10 July 2018
Reminder: Do not buy from Amazon or even open the website on 10 July 2018, in solidarity with the transnational strike.
Amazon workers in Spain have called for a transnational strike because Amazon has been avoiding accountability for its labour rights violations by merely shifting the work (and the human rights abuses Amazon inflicts on their workers) to non-striking countries, each time a strike occurs. If there is widespread striking transnationally, Amazon will have no choice but to recognize the strikers’ demands in order to keep their facilities functioning.
Our job as allies is to support the strike by avoiding using the Amazon website or purchasing anything from Amazon for as long as the strike continues. A mass boycott of the site, coinciding with the strike, will strengthen the workers’ bargaining position and could be crucial to Amazon workers gaining back basic rights in a variety of countries.
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the first five emotes on your recently used emojis describe you as a person ready set go
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Rescue pigeon Cantaloupe!
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why saying “trans men are men” as a dismissive statement comparing them to cis men is harmful:
i was first wolf-whistled at 11 years old by a man in a passing car, and was frightened and sick to my stomach. the creeping, sickening dread that comes with realising men are beginning to see you as an object for consumption is terrifying. walking down a dark street with keys between my fingers, being touched suggestively by drunk men at social gatherings, consoling my childhood friend after she was sexually assaulted and trying to help her find the confidence to press charges - these were things i had experienced firsthand through having a “girl’s” childhood and adolescence.
6 months into hormone replacement therapy i continue to experience misogyny firsthand from those who perceive me in my day to day as a masculine woman. i experience homophobia both from those who perceive me (incorrectly) to be a butch lesbian and those who perceive me (correctly) to be a gay man. i experience transphobia from those who can place me as a trans man, who see my high waist and hint of breasts and pubescent stubble and hear a mans voice from my mouth. even when i pass as a man completely i have to be on edge, i cant speak to a cishet man without worrying that he will take issue with however he could interpret my appearance and confront it, potentially violently.
i am a man, but i was brought up as a girl, and that has intimately shaped the way i experience and portray masculinity. denying what i experienced growing up as a “girl” would be essentially denying things that made me into the person i am today. trans men are men, yes, but its a completely different experience of manhood, and equating it to a cishet male experience is not only objectively wrong but also harmful, as it ignores the struggle, isolation & marginalisation that comes with being a trans man
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coming of age checklist:
✔️get gay and/or trans
✔️ realize the “shitty” music you listened to as a preteen is good, actually
✔️unlearn gov propaganda
✔️ think a lot bout starting an lgbt subsistence based commune with friends
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What if a yeti’s summer coat is just a generic kinda tall guy on summer vacation?
A Yeti is just Bigfoot’s winter coat
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I honestly kind of disagree? Like I think you could argue that but you should specify chiseled stone bricks or clay bricks , cause stone bricks are domesticated rocks for sure but if they’re clay they’re more like domesticated dirt. And yeah you could then argue that dirt is just broken up stones so clay is domesticated broken up stones but that would be ridiculous because dirt is actually mostly decomposed things which are not rocks! However those things that decomposed are ultimately composed of the atoms and stuff which stars made, and so are rocks, so really all matter is stardust with a day job. Bricks may be domesticated rocks but we are all stars.
it’s about time I contributed to the online discourse
bricks are domesticated rocks
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A Yeti is just Bigfoot’s winter coat
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Honestly after coming out as lesbian, bisexual, and then trans this is so relatable
Shit my brain comes up with in the shower:
mamaaaa, just kissed a man;
put my lips upon his face
now I’m lesbian disgrace.
mama, I had just come out!
and now I’ve got to do it all againnnn!
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Rare sighting of me, I just put mascara on my peach fuzz and oh my god I feel so much better. Like dysphoria is a helluva thing and right now I feel a little more like myself. Woo!
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shoutout to the people who have to relive their trauma by reading and hearing about the graphic details of these rampant sexual abuse stories. ya’ll are beautiful, y'all are ethereal, and y'all are resilient.
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I really want to see more cis boys who like boys being actively supportive of trans boys who like boys bc I’m tired of being afraid to flirt or form friendships with other queer guys bc I don’t know if they really see me as a guy
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I thought of this and I made it here u go world
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Do you want to learn random skills and earn badges but don’t want to be doing girl or Boy Scouts? I do and I’m thinking of setting up something where I make a tutorial each month and people who do them get badges. So for example one month could be bookbinding, and everyone makes a book and gets a digital badge they can brag about n stuff. Idk I think it’d be cool so let me know I you’d wanna do it?
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