactly Merrick Wallace the bartender.” His lips thinned as he looked toward the ground. He didn’t want to put the nail in the coffin for the time he was someone other than Merrick Shelby. Merrick Shelby was a lot harder to be friends with. Especially if she knew anything about the Shelbys. “My last name is really Shelby.” He almost flinched at the name, but made himself look back at her. He didn’t see any immediate disgust or even recognition. “My family owns and runs Shelby Company Limited. It’s, uh, it’s a pretty big company in the UK.” 
She laughed with him, full heartedly. “I’ll have to tell Frederick he deserves a raise. They do try to be as unseen as possible, but having someone following you can be pretty noticeable.” Blanche looped her arm around Merrick’s, a simple way of hiding his fidget. “I cannot say that I have heard of Shelby Company Limited, but then again, I am just a simple princess from a different country. If you don’t have many dealings with my government, I tend to not know. I have too many things to know already.” 
Her eyes swept over the woman that had approached them before. “Does she happen to work for you? I’m not keeping you from any important mingling am I? I’d hate to get in the way of you rubbing elbows.”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“To be fair, it was often at a bar. There were a lot of other tough looking people for them to get lost in the crowd with.” Merrick laughed, his cheeks the slightest red now as well. He really had let his guard down in those times. Isa probably would have still noticed the security. 
Merrick began to fidget with the ring on his pinky. “I... yeah, I guess I’m not exactly Merrick Wallace the bartender.” His lips thinned as he looked toward the ground. He didn’t want to put the nail in the coffin for the time he was someone other than Merrick Shelby. Merrick Shelby was a lot harder to be friends with. Especially if she knew anything about the Shelbys. “My last name is really Shelby.” He almost flinched at the name, but made himself look back at her. He didn’t see any immediate disgust or even recognition. “My family owns and runs Shelby Company Limited. It’s, uh, it’s a pretty big company in the UK.” 
Merrick was still a little dumbfounded. Blanche was here. Blanche the sweet, quiet girl he had befriended at the bar. Blanche the princess? Barrett must have misheard. Finally, he founded his voice again and started stumbling through words. “Blanche? What are you… are you-”  Before he could finish his thought, another figured approached the pair. She was one of the Blinders there acting as security for Merrick among other things. 
“Sir,” the woman leaned in to then whisper to Merrick so he turned his attention to her. “Mrs. Shelby wanted me to tell you that the situation with Edward has been taking care of.” 
“Okay, thank you.” He cleared his throat and nodded his head towards his brother. “Keep an eye on Barrett for now. Make sure he doesn’t… indulge too much.”
“Yes, sir.” The woman gave a small nod of respect before heading back to where she had stationed herself. Merrick took a moment to regain himself before turning his attention back to Blanche. “Sorry about that. Um, no I’m not working tonight.” At least not in the way she had been thinking. There was a hint of befuddled amusement on his face as he gestured at her. “I’m sorry, you’re a princess?”
Blanche kept a keen eye on the woman who approached them, but she barely heard what she had said to Merrick. A light blush settled on her cheeks at his question. “Ah, yes. I guess you never did get that part of the story.” She chuckled. “Denmark, actually. In line to be queen some day. I spent some time in New York to uh, live a simpler life. You’re telling me you never saw Frederick or any of my security detail?” Her eyes flitted to where the woman now was. “I know they were not there for a few of the times we met up, but they were definitely not too far away.” 
She cleared her throat. “And what are you doing here then? I did not know you were interested in politics. I didn’t know that you were perhaps more than what meets the eye as well?”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
Blanche tugged on the end of her glove, adjusting where it sat while being greeted by someone’s whose name she’d already forgotten. She hated this part of these functions. The faces blurred and the voices all sounded the same. That’s why it was odd when she heard her name from a voice she knew well. Turning, she saw a friend she hadn’t seen in a long while. “Merrick!” She nodded to her previous conversation partner, dismissing them with a quick gesture. “I didn’t know you would be here, but I am glad that you are. I need a familiar face I think.”
She took in what he was wearing. “Are you working tonight? You won’t be in trouble for leaving your post will you? If you do, send them right to me, I’ll straighten them out for you.” Blanche took the moment to brush a mote of dust off of Merrick’s shoulder.
Merrick was still a little dumbfounded. Blanche was here. Blanche the sweet, quiet girl he had befriended at the bar. Blanche the princess? Barrett must have misheard. Finally, he founded his voice again and started stumbling through words. “Blanche? What are you... are you-”  Before he could finish his thought, another figured approached the pair. She was one of the Blinders there acting as security for Merrick among other things. 
“Sir,” the woman leaned in to then whisper to Merrick so he turned his attention to her. “Mrs. Shelby wanted me to tell you that the situation with Edward has been taking care of.” 
“Okay, thank you.” He cleared his throat and nodded his head towards his brother. “Keep an eye on Barrett for now. Make sure he doesn’t... indulge too much.”
“Yes, sir.” The woman gave a small nod of respect before heading back to where she had stationed herself. Merrick took a moment to regain himself before turning his attention back to Blanche. “Sorry about that. Um, no I’m not working tonight.” At least not in the way she had been thinking. There was a hint of befuddled amusement on his face as he gestured at her. “I’m sorry, you’re a princess?”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
“I don’t fuckin’ understand why we have to be here. I thought the Parliament still existed so we didn’t have to deal with all of this.” Barrett grumbled as he pulled at the tie that felt like it was choking him. 
“We want to keep the power we have, that means rubbing elbows with the legitimate politicians and rulers. It is part of the job.” Merrick barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes at his brother. The boy claimed he wanted Merrick’s job, but he couldn’t even handle diplomacy in the form of a party. He wouldn’t last a day. 
“Legitimate is generous if you ask me. Politicians are as crooked as we are, at least we’re honest about it.” The younger Shelby scoffed as he grabbed a glass off of a passing tray and Merrick found himself wishing for the hundredth time that Isa was by his side now. Instead, she was helping Ciarian with the Irish. He heard the muffled sound of another name being announced to the room. Barrett didn’t know about his partial deafness so he had set them up at a table that kept Merrick’s bad ear towards the entrance. “At least now I can say I’ve seen a real princess before. She’s cute, do you think I have a chance?” He chuckled and hit Merrick’s arm. Merrick glanced quickly before returning his gaze back to the rest of the room. 
A second later, Merrick’s head swiveled back around and he stared at the princess now, mouth agape. “I...” He pat Barrett’s arm as he moved to his feet. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” He made his way through the room towards the woman, stopping a few feet away from where she was chatting with someone else. “Blanche?”
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theshelbylegacy · 3 years
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Taron Egerton cooks Christmas dinner ~ Jamie & Jimmy’s Festive Feast (2019)
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