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Before and After Pictures of Animals Growing Up [via] Previously: Animals Using Other Animals as Pillows
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When my alarm goes off in the morning
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happy valentines day
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Steve Bowler tweeted a photo of an assignment that his 8-year-old daughter’s teacher said she did incorrectly. The homework assignment had a list of toys or activities, and the kids were supposed to categorize them based on whether they were for boys, girls, or both, with equal numbers in each box. The assignment takes for granted the gendering of toys, and that there is a “correct” answer to the question of which gender they are appropriate for.
Bowler’s daughter did the assignment differently. After placing 3 items in the “boys” category and 2 in the “girls” group, she made additional boxes to add more things in the “both” column.
But at the bottom, the teacher notes that the assignment wasn’t done correctly. The point of the assignment is to categorize; the implicit message — that boys and girls are different types of people who like different types of things — isn’t questioned. A child sees this list of items and doesn’t gender them in the way the lesson took for granted; the reaction wasn’t to acknowledge her innovation and perhaps question the gendering, it was simply to say she did it wrong.
Bowler, for the record, said he was proud his daughter failed the assignment and just wished she’d done even worse on it.
via sociological images
[some gender-related bullshit removed.]
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When you finally get to piss after waiting for hours
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if you don’t believe that the world revolves around men getting what they want just remember that boys can ask a girl out 5000 times and send her 60 boquets of flowers and sing love anthems outside her door and post endless letters in her locker or smthn asking her to love him and that’s sooo cute and chivalrous but when my female friend sent a text to her ex saying she still loved him my male friend called her a desperate needy child
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Realizing you have homework
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my hobbies include pretending to text so i dont have to talk to you
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when ur bra and undies match and ur just like Hell yeah, hell yeah Fuckin’ right Fuckin’ right, all right Hell yeah Hell yeah, hell yeah Fuckin’ right Fuckin’ right, all right
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