theshrimpsquad · 6 months
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theshrimpsquad · 6 months
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theshrimpsquad · 6 months
I work at a pet store and every so often there’ll be a betta that gets a bunch of small, circular holes in its fins. So far, this disease/infection/idk seems to have 100% mortality (granted, what we’re capable of doing to treat sick fish leaves a lot to be desired). I consider myself pretty familiar with most fish diseases, but this one I just can’t identify. My best guess is it’s a form of septicemia. Google is no help. Anyone have any ideas?
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theshrimpsquad · 6 months
One interesting thing about me is that I frequently go through periods where I eat nothing but redbull and gas station sandwiches until one day I open my empty fridge and realize I have no idea what a functional human being buys at the grocery store so I have to keep a full list of everything I eat and use taped to the outside of the door so I can stare at it in a dissociative trance until the answers come to me through the void like dark knowledge from a divine being
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theshrimpsquad · 6 months
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theshrimpsquad · 7 months
I set up my 36 bowfront to get it cycling before I go on a 10-day trip out of town so it'll be halfway cycled when I get back.
But now I'm just staring at it and daydreaming. I WANT IT CYCLED NEOWWWW
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theshrimpsquad · 7 months
grind rails are vital for clam shrimp enrichment
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
one could call kombucha the seachem stability of the human body
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
Today is Wet Beast Wednesday!
Today’s wet beast is: Pipefish
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Olive’s wet beast fact: You’re probably thinking that these worm-on-a-string lookin ass creatures look like straightened seahorses. That’s bc they are part of the Syngnathidae family with Seahorses and Sea Dragons. Funky!
Stay tuned for more Wet Beast Wednesdays!
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
Sometime this month or next month we're getting a 36 gallon :> It's gonna be the first "shared" tank between my fiancee and I, as in we're both gonna pick what fish to put in it (while making sure they're all compatible of course lol). I will be moving Udon, Ramen, and the kuhli loaches into it, but we're looking at maybe some black mollies or even guppies to put in.
And since the 10 gallon will then only have some (five) ember tetras in it, I'll be moving my shrimp from the 5 to the 10. Gods give me strength because I imagine that'll be the most frustrating and time-consuming move of all of them bdsjfh
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
literally hate that "it doesn't get any betta than this" pic bc yes it fucking does
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
Copepod is such a fun word to say
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
I love turning on the light for my shrimp tank in the morning and seeing them all scatter like they Are Fucking Under Attack
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
One of my blues died :( Turned kind of a white color inside about two days ago and stayed in one area of the tank until I found it dead this morning. Everyone else seems totally fine, I didn't add any shrimp or plants or anything. My last WC was like a week ago and I didn't do anything different there. I removed the body to be safe, but I'm thinking and hoping it was just a freak death for no reason.
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
The woman I was referring to in this post, btw.
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
new aquarium inhabitants
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theshrimpsquad · 8 months
I redesigned the 10 gallon with this sweet raptor skull terrarium/aquarium decoration I found.
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The kuhli loaches like it :)
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