theslurmfactory · 3 years
A Computer Crash
Having your computer crash is never a fun experience. I know because I experienced this firsthand the other day. I was actually in the middle of typing an important paper for class when it happened. All of the sudden, my screen went black and stopped working all together. It was not any consolation that my roommate let me finish working on hers because all that I was worried about was whether this computer could be fixed. I took it to the computer store on campus and they ran some hard drive recovery and other recoveries on it so that I could have all of my things, but they said it was basically fried because it was a laptop and that I should just get a new one. That was great news, since I had almost zero dollars in the bank. Thankfully, my parents helped me out with that one and I had a new computer in no time.
Get Help with Hard Drive Recovery
It is every computer owners worst nightmare, and it can shut down businesses in a heartbeat. When computers crash the biggest fear is the loss of data. Sometimes there are steps that the owner can perform that may locate the information, other times the damage may seem more permanent. For this reason, it is very important to have back up files of critical information. This takes time and might be a costly endeavor, but it offers a peace of mind in the event of a catastrophic failure. When the worst happens and your data seems lost, there are companies that specialize in hard drive recovery. Some of them will not charge you if they cannot recover your data. If you find yourself in need of a company that performs these services, look at their website and see what they have to offer. Finding someone who can successfully retrieve your data is well worth the cost.
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theslurmfactory · 3 years
Losing All of My Games
Hard drive recovery, I hope, is in my near future, because I have a vast collection of games on my desktop computer, but if I can't access them, I fear that my collection will disappear. I mostly like RPG games, but there are a lot of action and puzzle games that I really enjoy too; the collection was large, and it spilled over onto an external hard drive, and those ones are safe for now. But years ago, I had more space added to the computer specifically for the purpose of holding more games. I should have backed the whole system up months ago, but I just never got around to it. So, now that my computer has crashed, I am very frightened that they're not going to be recovered. However, I've spoken to some specialized and they're calming my fears a bit, letting me know that they're going to do everything they can to fix this issue and help me recover my beloved games.
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theslurmfactory · 3 years
How cool is this?
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Layered MRI Self-Portraits Engraved in Glass Sheets by Angela Palmer
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