Of the soul
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“Mr. Knightley dressing was done for a very specific reason: he’s so comfortable in his clothes and that is very important because later on when he’s losing his mind because he’s completely going nuts because he loves Emma so much, those clothes are in his way. In order to really believe that he’s having a panic attack and tearing his clothes off, you needed to see that never has happened to him in his life.”   - Autumn de Wilde
“(he has) this kind of natural ease about his position in society, but also a kind of existential panic underneath it about his feelings for Emma. At some point it actually starts to swallow him up. It just all seems like madness, and he has a little breakdown somewhere in the middle because of societal laws. You can barely see it, but you get the sense of him trembling behind his stiff collar.” - Johnny Flynn
EMMA. | 2020 | screenplay by Eleanor Catton
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Have I no chance of ever succeeding? My dearest Emma, for dearest you will always be, my dearest, most beloved Emma, tell me at once. I cannot make speeches. If I loved you less, then I might be able to talk about it more, but you know what I am. I have… I have lectured you, and I’ve…I’ve blamed you, and… and you have borne it as no other woman in England could have borne it. God knows I have been a very indifferent lover. But you understand me. You understand my feelings.
EMMA. (2020) dir. Autumn de Wilde
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“lawful good water biscuit”
The op is on Tumblr: @glitterwarpaint.
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The Witcher + Text Posts [4/?]
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i’m not your problem anymore, so who i am offending now? — Taylor Swift, exile
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I dont want to be rude, but Pedro was right 😂😂😂
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“As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home.”
Jack Kornfield
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Gwyneth Berdara
Half Breed ~ Priestess ~ Valkyrie
I am the rock against which the surf crashes.  Nothing can break me.
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^not official fanart but it’s still beautiful^^
(found this on pinterest, love it)
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There's a doc on Netflix UK about the Yorkshire Ripper, who, for anyone who doesn't know, killed thirteen women and attacked several more over the course of about six years in the late seventies and early eighties. Anyway, at the time, the police advice was to say to women, 'do not go out alone during hours of darkness' and I was like, no shit fam, we still do that, and accepted it. The hardy Yorkshirewomen of the time, however, took to the streets in a mass protest, and I don't think anything will give me such a visceral reaction as seeing a woman holding a placard reading "MEN OFF THE STREETS", while another says in voiceover, "we're the ones being attacked, and yet we were told to keep to a curfew"
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Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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Friend: How much would you pay to meet your book boyfriend in real life?
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I’m looking at you Rhysand.
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a really important thread
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Rowan: Does your heart speed up when you see her?
Lorcan: Yes.
Rowan: Do you want to kill whoever made her frown?
Lorcan: Yes.
Rowan: Will you protect her to whatever end?
Lorcan: Yes.
Rowan: Do you wish her to not be with another male?
Lorcan: Yes.
Rowan: You would die for her?
Lorcan: Yes.
Rowan: You would chop up your shirt into linen shirts for her when she's on her monthly cycles and sacrifice your own life for her and damn the entire world just to make sure she's safe and protect her even when you have a separate mission and obey all her orders willingly and slaughter anyone should she deem so?
Lorcan: Yes.
Rowan: Do you know what this means?
Lorcan: No.
Rowan: You don't know what's happening to you?
Lorcan: I fail to see why this is important.
Elide: He fails to see a lot of things.
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