thestarsthelimit · 5 years
The best of friend groups
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thestarsthelimit · 5 years
Airhead blonde: Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini
Slutty redhead: Taurus, Scorpio, Aries, Leo
Bossy brunette: Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
Cardinal Signs in the Natal Chart
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses
Keywords: leaders, determined, magnetic, manipulative, creative, selfish, demanding, charming
Cardinal Signs represent key changing points in the cycle of the Zodiac Wheel, just as they do in nature: Aries comes with the spring, Cancer Summer, Libra Autumn and Capricorn Winter. Aries and Libra are Solstice Signs, Cancer and Capricorn Equinox.
These are the extremes in nature, the tipping points, times of change, and it is very present in their nature.
Cardinal Signs are enterprising. They start things, go after what they want and are unafraid to do so. Yet they can’t always follow through.
Naturally, they are leaders, not followers.
Lack of Cardinal Signs in the Chart: When Cardinal Signs make up less than 33% of one’s natal chart they struggle to assert themselves. They are naturally passive to a point that can cause many problems in their professional and personal lives. Lacking in originality, charm and passion they often slip into the background. They are attracted to powerful, loud and brash individuals.
Excess of Cardinal Signs in the Chart: When Cardinal Signs make up more than 33% of an individual’s chart they are highly aggressive and seek to take control of situations. They are determined to get what they want even if it means they must use unsavory methods. Often, they are inconsiderate of the needs of others as they are too focused on themselves. They are drawn to passive, pliable, and unassuming people.
Balanced: When Cardinal Signs make up about 33% of one’s chart they are assertive and seek to take control of situations but not without considering the needs and desires of those around them. They are highly creative, independent and often very successful.
Cardinal  ☆  Fixed  ☆  Mutable
Find your percentage through this post.
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
How The Signs Cope With Negative Feelings
*check your moon sign* Aries: exercising, doing something exciting or rebellious, acting out on others, faces problems head on Taurus: eating comfort foods, taking naps, spending money on themselves, indulging in self-care, creative activities Gemini: talking about their problems, distracting themselves, doing something fun Cancer: crying, over-eating, talking to their mother about it, spending time in solitude Leo: acts out, expresses their problems dramatically, demands to be pampered and shown attention Virgo: ranting, writing, staying productive to get their mind off of their feelings, mental stimulation Libra: socializing, getting a makeover, spending money on themselves, creative activities Scorpio: listening to sad music, bottling up emotions, trying to understand why they feel the way they do so they can overcome it, withdraws from everyone Sagittarius: going out / driving, road trips, doing something reckless and adventurous Capricorn: over-works themselves, acts cynical, takes it out on themselves, talks to their family and close friends Aquarius: distances themselves, changes up their look, does something rebellious Pisces: cries, withdraws from everyone, sleeps more, becomes lazy and depressed, expresses self through artistic activities 
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
Rising Signs
Rising sign is the cusp of your first house. It sets the tone for the rest of your houses, as well as adds a gloss coating to the individual birth chart as a whole. In essence, Rising sign is the tip of the glacier for the whole person. It’s what the person may show as a default for meeting new people. It also may show what people assume about the native at first glance.
Aries Risings gives the air of Independence. They may have fast, quick movements. They may take risks and be the doers. The first in line, type of ambition. May get scars from reckless adventures. Give the vibe of being brave, and standing up for themselves. True to who they are as a person, and genuine in what they want for themselves. Mars rulership gives them the passion for them to go out and achieve their desires.
Taurus Risings tends to be grounding. Venus gifts them with a natural taste for beauty, fashion, or admiration of the arts in relation to body. Artistic with self in the world. May lean towards natural care or food products. May have an apparent appreciation for music or nature. Possible slow but mindful movements. Can be calming, and give off a “chill” vibe. Doey features, gaze and/or eyes that reflect the natural simplistic depth of the world.
Gemini Risings give off a bubbly vibe. They often have an awkwardly adorable charm. Can be considered ditzy. Can be talkative or a gossip, expressive with hands. May experiment with appearance, such as styles or hair color. May want to appear knowledgable, or just be social. Mercury expands on the need to communicate, especially verbally. Wispy and hard to pin down.
Cancer Risings appears to be almost disconnected. Cancer is very guarded, and can be withdrawn. Intuition is strong. Despite being gaurded, they tend to be emotionally driven, however their true intentions are known to few as they can be very private. The moon here gives them a moonlight glow in their presence, that’s subtle but noticable. Soft features, often leaning feminine in mannerisms.
Leo Risings are the epitome of displaying loud and proud. They tend to be as large as life and light up the room. The sun ruler here makes the person have a glowing-or glaring- presence. They may soak up attention and praise, even subconsciously demand it. They have an air about them that glows and attracts attention, and may appear to have confidence even if it’s not actually present.
Virgo Risings tends to be quiet and observant, paying attention to small details often overlooked by most people. They tend to be critical about their appearance and how the present themselves to the world, usually having a keen idea of how their presence affects other people. Can be shy and withdrawn when first meeting people. Mercury adds a sophistication with language, and a possible anxiety that develops from an overly critical preception of self in relation to the world.
Libra Rising give off a charming and socially sauve vibe. Venus aims to please, particularly Libra blends in any social setting, often refusing to cause any disruption. They tend to mirror what they think people want and aspire to be on friendly terms with everyone involved, regardless of personal feelings. Polite, values manners, and respects unspoken social rules.
Scorpio Risings tend to stand in the back ground and observe. Even the more outgoing ones are observant, constantly reading the vibe of the environment. They are aware of the social undercurrents and want to act strategically. Intense inner vibes that spill into their interactions, intensity is often reflected in gaze and/or eyes. Can be serious but is almost always suspicious of others motives. Pluto here is intense, and people either are drawn to them or repulsed.
Sagittarius Risings display such a carefree vibe, they’re like a breath of freedom. Unmatched in their ability to show off nonchalance in others opinions and be authentically themselves. Jupiter gives them the ability to befriend almost anybody, and without being aware of it they have a light cheery vibe that expands across the room
Capricorn Risings are very serious and almost standoffish. They are not the most social immediately as they carry a weight around them. Serious Outlook and dry humor. Saturn restricts them so they’re not as out going, can accidentally give negative first impressions without meaning to. May come off as a workaholic, or generally tired.
Aquarius Risings is also friendly but in a more detached way. Unconventional and quirky, uncaring if strangers think their wierd but can secretly be self conscious. Uranus gives them a restless energy in crowds and may have an odd mix of being social while being independent. Co-ruler Saturn also can give them a resting bitch face, similar to Capricorn.
Pisces Risings gives off a soft and dreamy vibe. They seem ethernel in this world and can give the feeling of being from a fantasy realm. Can give off the impression of being shy and withdrawn, and dealing with secret fantasies. Neptune gives a glamour effect, in which Pisces may act as a canvas for other people’s personal ambitions.
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
Mars in each House keywords
Mars in the I: need for action, abundance of emotions Mars in the II: competitiveness, hedonistic streak Mars in the III: short attention span, self-expression Mars in the IV: territorialism, possessiveness bursts Mars in the V: risk taking, exaggeratedly fun loving Mars in the VI: energetic movement, intolerance bursts Mars in the VII: competitive dialogue, impatience bursts Mars in the VIII: control issues, death challenging Mars in the IX: restlessness, eternal wandering Mars in the X: assertiveness, planning, self-making  Mars in the XI: fixed opinions, collective efforts Mars in the XII: servicing others, indulgence bursts
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
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Playlists for the Venus Signs.
Fire Signs 🔥.
• Aries ♈️.
• Leo ♌️.
• Sagittarius ♐️.
“The photos are not mine”
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
positivedoodles for the signs
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(disclaimer: all of these photos are from @positivedoodles and all of the photos belong to them and are their own work. you should totally follow their blog, it’s one of my favorites!)
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
me comforting a friend:
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
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instagram profiles → earth signs
 fire signs    air signs   water signs
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
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instagram profiles → air signs
fire signs   earth signs   water signs
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
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instagram profiles → fire signs
earth signs    air signs   water signs
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
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instagram profiles → water signs
fire signs   earth signs   air signs
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
Aries when you tell them they can’t do something
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Taurus when you try to get them to do something new
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Gemini when you talk over them
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Cancer when you tell them they’re overreacting
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Leo when you’re at the center of attention instead
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Virgo when you tell them that they’re wrong
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Libra when you tell them they’re ugly
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Scorpio when you expose them
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Sagittarius when you try to go home early
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Capricorn when you tell them to stop stressing out
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Aquarius when you copy them
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Pisces when you try to get them to accept responsibility
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
when will there be a dating app for astrology where we get matched by natal charts so we don’t have to do that shit MANUALLY
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thestarsthelimit · 7 years
Moon In The Houses
Moon In First House - You wear your heart on your sleeve - You react emotionally - To feel happy, you need emotional stimulation - Your moods change quickly - You take things personally
Moon In Second House - You are afraid of being in debt - You need to pay your bills and have a large savings account to feel secure - You do spend impulsively when you are emotionally frustrated - You cling to people - You look for admiration from others
Moon In Third House - You are very curious - You have a talent for picking up languages - You rapidly swing between intellectualizing your emotions and communicating with excessive emotion - Your opinions change often due to the people around you - You are restless and require frequent change
Moon In Fourth House - You long to belong - You change frequently, either where you live or your style of home - You are emotionally immature - You have a strong attachment to the past
Moon In Fifth House - You have a flair for the dramatic - Your love affairs are intense - You don’t take love lightly - You are attached to children - You have an innate artistic talent - You daydream often
Moon In Sixth House - You need to feel useful - You need to lead a healthy life - You need a lot of variety on your job - You switch jobs often - You are very sensitive to even the most minor health annoyances - You tend to exaggerate illnesses to gain sympathy
Moon In Seventh House - You are drawn to partnerships - You like to be with a companion - You have many relationships, believing each is the one - You are very likeable
Moon In Eighth House - You like to push your own limits - You are fascinated by how people work - You have a sexual unrest - You desire to connect with another person intimately - You tend to be jealous and possessive
Moon In Ninth House - You have a deep longing for something more than the mundane routine - You are philosophical - You are curious about the world - You need a goal in mind
Moon In Tenth House - You need recognition and popularity - You are quite charismatic - You are at your best with a structured and responsible life - You change your goals often - You worry about living up to expectations - You act on emotional whims
Moon In Eleventh House - You need to belong somewhere - You turn to friends for support - You are filled with dreams and wishes for an altruistic future
Moon In Twelfth House - You are sensitive to ethereal concepts - You have delayed reactions to your own emotional experiences - You need to be alone to recharge - You can either be overwhelmed with your emotions, or out of touch
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