thesmilingakh · 5 months
When you’re feeling low, remember the story of Prophet Zakariyyah (as), and his beautiful trust in Allah (swt)…
Despite being old and frail, alongside his wife, he made sincere du’a - with complete reliance upon Him to grant him what many would seem ‘impossible’. He begun his du’a with his inabilities, referencing his old age. Perhaps that may be our mental health, our physical health, our family issues, but we acknowledge that, O Allah, we are weak before you. We are in need of you. He then tells Allah (swt) that he’s never been left unhappy with a du’a before. Complete trust. Complete reliance. That O Allah, you know best. You do best. You are in control, not me. He was asking for a child, but he didn’t make it about wealth or for society, or because he said or or she said so, but for the sake of Allah (swt). When we ask for success in an exam, or a job, or a marriage, it should all be entirely for Allah (swt). To bring us closer to Him. To better our faith.
This wasn’t just a general du’a he repeated again and again. It was heartfelt. It was personal to him. It broke down why he was in need of Allah, how much he trusts in Allah and why what he is asking for is for the sake of Allah. A real conversation with Allah (swt), from the heart. That’s what we need to do. And when we do that, Allah will give you so much more, just as he gave Yahya (as) to Zakariyyah (as).
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 5 months
There will be days where your faith feels strayed, where it feels like you’re slowly drifting astray. There will be days where our faith is firm, your dedication affirmed, where you feel a closeness to Allah and His words. There will be days where your heart strives to pray, for longer on your prayer mat you stay, where you feel His love and mercy rays. There will be more days where prayer may not come easily, you cannot make dhikr peacefully, and the Dunya has your heart greedily.
It is natural for your Imaan to go up and down. For some days to be harder than others. For you to sometimes feel low and distant. But it’s important that we continuously ask of Allah (swt) to strengthen our Imaan, that no matter how far or how hard it is that day, we don’t lose our prayer, we don’t some striving.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
You are the Creator, you say Be and it is, You are the one who brought light from darkness. You created this world from nothing, Placing within it your mercy and blessings. No single creation, no human nor tree exists, Without your willingness to let it be created. ‘He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names’. [59:24] Every star in the sky has been perfectly formed, Every leaf on every tree, every little insect, Every cloud so perfectly placed, all by You.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
You are the Supremely Great, above all creation, You are Tremendous, above every nation. You are clear of our faults and our worldly attributes, All the words of the world could not describe You. There is no, nor can be, any comparison to You, You are the King of all Kings, only You are true. ‘If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him?’ [3:160] Everyone left, but only Allah stayed, We ask you do not lead our hearts astray.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
You are the Restorer, the Repairer, We turn to you with broken hearts, With wounds of sin that leave us scarred, You’re the one who heals our souls, Who places light in our places of dark. ‘And you do not will except that Allah wills. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.’ [76:30] We trust solemnly in your divine plan, Even though at moments we don’t understand. But we place our faith entirely in you, Knowing that with Allah, we’ll be guided through. We ask that you repair our broken pieces, That you make our hearts whole again.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
Al Aziz.
The one who is most Exalted, most Mighty, You are the most Noble, the Honourable. Words cannot describe your Majesty. From every land to every sea, You control every wave, every falling leaf. “Or do they have the depositories of the mercy of your Lord, the Exalted. in Might, the Bestower?" [48:7] Despite your might, You chose to shower your mercy, For you indeed are Ar-Raheem, Al-Karim, Al-Aleem You are, Maliki Yawmi Deen, The master of the day of Judgement, A day in which we all pray to be freed.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
The Preserver of Safety, our Protector. You know the secrets that bring us to tears, You are always watching, always there. "He knows what is in the heavens and earth; He knows what you conceal and what you reveal; God knows very well the secrets of every heart." (64:4) My Lord, you know how heavy my heart weighs, That I lose a piece of myself, when I fall astray. As I raise my hands and seek your aid, May we be of those who find your shade. Keep us and our loved ones safe, Alhamdulilah for learning another one of your names.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
You are the one places faith into our hearts, Who guides us when we drift apart. You are the one who found us lost, and guided us, You are where we truly do find love. Every name of yours allows our love to grow, Each name allows our words of pain to flow. "And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak. [4:28] We ask you keep our hearts firm on the path, That every single breath from the first to the last, Sings praises of You and Your attributes.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
You are eternal Peace, eternal Salam, Only in your remembrance do hearts find calm. With You there is safety in both abodes, Guiding us in this world, and to our eternal home. The one who trusts in You, You will not fail, You are the one who gives peace, when hearts are frail. "[And] “Peace,” a word from a Merciful Lord." [36:58] Allāhumma antas-salām. wa minkas-salām. tabārakta yā dhal-Jalāli wal-'Ikrām.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
Al-Quddus. The one who is clear of every imperfection, The one from whom we seek direction. The one who is most sacred, without weakness, If we have You, who can defeat us? ‘He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith’. [59:23]. Your name is the most Pure, the Sanctified, The One who transcends perfection in our minds. You have placed purpose within our souls, May the love of Your names, always keep us whole.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
Al Malik.
The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, The One who gives death and gives birth. You are the King, truly you rule alone, To you belongs every universe, every abode. There is no Deity to whom we turn to, Except for you, whom we bow to. ‘So exalted is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth; there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Noble Throne’. [23:116]. A person who has Allah, only needs Allah. May you make our hearts free of all that Which is not attached to you.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 8 months
The Merciful, the one who loves to forgive, To you we turn with a heavy heart of sin. Your mercy is greater than your wrath, It’s our guidance on the straight path. ‘If you never sinned, Allah Almighty would surely come with people who would sin, and He would forgive them’. [Ahmad]. From His mercy is the night and the day, The love of a mother, which never goes away. May our hearts never stray from your Rahma, Verily your mercy is our key to Jannah.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 9 months
The beneficent, the first of your beloved names, The one whom I call on my lowest of days. To you we raise our hands, to you we stand, To you we ask for the peace which you grant. Your name derives from Ra-ha-mim, Gentleness, kindness and mercy. In your name does our every task begin, In your name do we seek atonement for our sins. ‘Those who are merciful, will be shown mercy By the most merciful’. [Tirmidhi] In your mercy may our sins be drowned, Truly in your remembrance, peace is found
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 10 months
And as the father buried his daughter, the world stayed quiet. And as the mother wept for her newborn, the world stayed silent. Gaza screamed for help yet nobody replied, Gaza screamed for help & the world asked why? Father’s hearts are broken, left with just memories, tears that ask to fall - yet you ask who the terror is? The only words their hearts can muster, ‘Allah is enough for us’. You saw the pictures, you heard the cries, saw the most painful of goodbyes. Yet the world remained silent. You saw the rubble, you saw the buildings collapsed, yet still the world remains so relaxed. You saw the fears in their eyes, their desperate need of food, yet the world still asks, who? You saw their faith, their strength on show, yet the world still acts, as if they do not know. They ask us which is the world’s biggest lie? We tell them the protection of human lives.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 10 months
When they ask us why does Palestine matter? It is the land where the Prophets, peace be upon them gathered. It is the land which Allah has blessed in the Qur’an itself, where lies the second eldest Masjid on the Earth. It’s the land where our first Qiblah rests, the place of ascensions to the Heavens, which we cannot forget. It’s the place of the third holiest site in our faith, the site of a history we cannot escape. It is the resting place of Prophets & those who are righteous, the site of the blessed sanctuary of Bait Al Maqdis. It is the land where the soil is enriched with the body of martyrs, who sacrificed everything to protect their borders. It is the land where the faith of these people cannot compare, a land of people whom only God they fear. It is the land upon whom the wings of the Angels spread, the land upon which the word of God is read. You ask us to forget the soil upon where our faith lies, you ask us to forget the sacrifices of all those who died. You ask us to forget the tears of those mothers who cried. You ask us to forget, when we have to answer to the Lord of the skies. When we are asked what we did for the lands so blessed, what will we say to our Lord on the day of distress? That we were the ones who abandoned? That we left them stranded? That we did not hear their screams? No, we will be the ones to say that we stood with Fallasteen.
- thesmilingakh
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thesmilingakh · 11 months
Dear child of Palestine, who’s eyes shed tears that will never dry, as the world watches you burn by, please never forget the words of our Lord most High,
“Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised.” [41:30]
Your skies are filled with Angels descending, as the world continues pretending, indeed in the Gardens of Paradise is your final ending. As the world watches and lets you burn, remember the words of Allah,
“Indeed to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.” [2:156]
May your abode be of the sweetest musk, of being reunited with those you love. We tried to help, we made du’a, we shared the news, and we pray one day to be reunited with you.
- thesmilingakh, letter to a Palestinian child
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thesmilingakh · 11 months
To the young child of Gaza, may you forgive us for letting you down, you’re raising your hands in prayer with nobody around. Your cupboards are empty and your taps run dry, whilst we complain about the first world problems in our lives. Your mother’s gone and your tears have stopped, there’s no pain for them to flow, your heart is stuck in shock. Your homes turned into rubble and your brothers lying lifeless, shame on those who say your life’s worth less. On your back you’re left with no clothes, no protection in churches or masjids, let alone your home. Whilst we sit comfy and smiling with fulfilment, your loved ones are still trapped under buildings. Whilst we shy away from giving in donations, you’re praying for the safety of a single container. Whilst we forget you in this temporary adobe, you’re in the companionship of Allah, never alone. My young child, please do not fear we have not deserted, our hands are raised in prayer, our hearts are hurting. We are walking for you in protests, speaking out against these atrocities so grotesque. We’re giving in donations so food fills your hands, we haven’t forgotten you, please understand. We won’t forget you nor will you leave our hearts, we are united by faith even though we’re so many miles apart. We will scream your name and for your freedom, we will give to stop your bleeding, we will pray for your healing, we cannot comprehend what you’re feeling, my young child, please do not weaken. Your abode is the one of Gardens with Allah, the sweetest fruits of Paradise, my young Palestinian child, please wipe your eyes.
- The Smiling Akh
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