thesolitaryhobbyist · 5 years
Not working on this anymore
It’s been half a year since I said I’d try to finish the Scandal in British Empire arc. I thought I could find time, but I’ve only become busier. So instead of waiting too long and ghosting you, here’s the little that’s done so far.
Here’s the Chapter 19 text. Chapter 20 is unfinished.
Thanks to Umi for helping with Ch 20! Someone else on Tumblr messaged me 5 months ago about possibly picking it up, and I’m only getting back to them today. If I find out anyone’s doing translations or chapter summaries, I’ll post about it.
Whatever happens next, I hope there will be more ways for non-Japanese readers to enjoy and support this manga.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 6 years
Okay, looks like nobody’s picked it up for whatever reason. Now my plan is to at least finish translating the Scandal in British Empire arc. If I’m still not busy, I’ll continue the next arcs.
Because of the almost 1 year’s worth of backlog, I’m considering posting the chapter text here as soon as it’s finished, then trying to put up scanlations on mangadex. But I’m still going back and forth on that, so I should really just get the translations done first.
Anyway, peace out <3
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 6 years
Hello followers,
I’ve been so inactive, you probably know better than me: has anyone else started putting out fan translations since my group stopped? Thinking about whether I should try to start again after a few failed attempts at restarting.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 6 years
Chapter 16-19 notes
Clarifications, and details you may or may not be interested in.
(Haven’t released 19 at the time of posting, but I want to get a few things out of the way.)
Just “Hudson” on the Jump SQ website, and “Hudson-san” until chapter 19. So we went with “Mrs Hudson” to go along with the ACD stories. In 19, she tells Adler to call her “Miss Hudson”, and hasn’t corrected anyone else, so it’s Miss Hudson from now on.
Holmes brothers:
On page 43 of chapter 16, Queen Vicky’s honorific for Mycroft is kyou (卿). We possibly should have turned this into “Mister” instead of “Sir”. It’s the Queen speaking, after all. “Sir” might give the idea he has a title, as in a knighthood, which he probably doesn’t...unless he does (and those should be affixed to first names, but that’s beside the point).
On page 19 of chapter 17, Sherlock’s “act all dignified” is more directly “playing at living like the upper classes”. I think we might have lost some emphasis there, because together with Sherlock’s confession about his university days in chapter 19, it makes it more obviously likely (though as it is, you can still tell) they both had a working-class upbringing.
He usually calls himself boku (Sherlock uses ore, and switches to watashi for his chapter 18 ‘Great Detective Holmes’ act), but in chapter 17 uses jibun when offering to show Mycroft out of the flat, and when trying to introduce himself to ‘Count von Kramm’. Hopefully his military background will be explored in the future...
Sherlock calls him “Watson-kun” for the ‘Great Detective’ act. Normally, he just calls him “John” with no honorific.
Chapter 19: Irene calls him “John-kun”, same as Miss Hudson does.
ACD canon:
This plot of this arc is loosely based on A Scandal in Bohemia, of course.
But so are some minor details. Chapter 18′s “Darlington substitution scandal” and “Arnsworth Castle business”, and the ‘Watson gained 7.5 pounds' thing in chapter 17 are also from that story. The chapter 17 'sloppy maid deduction', too, but in the original, it’s Watson’s boots.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 6 years
Chapter 18 is up
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A Scandal in British Empire, Act 2
Two arcs in a row he’s a supposed murderer. This guy’s getting typecast...
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 6 years
Hello, long time no post. I'm not aware of anyone having taken up the mantle to make better scanlations during these past few months, and as long as I'm not told otherwise, I still intend to somehow get you guys up to date on this manga that we're almost 5 months behind on. I'll try to get a chapter out by the start of May. See you then.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Chapter 17 is up
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A Scandal In British Empire, Act 1
Or, Listen To Your Brother, Sherly.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Hello, MangaDex
Progress on Ch 17 is still slow because I and the rest haven’t gotten back into the pace of things. But if I don’t hear from anyone who wants to rescue the manga from us, speaking for myself, I would like to continue scanlating it as best as I can, unless life really gets in the way.
Meanwhile, our scanlation of Ch 16 is now up on MangaDex. If all goes well, we’ll upload the next chapters there, too.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Goodbye, Batoto
If you haven’t heard, Batoto is going to shut down. No specific plans yet for how we’re going to release chapter 17.
Previous releases can be found on madokami, compiled by other people. My old shame chapter 1 and 2 solo work can also be found through the links in this post.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Chapter 17 progress report: I was 7 pages in as of December, and am only continuing now. ...We'll get there...eventually.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
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Moriarty the Patriot + The Onion headlines (2/2)
[part 1]
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
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Yuukoku no Moriarty / Moriarty the Patriot + The Onion headlines (1/?)
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Chapter 16
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...finally...last month's chapter is up...
Time to get off the murder train and onto the hype train for certain character interactions...
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
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Chapter 15 is finally up!
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
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Omake/advertisement for the tankobons, from Shonen Jump Plus.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Chapter 13, 14, and 15 notes
As long as I help with these scanlations, I will make these notes, even if only for myself.
Unfortunately, though we’ve made progress, we still don’t have chapter 15 ready for release.
Still, if you want to swoop in and save this manga from us...  I don’t think we have a right to a monopoly on it.
More chapter 13 notes (not included in original version of chapter 13 note post):
p. 31: “Alec Trevelyan” is the name of agent 006, who was “killed in action”. Shame on me, that’s what I get for not brushing up on Bond canon. I thought the ‘6′ in chapter 12 was just chosen because there was no 007 yet, and the alias chosen because there were a few Trevelyans in Holmes canon.
Universal Exports: I recently learnt that this, too, is a Bond reference. That’s what I get for only reading Casino Royale and the short stories.
Chapter 14:
Ok, this post’s title is misleading. I can’t remember anything about chapter 14 that I think is noteworthy. But if anyone has a question, ask away.
Chapter 15:
Mrs Hudson (technically “Hudson-san”, nothing confirms whether Hudson is or isn’t her maiden name, so far) calls John “John-kun”. Couldn’t think of a way to convey it at the time, so we left it out.
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thesolitaryhobbyist · 7 years
Chapter 14
What’s up? Chapter 14 is.
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