achievement unlocked: explained the bee movie to my therapist
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it never hit me how shortsighted Heaven is until i realized they put a Principality (whose entire raison d’être is to protect places and people from harm) in charge of Earth, and then were genuinely surprised when Armageddon came and said Principality went absolutely off-the-grid feral trying to stop it
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my jewish fandom ass wants to write an essay about how Stan Pines is the perfect deconstruction of antisemitic caricature characters–initially we think he’s this tricky, stingy, money-obsessed character, and that’s played for laughs, but then later it’s revealed that he was forced into that lifestyle and mindset out of a desperate need to save his family. (Echoing the experience of a lot of Jewish people who were historically forced into professions like moneylending as the only way they could make a living, provide for their families, and escape destitute poverty. Which then was weaponized against them in the creation of viscous antisemitic stereotypes and tropes.)
I want to write that essay, but I feel like a lot of people on this website would willfully misunderstand me
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The Addams Family renting out rooms in their huge mansion cheaply to broke college students.
The students digging it because the craziness and the bugs are pretty much the same as any other dorm house. Also, Morticia and Gomez treat them all like visiting cousins, not like tenants to abuse and exploit. 
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When you learned of the god of war, you thought he’d be tall and muscular and angry. When you were about to meet him, you braced yourself for the worst.
You weren’t quite expecting the short, scrawny, shy kid you ended up getting instead.
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chthonic worship tip
In my experience, chthonic (underworld) gods really appreciate hearing “thank you.” (This includes Hades and Persephone as well as Hecate, Hermes in his psychopomp aspect, Hypnos, Thanatos, Morpheus, and others.) They all do incredibly dirty, difficult, and vitally important jobs and rarely get recognition for it.
Things you can thank them for:
Sheltering, protecting, and taking care of the dead
Treating everyone fairly, meting out divine justice to people who escaped it in life
Allowing us to extract precious metals and material resources from the earth (I usually pair this with a commitment to do what I can to be a responsible steward of the earth, and follow the principle of xenia rather than hoarding wealth)
Maintaining the boundaries between this world and the next, and allowing people to pass through when appropriate
Making new growth possible by clearing away that which is no longer useful (this can be both literal and metaphorical)
Guiding and looking after people who are going through grief, depression, or “dark nights of the soul,” enabling personal rebirth and transformation
Protecting and nourishing the roots of plants, making all plant life and agriculture possible
Things that come from or are sheltered in their world include: sleep, dreams, precious metals, plant life, reincarnated or newly incarnated souls, magic, purpose and destiny — and according to interpretation, vaccination, EMDR, anesthesia, X-rays and MRIs, mass social movements, psychology, shadow work**
Also, please do something nice for Charon. I’ve long thought of him as the patron of customer service workers who are frequently yelled at.
*sources: Greek Religion by Walter Burkert, Ancient Greek Cults by Jennifer Larson, The Greek Way of Death by Robert Garland – these three books are my go-to’s for info about the roles the chthonic gods and the underworld played in ancient Greek religion and culture. Add to this the underworld as metaphor in Jungian psychology and archetypes (I’m less well read in this area, but see also The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell)
**I once read a great series of essays on the rivers of the Underworld (which I can not find right now) that posited the principle of vaccination comes from the Styx. According to myth, Achilles was dipped in the river as a baby and this protected his body from injury — just as exposure to a dead pathogen grants our bodies protection from a live version of that same pathogen. Along these lines, things like anesthesia and EMDR would come from the Lethe and/or the Acheron, psychology and self-reflection from the Mnemosyne, and so on. And modern astrology understands Pluto (Hades) as a god of invisible forms of power, which makes him also the ruler of things like X-rays and MRIs, nuclear energy, mass movements, and lots of other things…
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Happy Samhain everyone! Reblog to cast a luck spell for your Samhain rituals 💞😌
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going on testosterone is so exciting im so glad to finally go through my himboification
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Cockatiel singing a Zelda song with vegetation on its head - cute animal
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dude seeing these Mega high quality images of the surface of mars that we now have has me fucked up. Like. Mars is a place. mars is a real actual place where one could hypothetically stand. It is a physical place in the universe. ITS JUST OUT THERE LOOKING LIKE UH IDK A REGULAR OLD DESERT WITH LOTS OF ROCKS BUT ITS A WHOLE OTHER PLANET? 
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in the spirit of Halloween, here’s an appreciation post for wolves with pumpkins
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