thesidehomie · 5 days
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thesidehomie · 8 days
when i was a teenager it felt very revolutionary to be cruel to myself. like some kind of slow passive protest against how much everything hurt. i starved myself of sleep and food and tenderness because it felt right. it felt sharp and angry and radical and i wanted to be those things. adulthood is the realisation that the world is already working to cut into you well before you learn how to do it yourself. caring for yourself and others is the real protest
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thesidehomie · 10 days
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thesidehomie · 12 days
Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)
The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered
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thesidehomie · 13 days
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Ismark The Lesser, Burgomaster-to-be and professional yearner
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thesidehomie · 21 days
Minnesota’s Giant Rainbow and Leather Pride Flags
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June 28, 1998. Both flags measured approximately 50 feet wide and 75 feet long.
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thesidehomie · 21 days
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thesidehomie · 26 days
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More Princess Bride AU stuff ✨
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thesidehomie · 26 days
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Zelda x Princess Bride AU ✨ (part 4?)
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thesidehomie · 27 days
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thesidehomie · 28 days
I've met him in person btw and he's a fucking sweetheart
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[ID: Text-intensive Twitter thread from the Shapeshifters chest binders Twitter account in reply to a post by artist and author Ursula Vernon. Vernon says, A non-zero number of you apparently did not know that The Last Unicorn was a book before it was a movie. It is by Peter S. Beagle. It is made of spun glass and fairytales and iron knives and there are individual lines that I would give my lungs to have written. Shapechangers replies, I saw him every year at NYCC for several years straight, bought something at his table, asked him to sign it, and we spoke. He remembered me from year to year, no small feat at that con. He remembered which stories he'd told me. One year I came back with a different gender on. He squinted at me a bit and said thoughtfully, "I've seen you before in this place." All I had to say was, "last year you told me the story about the inoshishi." And his face cleared, and he leaned in with a grin and told me about a German guitarist who he traveled with, twice. Who transitioned between the first and second time, so he'd gotten to meet this person all over again on the second round. It was a wonderfully kind way to let me know that everything was fine. I was fresh out of the closet and I needed that, and maybe he could see it. The Last Unicorn is the best book in the world and I will defend it and its author til I die. the end. /end ID]
I don't usually talk about celebrities; artists, when I do, and I'm keenly aware that one needn't be a good person to be a hell of a heartwrenching artist. But Peter S. Beagle has written a few of my favorite things in the world, he's an excellent singer and filker, and this Twitter thread was dreadfully important to me. I don't want it going away as Twitter becomes Shitter, because it's so often bad news, isn't it? It's important to me to share trans joy.
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thesidehomie · 29 days
A co-worker of mine was standing outside with me during a break from customers to share a cigarette with me, and told me about how he had lost his brother that he was close with some years ago. He told me about how they used to be in a band together with some friends, and how ever since he'd died, he hadn't played any music because he'd been too scared and anxious. I told him about how I'd lost my brother to suicide some years ago.
I went home and pulled out an old tiny wooden box my brother had given me before he'd died. I'd been using it to store guitar picks I'd collected over the years, including one guitar pick that used to be his. I haven't played the guitar since he'd died, my hands are too small to play some of the chords, so I play bass and piano instead.
I went to work the next day and gifted my brothers old guitar pick to my co-worker. I told him that it'd been sitting in a box for ten years unused, and would probably sit there for longer if I kept it there. Told him that I thought he deserved to have it, because I bet he could put it to better use than I ever would. Told him I didn't feel like it was coincidence that me and him would cross paths with each other in our lives, and that it seemed suiting that we had these similar experiences but split in two halves. That somehow, I felt like he was meant to have the guitar pick. I told him that I knew he'd not played guitar since his brother died, but that if he ever decided to play again one of these days, maybe he'd be able to honor both of our brothers by using that guitar pick.
He almost cried. He thanked me. Then he went home that night and for the first time in years he played the guitar.
I don't know what the meaning of life is or what my purpose is, but I do believe that love and human connection is one of the most important things in life. It's finding ways to tell strangers you love them and share experiences with others. I think it's all just about love.
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thesidehomie · 30 days
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Everyone’s favorite siblings in Barovia
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thesidehomie · 1 month
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The Kid and Zia from Bastion
Costume Debuted at PAX Prime 2013.
The Kid’s armor was made primarily with leather, wonderflex, worbla, EVA foam, and wood filler.  The hammer was made with stacked sheets of pink insulation foam covered with wood filler.
Zia’s coat was made with wool, silk rylon, velvet, bottomweight, leather, and microsuede fabrics.  The ridging on the collar was achieved with piping.  The stripes on the pants are tapered and were sewn from silk rylon and stretch denim.  The harp was made from wood, pink insulation foam, wood filler, and cow horn.
Costumes took one month to construct.
Photos taken by Ed Tan, Shunichi Al Hayashi, and Jeff Davis with editing by OneWei Cafe.
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thesidehomie · 1 month
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why didn’t gandalf just carry the ring to mordor himself with these tongs
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thesidehomie · 2 months
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Work in progress. I'm working on some difficult art. Difficult for me. This fragment is good. Almost proud. It's a pity, I can't look at the other parts of the art without tears... UPD: finish art HERE
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thesidehomie · 2 months
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