thespyglasssystem · 2 years
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We saw this gif and immediately thought of this situation
@funnierasafictive @funnier-as-a-system
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
All of the internet should have the option to be in dark mode. Having a white background as the only option for a website is bad. Some people who have chronic migraines just straight up cannot use these websites without consequences, and it's something I've never seen anyone talk about as being an accesibility issue but it 100% is
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
what we learned on r/systemscringe
so, despite the better judgement of many members of our system, kandi insisted that we spend bats fronting time engaging with people on the systemscringe subreddit. it was agonizing, to say the least, but it was also an eye opening experience for us! here’s what we took away from the conversations we had:
the people on this subreddit claim to know what someone is experiencing more than the person themself. this is a huge matter that encompasses nearly everyone on the subreddit. many claim that they can always tell when someone’s faking, and that there are telltale signs that point to someone faking a disorder. here are some of the things they told us are indicators that someone is faking:
- having lots of headmates (the general consensus was over 50)
- having fictives or introjects
- having a headmate or alter that uses a typing quirk
- posting on tiktok
- using neopronouns
- identifying with the term “plural”
obviously many of these folks don’t have a good grasp on the diversity of plurality and the many ways it can manifest, even for disordered systems and those with clinical diagnoses! even more baffling was the person who told us that those with did/osdd are too busy trying to get medical care to be active online (by this logic, even they must not be a system!).
overall there was very little compassion or understanding for fellow human beings, even ones who have actually been diagnosed! not to mention absolutely no faith in self diagnosis or even trying to figure out what mental health issues one might have at all. countless times we were told that the only way for someone to learn what conditions they have is through a mental health professional; if someone can’t afford to seek professional help, then too bad, they can’t try to research their own symptoms or try to come to understand themselves.
going into this, we knew we would be interacting with people who are ignorant, sad, and angry. their anger was directed at nontraumagenic systems and systems who exhibit strange or “cringey” symptoms. we believe that they, like the anti endos here on tumblr, are taking out their anger on nontraumagenic systems, when that anger should be directed towards negative social stigma surrounding plurality and did/osdd, and the ableist medical institution that makes receiving care so difficult.
these folks (or at least the ones we interacted with) generally have a poor grasp on gender, lgbt issues, mental health awareness, disability, economic class, and plurality as a whole (including the specific disorders that many have been diagnosed with!). it was nearly impossible to engage in any good faith discussion because of the sheer amount of ignorance.
all in all, it’s made us feel much better about getting posted there. the people who get on that subreddit to make fun of systems are obviously quite ignorant and bigoted, not even attempting to try to educate themselves about intersectionality or plurality and how it manifests. it’s basically a circle jerk of systems and singlets who have a lot of hate in their hearts and want to take it out on systems trying to live their authentic lives.
so if you find yourself or someone you know posted onto r/systemscringe, please don’t fret - we’d suggest posting a comment calmly asking the poster to remove the post that was uploaded without your consent. if they refuse to take it down, report the post for harassment. and at the very least, please know that the people on the subreddit who post and interact are for the most part ignorant, unoriginal, and unkind - nothing serious will likely come from being posted on the subreddit, besides a bunch of assholes laughing and congratulating each other on their cruelty.
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
I love you Plurality I love you diverse experiences I love you different headmates I love you systems/headmates who use terms and roles I love you systems/headmates with lack of terms and roles I love non-human headmates I love you human headmates I love you misunderstood headmates I love you headmates people can grasp I love you headmates/systems that could fall into stereotypes I love you headmates/systems that don't fall into sterotypes I love you different system origins I love you systems who don't know anything about their origins I love you big systems I love you small systems I love you systems who are figuring themselves out I love you systems who have a deeper understanding of themselves I just love you Plurality
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
Something About The Simply Plural Gatekeeping I Need To Get Of My Chest...
Okay, this is a vent post.
The people gatekeeping Simply Plural are doing so under the pretense that this is a "disability aid." And to an extent, that's true. Simply Plural is an app that helps systems, and some of those features are especially geared towards helping DID/OSDD systems. But there's an underlying tone to this that only DID/OSDD systems should be allowed to use this. It presents a view where anyone who uses this resource with DID/OSDD is taking away from DID/OSDD systems.
Before I go further, I just want to point out how stupid this is, again. I saw one person compare using Simply Plural to stealing a wheechair from a disabled person. Even if we agreed with the false premise that it's specifically made for DID/OSDD systems, it's still nothing like that, because unlike wheelchair, anyone can use an app without taking it away from others. Rather, Simply Plural would be more analogous to a ramp. It's built with disabled people in mind, but can be used by anyone, and you look pretty dumb if you're going to call someone ableist for walking up a ramp because walking up a ramp is "stealing resources from disabled people." 🙄
But Simply Plural is a resource made with all systems in mind. Not just DID/OSDD systems. The same is true of Pluralkit. These resource were never meant exclusively for disordered systems, so the argument of them being disability aids doesn't make sense.
Moreover, many of these systems who gatekeep Simply Plural and Pluralkit are anti-endos. They claim something that was made by the inclusive plural community, and then try to gatekeep it and act like they can decide who has a right to use it.
While they focus on singlets, the underlying implication to the "disability aid" argument is that anyone who doesn't have a disorder who uses the app is taking something away from disabled people.
All of this brings me to a point I've been thinking about for a long time... the anti-endo community doesn't make anything. They don't contribute resources. They just take things other people have made and then claim those things for themselves.
For all the claims of endogenic systems stealing resources from DID/OSDD systems, a lot of the resources in these communities were created by the inclusive plural community.
Simply Plural is heavily tied to the Plural Association, and likely wouldn't exist without the inclusive plural community supporting it. A relationship made apparent through this thread.
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And let me just say how ungrateful the person comes off here. They use Simply Plural for free with no ads, and are almost definitely not supporting Apparyllis in any way. Yet they have the nerve to challenge their support of endogenic systems and one of their largest donors who pays for them to be able to have such free and convenient access to the app.
Then of the two major system bots on Discord, Pluralkit's creators are very explicit in supporting any systems using it (and allow its use for singlet RP'ers), and Tupperbox was originally made for tulpa systems.
As I've discussed before, many of the terms in circulation in the community today originated with the inclusive community. "Plural" and "headmate" came from this community. Terms like fictive and factive were taken from Soulbonders.
And those that weren't taken from the inclusive community were taken from medical terms. And I say taken, because they're often redefined in ways that weren't intended when they were coined.
For example, while medical professionals refer to alters as parts of a system, they've also used the same terms to describe subpersonalities in the IFS model. Someone who undergoes IFS therapy and feels plural afterwards has a legitimate claim to call themselves systems based on this psychiatric definition. Recently, the term has been applied by psychiatrists to intelligent voices in psychotic disorders. And current studies into endogenic systems have largely been using system terminology. And so when someone says you can't call yourself a system because it's medical terminology, they're ignoring how the term is actually used by medical professionals.
You could also apply this to "introjects" as well, where introjection is a psychological term that refers to any instance of acquiring traits from another individual. Introjection was never meant to refer exclusively to a DID/OSDD phenomenon. And terms like "host," while used to refer to the primary fronter, have just as much history in spiritual multiplicity if not more.
It's a pattern of claiming exclusive ownership over resources and language they didn't create and don't have the right to define, then gatekeep others from using those resources.
And to be clear, they're obviously welcome to use any of the terms coined by the inclusive community, as well as the resources the inclusive plural community has built. I would even encourage it.
Simply Plural, in particular, is an incredibly important resource to the mental health of many systems.
But the anti-endo community didn't build it. You don't get to decide who does and doesn't use it. You don't get to gatekeep a resource that was made by a community that you hate and don't want to exist.
If you don't like it, you can always make your own resources. But that would require anti-endos to actually build something to contribute to the community for once instead of just taking from others.
And this is what I find frustrating about this whole controversy.
Anti-endos constantly project.
The inclusive plural community built Simply Plural. They built Pluralkit and Tupperbox. They contributed a good half of the most common system terms in circulation today, with most of the rest being psychological terms or just normal words, most of which weren't even meant to be applied exclusively to multiplicity.
The anti-endos hate our community, yet they rely on the resources our community built. They go so far as to gatekeep these resources we built, because not only do they rely on them, they feel like they should own them. They feel entitled to the resources we created as if those resources are their property.
And then they claim that we're stealing their resources.
In the end, the pro-endo community is one that builds things up, creating resources for everyone to use
The anti-endo community just tears people down.
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
have proshippers never heard of fictives? like. we’re real fucking people. stop saying that it’s ok just because we’re fictional. weird as fuck. what kind of defense even is that
i've always wondered about this. like, i see people writing smut about a canonically 11 year old character and i'm like...... i've literally spoken to this person before my friend's system has a fictive of them. they would be so uncomfortable with this it's not okay
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
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Saw this on r/systemscringe. Needless to say this is, at the very least, somewhat horrifying. Make sure to stay safe and be careful joining any new plural discord servers.
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
You’re not faking your system
Habits don’t change by accident, that’s the whole point of how habits work.
Sure, singlets have different personalities for different situations, but their gender, sexuality, favorite colors, etc, won’t change along with it.
If you made up your alters for attention, how come they’re thinking in first person inside your head where nobody else can hear them?
Denial is a totally natural part of the survival mechanism. Gatekeepers or other systemmates don’t want the host to know about the system until they’re ready. It’s a lot to take in.
You can’t fake a switch headache.
You can’t fake vertigo from height dysphoria/mis-match.
You can’t fake switching your dominant hand/leg/eye.
You can’t fake pesudomemories. Pseudomemories are just as real as “real” memories, under the hood. It’s all the same brain mechanism. They’re just as impactful.
It’s normal for alters to have a lot of things in common. You already share so much.
It’s normal for alters to have a lot of differences between them. It’s normal to have different races, animals, etc. The brain creates what it thinks it needs at the time.
It’s normal for alters to change and evolve, just like “real people”. 
It’s normal for alters to have a shallow or undeveloped personality, especially for fragments who don’t front much or only have very specialized roles.
It’s ok if you can’t tell who’s fronting right now.
If your voices sound super different in your head, but indistinguishable to other people, that’s ok. You share the same vocal cords, and you might have a shell alter acting as a filter.
Mood swings are one thing. If you’ve “always felt this way and can’t understand why you said you felt a different way earlier,” that’s something else.
Roleplaying with your systemmates in a fictional setting is a safe and healthy way to get to know them and to let them express themselves, especially when it isn’t safe for you to drop your external mask of pretending to be one person.
You don’t need to identify with everything on this list, or even with most of this list. Believe in yourself.
Please reblog and add your own!
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
Y'know, even as a mostly traumagenic system, anti-endo bullshit still gets right under our skin.
Why? Because some of our members are endogenic.
Fuck, some of us are intentionally created.
Most of us aren't a direct result of trauma, but are rooted in it in some way.
However, folks like Onn, for example, are not rooted in trauma, but formed outside of it, then decided to hold onto it because of that.
So yeah, anti-endo shit hurts traumagenic systems too, you bastards.
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
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us every single time a sysmed reblogs one of our posts
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
Anti-endo person was annoying so heres a depiction of us gently holding endo systems cause they deserve love
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
guess what
you're valid even if
you're an endogenic system
you're a traumagenic system
you're a mixed origin system
you have multiple origins
you have origins that don't fit into the "traumagenic" or "endogenic" categories
you're happy about being a system
you're a non-disordered system
you're a disordered system
you're a DID/OSDD system
you mask often
you don't mask at all
you have a large amount of alters
you have a small amount of alters
you have fictives
you have factives
you're valid if you're a system <3
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
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I swear, these are the same people who are complaining about endogenic systems "taking" resources from DID/OSDD systems.
So, we have an app here that has been shown to be extremely useful for DID and OSDD systems in recording information about alters, keeping track of front time and how often you switch, and even includes a PluralKit interface.
"But don't use it because it's inclusive to people we don't like."
There's not even an alternative presented. You're just trying to discourage people with medical disorders from using a resource that has helped many people with those disorders better understand what's going on in their heads. For many systems, Simply Plural is an invaluable tool for recovery and building communication.
Is PluralKit on the chopping block next, since that's also inclusive?
How many system resources do you want your followers to cut themselves off from as part of your ideological crusade?
At this point, when the psychiatric community acknowledges the existence of non-DID/OSDD systems, we should just expect the anti-endos to encourage their followers to stop going to therapy.
Because clearly, they're committed to prioritizing hate over the mental health of systems.
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
DIDOSDD is not a trauma disorder, it's a dissociative disorder! The DSM5 has a seperate section in the book for trauma disorders, which does not include DIDOSDD.
The book says that DIDOSDD "is often associated with trauma", not that trauma is the only cause.
On top of this, endos can have trauma. Many I know do, it's just not what formed their system, or they are mixed origin.
Endos with DIDOSDD are valid! Disordered endos in general are valid. We're a disordered system ourselves, so we get how hard it can be to be disordered. Having your existence denied on top of that is awful. You exist. You are valid.
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thespyglasssystem · 2 years
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i intended to just make the first one and then i kept going. enjoy these bugs bunny system memes
anti-endos dont even breathe at this post <3
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thespyglasssystem · 3 years
There not being any studies on something does not mean it doesn't exist. No recorded proof does not equal non-existence of proof.
Science also cannot prove a negative. As per the devil's proof, you would need to search every corner of the universe to prove something 100% false, and even then you cannot rule out something sitting just outside your view.
On the flipside, you cannot prove concepts to be solidly, 100% true, either. Even something like gravity cannot be 100% proven, because you would need to drop a book on the floor an infinite amount of times to prove it will infinitely fall.
Because of these two concepts, "endos are not real" and "all systems are traumagenic and disordered" cannot be proven with absolute certainty.
It's important to keep an open mind and not settle on extremes.
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