ah! It's active! I think I tried to send some asks before, but it was inactive. I'm kinda happy people are here now, because a while back, i was dealing with some stuff I didn't understand, and I still don't kinda understand, but I'm trying to... like what starchild/starseed I am, like I know I'm from a different plane of existence so it's hard to....understand. But I'm super glad people on here are from Pennsylvania! I live in pittsburgh currently.
Of course! My best advice would be to really listen to that inner voice inside of you, your overman/overwoman, It will really guide you in understanding what your purpose is as a star child on this planet :) The more connected to yourself and less connected to outside entities you are the more clear your understanding will become, in my experience! I totally feel you, tumblr is home to people from all around the world and has been such a wonderful source for support, inspiration, friendship, and advice for myself over the many years I’ve been using tumblr (I’ve been on here since around the end 2010). I’ve met a great deal of bloggers who have become awesome real life friends! Including my best friend actually:)
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90% guaranteed way to get me to like a thing: aliens 100% guaranteed way to get me to like a thing:gay aliens
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Can you manifest something to Not happen? For example, if you're avoiding something 🙈
What you resist persists
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We want you to stop caring about what anybody else’s response is to you. And when you get there, they’ll all really, really like you.
Abraham Hicks (via mysimplereminders)
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The 6 Perceptions of Enlightenment
Energy is perceived as form. Awareness begins. You come into this world with a perception. Through the eyes of your Self, you begin your journey of life. Springing forth from the seeds of purity and innocence, your perception rises into your humanness, the ego (which you will come to know as the “tool of the Soul”). From the limited human mind, the ineffable energies of existence are personified with forms and understood through emotions. Reality is accepted without question. The human ego understands truth through time lines, documentation, social acceptance and dogmatic theology. The ego lives in a three-dimensional world and thus can only accept what it sees within its limitations of the conditioned human brain. This is a temporary perception utilized for elementary awareness that will inevitably outgrow the containment of limited delusions. Reality is questioned. This is the plane of existence from where the broadening of perception begins. This intentional deviation from the previously conditioned state of blind acceptance is designed to illuminate the essence of what is truly significant in your ascending awareness. You are now connecting to broader perceptions and truths that could only be understood with consequential experiences. Such truths are the fabric of your Divine being. To understand this concept more fully, one must ask: “How can I recognize something to be true if I don’t already know it?” The paradigm becomes questioned as you begin to notice the social and moral injustices and dysfunction. You begin to question authority, your government, education, religion…all forms of containment. These are all metaphors for the aspects of human ego. These aspects of the ego that are rising up from your consciousness, must experience the karmic impact of cause and effect to empower the Soul with the wisdom of absolute, ultimately, of knowing all energies of existence. Reality becomes skewed. Initially you merge with the chaotic energies to understand the chaos and confusion within your reality, which is a reflection of your complex self. From the chaos and confusion, you seek resolution, and with your ascended skills you will transcend from all chaos and confusion with infinite wisdom. It is important to know that during this process reality becomes distorted. Conspiracy theories come into your awareness. Reality no longer seems logical. The vibrations of the “illusion” become unstable as you ascend toward higher perceptions of Divine existence, far beyond the limitations of the human mind. Your world is a reflection of your deepest, most complex self. It contains energies that have yet to be experienced and understood, thus they are presented to you through the illusion of reality. The perceived collapse of the world governments is a personified example of your own spiritual growth. Collectively, the world is ascending (spiritually evolving out of the elementary ego state of awareness and into the macrocosmic expansion of infinite potential). The revolutions that are taking place in your world are metaphors of your own revolution from your ego. Reality becomes understood. Divine energy within this three-dimensional reality is personified to enable the human mind to grasp the ineffability that is so far beyond mortal reason. As these concepts become absorbed within your comprehension, they will be illuminated on higher levels of perceptual clarity, closer to the true essence of their profound meaning. You are rising to an awareness that allows you to accept the possibilities that are beyond you and beyond human comprehension. You are now opening up to the mysteries of life, for only within this perception are you able to absorb the Wisdom of the infinite and ascend to the higher realms of existence. Reality is an illusion of personifications and symbolic imagery. It is your ascended, perceptual interpretations that allow you to gradually absorb the ineffable path of your existence. Each level of recognition you grasp brings you to a greater density of comprehension, enabling you to recognize and understand the Divine Truth with less symbolism and more clarity. Form is perceived as energy. Awareness begins. The next phase of existence is set in motion. Some refer to this as the higher dimensions, beyond your three-dimensional state of existence. It is an ineffable state of being that is beyond your imagination, thus it cannot be described. Only within the space between thoughts, can you get a microcosmic glimpse. It is far beyond ego, far beyond comfort, far beyond good and bad, light or darkness. It is the energetic void of pure infinite potential that holds the eternal breath of creation of a whole new existence.
“You must be ready to accept the possibility that there is a limitless range of awareness for which we now have no words; that awareness can expand beyond range of your ego, your self, your familiar identity, beyond everything you have learned, beyond your notions of space and time, beyond the differences which usually separate people from each other and from the world around them.”-The Tibetan Book of the Dead
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are you a star child? I think I'm a crystal :) I have quite a few psychic abilities and stuff and can spot other star children really easily ^-^ but since I can't see you I though I'd ask xo
I honestly find myself to be more if an indigo child(: I’m very flattered tho (:
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women loving women is healing
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what is a star child?
Star Child is a New Age term that has come up only in the past few years in regard to incarnations into human form by entities from other worlds.
(thanks google for saving time) xx
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I don’t feel very much like Pooh today, said Pooh.There there, said Piglet. I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh (via wordsnquotes)
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Pano of the other morning when there was a sunrise and a rainbow.
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"how will i explain gay couples to my children”
if you can explain to your children that an immortal man in a red suit who lives in the north pole travels around the entire world on one night every year on a sleigh carried by magical flying deer i think itll be easy enough to tell them two people are in love
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spooky orientations for halloween:
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I wish I would have checked myself
Guy who wrecked himself (via babydmt)
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