thespiritofbreath · 9 years
>>The spirit has noticed new followers! (Open RP)
You wave at all of your friends and grin.
“Hello there! What’s your name?” You ask, feeling the wind pick up as your excitement grows.
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“well... anything you can do, i can do better... except reading. or running. or things involving touching things. so that’s a lot of things.” You give a small shrug but then chuckle.
“who is your quadmate, karkat? do i know them?” you ask. 
You look so happy when you high fived him. Heee~
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
The forecast for today... winds, maybe a storm...
And suddenly a blue windy spirit looking you dead in the eye, inches from your face
“hi there!”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“hate-crush... sounds like a ride.” You roll upside down, floating a bit as you wait for Karkat to finish evaluating the relationship you have. You are very glad you are not another John. You are a spirit of breath, not a meat bag. “but i could totally be your rival. i’d win every fight though so... maybe?’
. . .
You burst out in a huge grin and the wind sweeps your physical self the right way round in joy.
“bros sounds good. bros with karkat!”
High five!
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
. . .
“do you need cuddles?”
Say yes. Please say yes.
“I’m not a– Well. I guess they are spooky.”
There’s a chuckle, but Opal nods.
“Apparently I’m some deity or something to them.”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“okay... fair enough then...” Troll culture sounded so interesting and incredibly diverse. You really don’t have a lot to say because you’re actually thinking on how to be appropriate right now. You really like touching and contact but Karkat doesn’t like this.
This is truly tough and you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, you’re good at asking questions. Questions are wonderful.
“so ignoring humans altogether, where do I sit on your relationship scale to you, karkat? an acquaintance? enemy?” Serious business calls for a serious face, yes.
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“i’m old as fuck! old as fuck!” as if that’s something to cheer about, you start waving your hands out, grinning happily. However, you know you’re being an idiot and you burst out into giggles
You don’t mind the brain gook. It’s nice. You lie in it and get yourself coated in it before you phase out into the wind and the stuff just passes through you. You give Karkat time to stall. You’re patient when you feel like it.
“yeah... i have. but like.... i wanted to know.” you look at him and appear so he faces you. “how do i comfort touch you without it being romantic? i don’t think you can be romantic with me, but i want to be a comforting friend!’
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“i’m old as fuck! old as fuck!” as if that’s something to cheer about, you start waving your hands out, grinning happily. However, you know you’re being an idiot and you burst out into giggles
You don’t mind the brain gook. It’s nice. You lie in it and get yourself coated in it before you phase out into the wind and the stuff just passes through you. You give Karkat time to stall. You’re patient when you feel like it.
“yeah... i have. but like.... i wanted to know.” you look at him and appear so he faces you. “how do i comfort touch you without it being romantic? i don’t think you can be romantic with me, but i want to be a comforting friend!’
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“oh... oh no! I’m sorry. i didn’t know!”
“I’m not a– Well. I guess they are spooky.”
There’s a chuckle, but Opal nods.
“Apparently I’m some deity or something to them.”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
"no! the whole body thing is actually a recent development! i live forever but the whole becoming like this and talking is new. you should have seen me when i figured this out... it was great! i could only sing in hurricanes!”
That was terrible.
“alright... but what’s past flirting?” you let go of him and just sit in front of him. 
“alright... fair enough. you’re okay. totally okay. do what you want!”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“it sounds like a soda thing too...” you smile and tilt your head. “my name is xĕkbeir̒... but you can call me john if you can’t pronounce it! i’m the spirit of the winds!”
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“What can I do yar for, my avant-garde friend?” 
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
You gasp an overdramatic gasp.
“no way! show me! i wanna see!”
“I’m not a– Well. I guess they are spooky.”
There’s a chuckle, but Opal nods.
“Apparently I’m some deity or something to them.”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
You blink and tilt your head. It’s not every day you meet a troll that isn’t Karkat.
“um... avant? garden? i’m not a garden! i’m a wind spirit!” You say, showing your curly blue windtail
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“What can I do yar for, my avant-garde friend?” 
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“yep! i can speak to you, so it’s a good start!” You say, nodding wisely. Yes, very, very good. At least you let go soon enough... you can’t hug for too long but soon you will have a full on hug session with karkat some day!
“right... that does make sense though. bad decisions in the past, future mistakes... living in the moment is the best form of you you can be!”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
“you’re the spooky scary god? no way! you’re not scary at all! you’re cute!” You blurt out, as if that’s an explanation.
“I suppose?”
The human shrugs, then goes to sit back on the sand.
“… Do you know anything about horrorterrors?”
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
Of course there are no files on you. By all technicality, you don’t exist. You exist as the wind.
“... what’s your name?” you’re out of her body now, floating in front of her, your ghostly blue tail wiggling as you stare.
the wind whispers in your ear and asks 'Why are you sad?'
I am not sad.
I’m tired, and empty, enough so that I would bother responding to the wind.
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thespiritofbreath · 9 years
You gasp.
“the spooky dookies...” That’s how you know them...
“I’m uh. Not exactly fine but this form is just temporary. A bit of magic for me to be human.”
There’s a shiver as he passes right through. Not that the wind spirit was cold in any sense of the word. It was just weird.
“But um… I mean, I could be much worse.”
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