thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Hi, I loved the last chapter do you know when we are going to get a new chapter soon I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to their relationship Peyton
Hi Peyton!Love your name btw! I'm working on the next chapter and I'm hoping to have it done by tomorrow night. Thank you for your feedback and keeping up with my little story here!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Loved the newest chapter! Next step in the relationship and I can't wait to see how they handle all of it and what drama and fluff and rumors you'll have in store for us!
Oh you are in for a roller coaster of emotions, my friend! I have so much fluff and drama and animosity and love and upsets planned that sometimes I even hate myself! But I promise it will be worth it :)
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Totally loved the way they handled the press! It definitely shows how compatible and how strong their relationship is even though they are relatively new.
Hi there!They are more compatible than they know. I hope to touch more on the whole press effects on their relationship in the next chapter. But I think Aubree showed Harry a lot more than guts walking out of that restaurant. She showed him commitment and loyalty and a lot of respect for his life.
Thanks for enjoying the story and being a continuing reader! Xoxox!
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
How I feel when
Someone says I’ll never be Harry’s Duchess.
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
I hope you love yourself a lotta bit more in 2016.
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Chapter Eleven
A/N: this chapter is dedicated to the birthday girl, @ourimpossiblebouquetprincess ! Happy birthday, my dear!!!! So here it is, the update, update, update!!!! Enjoy! Chapter Eleven: When Aubree opened her blue eyes the next day, the morning hours had slipped by with the afternoon quickly approaching and the whole world was one step closer to finding out who Harry's mystery girl was, unbeknownst to her. Aubree had allowed herself to give into the exhaustion that had taken over her the previous night as she snuggled up to Harry's bare chest. Now that her first full day in London was wasted in bed, in a manner she didn't quite find as exhilarating as it sounded, she decided to seize the day and make the most of her time here. Her body ached as she sat up in Harry's bed, the blankets exposing her as they fell around her waist. She picked up the bottom sheet, covering self as she grinned wildly at the thought of their actions the night before. Their first time was pretty awesome Aubree thought, even in comparison to her fantasies that had run rampant during her time home. She grabbed some clothes from her bag that magically had made its way into Harry's room during her slumber and went to work preparing herself to leave the confines of his room. As she tied her hair into a high ponytail, she glanced around at his room. It had a bit more personalized touches to it then the rest she had seen. Pictures of his family peered out from frames at her and some mementos from Africa were displayed on his dresser and bookshelves. It was a nice inside view of the private Prince. Even though they had spent the past month getting to know one another, she knew he had so much more to share and that excited her. As she opened the door of his room, a savory aroma filled her nostrils, making her stomach gurgle in response. She let out a small short laugh, realizing she had purposely chose Harry over dinner and now her body was reminding her that it had been over twenty four hours since she had last eaten. She followed the smell through the hall until she found the source: Harry leaned over a frying pan on a stove in his kitchen. She smiled as she pushed up against the doorframe, taking in the sight before her. He was decked out in boxers and a white t-shirt, red hair was sticking out in every direction, definitely after sex hair if she had ever seen it! "Smells good," she said causing Harry to jump slightly as her voice crossed the space between them. When he turned to face her, her heart beat rapidly increased. A small amount of ginger scruff now covered his face and his eyes were a deeper blue shade that made her want to jump him right then and there. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty." He grinned, throwing a wink in her direction and turned back to the bacon he had been frying up. "Breakfast will be ready in just a minute." "Good," she replied, "I'm famished!" The sizzling sound was drifting from the stove as Harry prepared the last few pieces of bacon. She watched as he worked. He would shake the pan slightly over the flames and his forehead scrunched up slightly in concentration. "No private chef for all this?" "Not normally," Harry commented, "surprise I can cook! Sort of. As long as it's not to elaborate." "So TV dinners?" She poked fun at him as he brought breakfast to the table. A feast of breakfast was served up by the prince complete with bacon, scrambled eggs, toast and some cut up fruit. The table was adorned with glasses filled with orange juice and a bottle of champagne for mimosas. This was probably the best spread she had seen since her homecoming back in May that her own mother had prepared. She was impressed that Harry went out of his way to make this for her. Bonus points to the prince!, she thought taking a seat where a plate had been set. She filled her plate with delicious foods, sinking her teeth into a piece of bacon. The salty favors tasted amazing and she soon realized that she never wanted to go without food for so long again. "This is good," Aubree said between bites. "Glad you like it." A silence fell between the two, food being eaten and enjoyed while the words of what happened the previous night dangling in the air. Neither knew where to start, where to begin to articulate the feelings that had been silently exposed through the motions of the love making that took place. So they ate and drank until the food had disappeared and their stomachs no longer allowed one single morsel more. "Thank you for breakfast." "My pleasure," Harry added," it's the least I could do for not feeding you last night." A flush of red passed to her cheeks as the memories in which Harry had spoken about came back. Aubree shifted uneasily in her seat and bit down on her lip. Harry, though, studied her. He watched as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The woman who sat uncomfortable in his kitchen chairs was not squirming last night under his sheets. And he knew that it needed to be brought to light. "So we should talk about it?" "It," Aubree questioned. She swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat and shifted again in her seat. "Yes," Harry responded, "We took it to another level last night." "We did?" Aubree's voice was low, a bit timid. "We did. We have been seeing each other and getting to know one another for a bit now," he continued, "There's something there, Aubree. A fire or spark that I can't always explain. I don't want to just be a fling." "Me either," she whispered as his hand caressed the side of her face. His touch was soft and she immediately knew the core he had been speaking about. She felt it too. "So your royal highness," she began, her confidence finally showing itself, "are you saying that you want me as your girlfriend?" She cocked her eyebrow at him, a smug grin enveloping her face as she looked at him. "Hmm, girlfriend? Yes, I think so." He erased the space between the two, letting his lips slowly brush against hers. It was slow, sweet and a seal on the deal. They separated a few moments later to a smile from one another but as Harry moved in one more time for a quick peck, Aubree yawned wide before quickly apologizing for the mishap. "Sleeping Beauty, what am I going to do with you?" "Let me be," she said, standing and placing her hands on her hips after pushing in her chair," I'm apparently tired." "Well then compliments to me," Harry teased, his voice laced with cockiness and amusement. "I didn't say I was tired because of you," Aubree shot back. "Oh really?" Harry's eyebrows rose in question. "It was jet lag." A hearty, loud laugh left Harry's being as he howled out at her retort. Aubree's lips pursed together, her eyes forming into small angry slits as she glared at the man beside her. His laughs echoed through the apartment and she was positive he would turn purple soon enough if he didn't stop to take a breath. "Jet lag," he asked again, inhaling a shallow breath when his laughter allowed," That's what you went with?" "Yes! And I'm sticking to it!" Another round of laughter erupted, sending Harry further into his comedic fit and Aubree further into her firm stance. She shook her head at him for a few minutes, never making eye contact until the laughter subsided. "Are you finished," she asked, peering at him over her glass of orange juice, taking one last swig. "Only if you say it wasn't jet lag." "Never." "Did you slip and hit your head," Harry asked, "Do you seriously think you are tired from a tiny little plane trip?" "I think jet lag is a real bitch." Now it was Aubree's turn to laugh. At first, she bit down on her lip, trying to suppress a fit of giggles the more irritated Harry got that she wasn't fessing up to being tired after their late night rendezvous. But she couldn't resist. Her eyes began crying from the the laughter and her stomach now cramped in response. "Enough," Harry said, throwing his napkin down on his plate,"I'll just have to remind you!" He swooped down quickly, throwing her up onto his shoulders before a protest could even begin. She hung upside down from his tall frame as he made his way back to the destination that had kept them enthralled the entire evening before. There were shrieks of excitement and protest from Aubree as she swung haphazardly from Harry. She did her best to squirm, punch and even kick but it was always a failed attempt. He was a man on a mission. And a serious one at that. "Put me down," Aubree yelled pounding her fists lightly against his back. "I don't think so." She could feel and hear the grin in his voice as he paraded her down the hall. He was enjoying this and to an extent so was she. "Put me down, you barbarian!" "Me. Like. You. Bed. Now," Harry spoke in his best caveman voice, his free hand finding her butt and slapping it for effect. Aubree hollered again as his hand made contact with her rear end, something she had not been expecting. She liked this playful side of Harry. She liked that he took charge of her at times. She liked that he was all to eager to get back into bed with her, because she too was very, very eager as well. And as he tossed her on the bed, another screech leaving her lips, she liked the fact that round two was happening again so soon. By the time they emerged from the walls of Kensington Palace, the sun had set once again and night danced with the London sights but as the moon took over for the sun, the tabloids had cracked the code and found out exactly who had been with Harry the night of the Well Child concert. The mystery lady was, of course, none other than musical sensation Aubree Morgan and the world was eager to know more. The cameras weren't there though right away, a false security as the new couple stepped out to enjoy a dinner on the town. Through the courses though, they came. It was during the appetizers that the media was tipped off. A single text from a phone of an onlooker and that's all it took. Cameras sprung to life somewhere during their entrees and as they finished dessert their owners fingers impatiently hanging over the trigger for the first glimpse at the world's most famous new couple. Harry knew what had happened the minute they stepped out of the private room. He saw the group of paparazzi the moment they reached the front of the restaurant. His stomach dropped and he knew it was all over. There was no getting Aubree out of here without being bombarded by flash bulbs and her face plastered across every paper worldwide. "Shit," Harry swore under his breath as the group spring to life at the sight of the prince. "What's wrong?" "We've been found out." It took Aubree a moment to realize this was a fear of his. Granted, she had been anxious over the paparazzi finding them out but now that they did, what did it matter to hide. She had the guy she wanted who felt the same for her, and all was right in the world. "They are just cameras, Harry," she said, lying a firm, secure hand on his arm," I deal with them too." "Not like this," he said back, an edge more apparent in his voice. "So we do this together. Us against them, okay?" She looked deep into his eyes, begging him to be okay with this as she was. She wasn't scared of the cameras. She wasn't scared of what the world had to say. All she cared about was that she was with him. "You sure," he asked as he helped her slip into her jacket. "Never more sure," Aubree said, smiling at him. Harry took the first step out of the restaurant, holding Aubree's hand tightly in his. Neither one held their head down, they faced the flashes and that's exactly how they planned to face everything in their new relationship
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Hiiii, I love your story! Update soon??
Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Thank you! Updating tomorrow for you all! Thanks for reading!!! Xoxo
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Will you update soon? I've been imagining things on what will happen with their relationship.
I will be! Updating tomorrow! Need a little motivation but I found it thanks to a lovely reader/friend!!
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Hi, I have said this before but I love your story and can't stop thinking about it and wish it was real lol, I was wondering if we were going to get a new chapter before Christmas because the last chapter was so perfect I need more :) x
Hi darling! I'm sorry I was unable to get you anything before Christmas, but I can promise somethings before New Year's! Hope that makes up for it. I wish this was real too. I also wish I could make millions of dollars and be married to Harry but I think my husband would probably dislike the latter of that! LolThank you for reading and being loyal! Love it! :)
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Could you have Aubree perform in the Royal Variety Performance. It'd be so sweet, considering that Harry was there.
That is an amazing idea!!!! I love it and I will definitely be using that further in the story! I have been toying with that since I read your ask and have something very special in store for it. We just have to get there, which in working on! Thanks for your idea!!!!! Xoxo
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Update 😘💜
For you, my dear? Tomorrow ;)
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
I've just read the story and I really like it so far! Can't wait to read what's going to come up for the two of them when the story continues! :)
Hi there!Thank you for reading and letting me know how much you like it!! I have so much in store for these two and I hope you enjoy the next chapters for Harry and Aubree!
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
Would anyone be interested...
...in seeing outfits that correspond with chapters? I've seen it on a few different blogs with fan fics and loved the idea. Let me know!
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
If you have written bad fanfiction clap your hands
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
It’s been so long! But it was definitely worth the wait. So I’m guessing that it will just be a few more chapters before they go public. Makes me wanna know when the public will realize that harry was the guy in one of her songs. Will it be when they go public or when they do an interview for the wedding (talk about future much)? 😅 Update again soon!
I know, I'm so sorry for making you wait! I never intended to be away without updating for so long, but I hope all the feels from this chapter made up for it! The next few chapters we will see the press world wind and Harry and Aubree making it public...maybe by choice...maybe not. And I think the public will start to put two and two together about these two but H&A may not reveal anything about songs until they are further into their relationship. :)
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
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************************************ @ourimpossiblebouquetprincess haha I seriously love getting your messages!!!!!! Please Don't kill me though! Because of you do, I can't write and then that leaves you with just chapter ten. Soooo please?!?! Thank you for your words, I'm so glad you liked it! I was worried I wasn't doing their first time enough justice. Updating before the end of the weekend, if not sooner! Xoxo!
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thestoryofus-phff · 9 years
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Pictures of Harry that just make me want to snuggle up to him
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