Text: Spencer & Atticus
Spencer: Hey you.
Spencer: What are you doing?
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Mira listened to the brunette, nodding occasionally. “I try to sort them out, or eat least, for my son. Seems harder than it should.” The girl picked out a apple that hadn’t fallen and handed it to the stranger. “One that isn’t bruised,” she paused. “I’m Mira, by the way.”
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Spencer nodded her head at the woman. “Is he a picky eater?” She didn’t have much experience with kids. She took the apple from the other. “Maybe you should keep this. He might want to eat it later.” She handed it back over. “Nice to meet you Mira, I’m Spencer.”
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[Text]: Spencer & Emory
Emory: If always is somewhere around 68% of the time, then yes you are.
Emory: Well I'm outside. It would help if you opened your door.
Spencer: It could be.
Spencer: The door is unlocked. You should know that.
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“Added to my list of things to do when I get the money and time,” she muttered before taking a sip of the water given to her. Doutzen removed the glass from her lips. She wasn’t sure if Spencer hadn’t heard, or didn’t care enough to remember what had happened to her. Either way Doutzen wasn’t in the mood to talk about it, granted she never was much of a sharer to begin with. “No. I just want water. Does your definition of a good night require alcohol?”
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“Well I have a trip in a couple months. Some photo shoot.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe you can come with me. She was usually bored at these things. She spent most of her time babysitting her models. Spencer took a sip f her drink. “Good nights usually start with a glass of something.” She admitted. 
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Jack followed the girl’s suit. He picked up his drink and trailed after her. A few people passed between them, but his focus never left her as he followed. A crooked grin took over his features as he saw where she had led him. “Trying to seduce me,” he joked as he slid in next to her.
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Spencer shrugged a solo shoulder. She wasn’t sure she would have to try much. She scooted closer to him after he slid into the booth. “If I was, would it be working?” She teased, with a small smirk toying on her features. 
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Mira paused before giving a soft laugh and nodding. “Right, that would be the smart choice. I didn’t see might night unfolding into an avalanche of red delicious apples.” The mother shrugged and grabbed several apples at a time and placing them back. “Thank you for helping,” the blonde smiled towards the brunette.
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Spencer could never judge anyone. She was sure her mother had moments like this. “I think most of my nights never go as planned. I am always trying to sort it out last minute.” That felt like her life altogether. She smiled. “No  problem.” She picked up a couple more apples. 
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“You’re the best, Spence. Have you explored much of New Orleans?”
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“I have not seen it all. Slowly making my way throughout the city. What about you?”
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“Last time I looked up something on Urban Dictionary I found a new sex position. Which wasn’t bad to take in, but it was weird seeing the definition.” He chuckled lightly, slightly embarrassing himself. Going with this joking banter, he placed his hand on his chin and laughed. “Yep, that’s so not my thing. I bet they are cold half naked too. Maybe I’ll bring a blanket” 
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“You found a new sex position on Urban Dictionary?” Spencer found this interesting. “Did you get to try the position?” She was curious. A small laugh escaped her lips. “I am sure they could use a blanket to warm up. Maybe if you there helping them.” 
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Atticus kept fairly close, having their shoulders bump occasionally as they walked. He looked over at her as she spoke and a smile appeared across his lips, “That’s really awesome Spencer. I’m sure you must be really happy with it.” he chuckled softly as she asked which orchestra he was in. “What makes you think I’m in another one?” he teased, continuing after he grinned at her and his eyes scanned over her features. “I’m in the New Orleans Symphony and also writing pieces for New Zealand still.” He grinned, opening up the door for her.
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Spencer could see like a careless person to people from the way she acted when not at work. It was her close friends, and people she represented, who knew her work ethics. She worked hard. She also liked to play hard. “I will be. Who knows I could end up being a huge PR firm.” She chuckled. She never had any intention of having a super big business. Something moderate would suffice. She raised a brow at him. Music was Atticus’ life. He would always be around it. The corners of her mouth twitched into a sly smile. “I know you.” She nodded her head. “That doesn’t surprise me.” She stepped inside the coffee shop. “Do you want the usual?” She asked him. 
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Always There
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Atticus couldn’t help but smile wider as she agreed to grab some coffee with him. He had missed her company and was glad they’d be spending a little time together. He began walking with her, keeping close with each step. “So, how’s the business and everything? I mean..It must be good if you’re looking to expand.” he looked over at her, his eyes meeting hers and it only reminded him how much he had missed this. 
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Spencer found her pace matching his, keeping beside him. There was that comfort between them. She tried hard to push it away. She glanced up at him. “It is going well. I have about ten clients right now. All models.” It kept her busy for the most part. She was thinking about hiring another person to work with her. Reason she was going to open an actual business location. She wanted to ask about what happened in New Zealand and why he was back. “Which Orchestra are you with now?”
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Always There
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Emmy Rossum photographed by Ruven Afanador for The Hollywood Reporter | June 2017
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Atticus had a funny way of dealing with things, he always assumed the worse when things were important to him. He pressed his lips together for a moment, his eyes watching her movements closely as he tried to get a feel for what she was thinking. He gave her a soft smile as she mentioned she’d let him know if she needed help. “Awesome..It’d be fun.” he gave a light nod and a soft chuckle, “Yeah, I’d say you are.” he rubbed the back of his neck lightly. He was happy to hear that she’d missed him as well. He looked down the street past her, seeing a coffee shop in the distance. He gave a light nod in the direction before looking back at her, “Can I get you a cup of coffee? Maybe we could catch up a little.”
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The brunette had a hard time looking Atticus in the eyes. She was telling herself one step at a time. She could easily fall back into their old ways. Not that their relationship was ever strained. They had their brief moments, but it all worked out -- it seemed to only make them stronger. There was this strong urge to reach out to him. Feel his lips against hers. Their bodies moving as one. Simply have him hold her. He always had a way of making everything right. She glanced over her shoulder. She knew which coffee shop he was talking about. “Coffee sounds good.” Her whole being craved him, and she was going to deny herself that temptation; for now at least. She didn’t want to fall back in their ways to have either of them leave again. 
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Always There
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“I’ve never been. Though its on my list of things to do.” Doutzen wanted to go to all the major fashion cities, as well as all the national parks if she ever got the chance to travel. Clothes, glamor, and fresh air sounded like a perfect life especially if there was dancing and food involved. “No. I’m just… no.” She looked at all the bottles before her, and felt slightly nauseous at the thought of drinking.
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“You definitely should.” Spencer loved the act that she was able to travel with her job. The places she had been. The places she wanted to go. There was always an adventure to be had. Her brows furrowed at the other. “Bad night?” She asked. 
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“Okay, I’m down. It’s been awhile since we hung out anyway. Just promise to keep me away from the alcohol.”
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Spencer nodded her head at Nev. “Lead you to the food, girls and boys, but away from the alcohol. I can do that.”
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“I would call her back, so you can’t talk to her, but I don’t feel like getting yelled at again,” he replied honestly.·“How many times must I tell you that you are always welcome to come cook with me? It’d be fun. I promise.”
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“What did you do to have mom yelling at you?” Over time Spencer found herself getting close to Emory’s mother. It was nice having a mother figure in her life. She wrinkled her nose at him. “You want me to burn your place down.”
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Lucien was in the need of some fun tonight. He had been working on a new script all day and only managed to get a scene done. He was having a serious case of writers block and hoped going out would be the spark he needed to overcome it the next day.  He decided to go out to one of the bars  and he was surprised at the amount of people there for a Thursday night. He made his way through the crowd to the bar, taking a seat and calling the bartender over. He ordered a few shots downing one before looking over to the person sat beside him, a  small grin spread across his face “Hey, you look like you could use a drink.” 
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Spencer needed a distraction. She was still trying to process the fact that Atticus now lived in Hallow Grove. Her life seemed to be turning upside down. The brunette wasn’t sure how to handle the situation. In true Spencer form, she was at the bar -- ready to drink her problems away and find someone to go home with. She was finishing drink number three when she heard a male’s voice. Her head turned and a smile crept on her features. “I could use two or three more drinks.” She corrected him. “Plus a drinking partner. You down?”
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“Nope, I’m afraid I don’t have the foggiest idea what it is you mean. I do think you’ll have to elaborate for my daft male brain,” he grinned at her. By this point he was sure he was starting to overthink her comment.
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“Well your daft male brain is going to get you in trouble.” She shook her head. “I am the only crush you need.” She teased. 
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