thetaikamiya · 7 years
Honmei Choco: Mimi x Taichi
((I finally have a short window to write in, so I figured I’d whip up a nice Michi story for you to read! I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day!)) --------------- “I hope I have the mold just right. The shape is...tricky.” Mimi murmured to herself in the early morning, carefully pouring the gooey mixture of pricey chocolate into her homemade mold.  “At least the crest was pretty easy. I just have to be careful with delivery. The end pieces might crack!” Even though it was three hours into the morning, Mimi was on a roll. She had already bought her obligation chocolates (admittedly she would have made them herself, but had decided to devote her time this year to one particular individual’s true feeling chocolate instead), and was putting the finishing touches on her homemade batch. As much effort as it might have seemed to require, it felt like a fun, and even relaxing experience for Mimi, even moreso than she had imagined.  “Now all I can do is wait...and hope he likes it!” Mimi thought to herself with a smile, carefully refrigerating the chocolates to allow them to harden. Valentine’s Day was a day away. Now all she had to do was wait.
-Valentine’s Day- Mimi, with her trademark smile, carried her mountain of chocolates in to the school, drawing attention from any students nearby. One by one she handed each obligation chocolate box out, and her smile never wavered. Finally, she only had her special chocolate left. Once she got to the recipient, she was saddened to see his own stack of chocolates, with a few  true feeling boxes scattered in them. Without even speaking a word, she sighed and placed her box with the others, resigned to the fact she was just another face in the crowd. “Hey, wait!” a voice rang out, but not loud enough to catch her attention.  The day was a blur, aside from her spotting him sifting through boxes, eagerly eating away at the obligation chocolates throughout the day. Mimi, not one to let this ruin her life, decided to enjoy her own chocolates as well, and absent-mindedly went through the day. It wasn’t until classes dismissed that she heard him at last.
“Mimi! I’ve been trying to catch you all day.” “Well, here I am Taichi. What is it?”
Taichi slowly unveiled her lovingly made chocolates, undisturbed, unopened, and in mint-condition.
“I couldn’t believe it at first, but I spent all day trying to reach you. I...uh...I wanted to open it with just you, actually.”
Mimi stifled a gasp, but eagerly nodded to give him the go-ahead to open it.
The look on his face alone was worth every hour Mimi had spent.
“You...you made chocolate shaped like my head, Agumon, my Crest, and...well I’m somewhat rusty on my English, but it looks like some lyrics to a song.”
Mimi’s natural smile was glued to her face as Taichi delightfully savored each bite.
“Mimi...this is so delicious...I’m gonna cry...” “Cry? Why?” “Because it’s so good!”
Mimi broke into a laugh, and Taichi joined in, though he still gently held the box with care, making sure nothing happened to the chocolate.
“...guess I’ll have to bring my A-game with White Day.” 
Mimi perked up, then smirked.
“Well now I’m curious just what your A-game means Taichi.” “You’ll see. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you feel the same way then, as I do now.” Taichi moved to hug Mimi, but Mimi took the initiative and kissed him on the cheek. “That’s what I was going to do!” Taichi said, mostly in surprise, though he did love her willingness to take leaps of faith like this. “Thank you Mimi. Today will always mean more to me for your having been a part of it. Oh, and by the way...” Taichi quickly leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, but lingered to whisper. “Clear your calendar next month on the 14th. We’re going to have a blast on White Day.”
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
“Then clearly I’m in the wrong country! Should pack up and move over to America then.” Tai said, clearly sarcastic...about moving for the time being at least.
The thought had crossed his mind whether moving America would be a great choice for his future, and he had the added bonus of knowing someone that, at the time was living there too, but for now he decided he’d shelve the idea.
“Good! I was hoping you’d like it.”
She was once again able to give back as much as she took, and he loved every moment of it.
“You’d know if there was any better than I would if there’s any competition!”
Tai finished up her omelette, and plated the dish as carefully as he could, and with a huge satisfied grin, placed her tea and omelette in front of her.
“I hope you’ll enjoy it!”
“Oh, would I? Funny, I thought I’ve been living in America for the past several years.” Her tone was American-style sarcastic, but there was still a laugh just behind her lips. “I think I know what the girls over there would think, and I think they’d eat you alive.”
Mimi took her omelette and started to eat. “Mmm… Tai, this is delicious. The egg is fluffy and sweet.”
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
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s1e43 // s3e21
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
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At least I tried :T Baihumon is just a really big cat right?
Check Maki’s side~
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
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RAWR ψ(-`ω´-)ψ Happy Halloween!
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
She was once again able to give back as much as she took, and he loved every moment of it.
“You’d know if there was any better than I would if there’s any competition!”
Tai finished up her omelette, and plated the dish as carefully as he could, and with a huge satisfied grin, placed her tea and omelette in front of her.
“I hope you’ll enjoy it!”
“Ah, you have fantastic taste, omelettes with extra cheese is one of my favorites to make!”
Tai carefully watched as the omelette cook, and once he heard Mimi’s question, he couldn’t stop himself from laughing a bit.
“I always do a lot of cooking. Mom and Dad have work early till late, Dad gets home really late, and that leaves Kari and I to cook for, so I like to make her breakfast. Though I have to admit, I have started cooking new things in the hopes of impressing the cute chef at the table.”
Tai smiled at his last sentence, and turned to look at her to make it clear he meant her.
Tai was laying it on so thick. Though Mimi had to admit it was working a little bit. She could feel her cheeks heat up slightly at his comment. He even glanced back, though she already knew he was talking about her.
“I think your cute chef is already impressed,” Mimi said, chuckling. “After all, the silly, headstrong boy I’ve known has turned into a rather reliable, impressive man. Anyone would easily fall for someone like you. It’s surprising there isn’t more competition.”
Well, it wasn’t often she went the overboard-compliments route as a way of teasing. But if Tai was going to lay things thick, she could play the game, too.
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
“Ah, you have fantastic taste, omelettes with extra cheese is one of my favorites to make!”
Tai carefully watched as the omelette cook, and once he heard Mimi’s question, he couldn’t stop himself from laughing a bit.
“I always do a lot of cooking. Mom and Dad have work early till late, Dad gets home really late, and that leaves Kari and I to cook for, so I like to make her breakfast. Though I have to admit, I have started cooking new things in the hopes of impressing the cute chef at the table.”
Tai smiled at his last sentence, and turned to look at her to make it clear he meant her.
“You’re in luck, Kari loves chai tea too, so we have plenty. As for your not-breakfast, I figured I’d do one you probably saw a lot in America. Would Omelettes work for you?”
Tai pulled out the ingredients he needed, and carefully grabbed one of the nicer cups for her tea.
“I’d love an omelette. Extra cheesy!” She smiled, leaning forward and placing her elbows on the table, watching him work.
“Have you been doing a lot of cooking lately? Getting ready for a life alone? Or you trying to impress someone?” Mimi’s tone was light. Even now she couldn’t help but tease him a little bit. She knew he was decent at cooking from the Digital World.
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
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I saw an artist giving DW appropriate clothes to some of the characters because they didn’t like that they were in school uniform. But they never did Meiko… SO I did it for them!
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
I started making plans, thinking we would get that far.
Daniel Handler
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
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she doesn’t know when it changed  the way he looks out for her
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @glassesandpassion RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Pfff, good joke. I’d be very lucky if that ever changed.  FAVORITE COLOR: Dark blue, dark green, dark purple, orange, deep red LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK: Neither LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: “Call Me” by Shinedown LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: “Sing!” I think. TOP 3 TV SHOWS: I have way more than three TOP 3 CHARACTERS: Tai/Taichi, The Doctor, and well, the third one is a tie between 10+ people so I’ll just leave it at that. TOP 3 SHIPS: See I could easily give three Digimon-specific ships, but I’ve seen people be given/ I have been sent enough flack about ships that I’m just going to say that two of them I love, but will never write about here out of fear. Books i’m currently reading: "Turtles All the Way Down” by John Green (ironic since I’m in the middle of having the same general mental problems as the protagonist of the book)
Tags: ...well I mean the few people I talk to on here have largely already been tagged, but if you haven’t, this is your free ticket to answer this for yourself too.
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
Taichi’s face went from a largely collected mood into a very serious and cold vibe. He lowered his head so his eyes were obscured, because he wasn’t sure he wanted anyone to know what he had behind them.
His hands went ice cold, and he could feel his face tense up as his fingers dug into his palms. He could handle many things, in fact he felt like he put up with way too much to be healthy for anyone, but this...this was something that hit him deeply.
“It’s pathetic, isn’t it. Years ago, it was humanity that was terrified of Digimon and the idea they even existed. And now...Now here we are, humanity using Digimon as weapons, toys, tools, and strip away their freedoms.”
Taichi paused to take a sip of his drink, and finally relented and looked back up towards Violet.
“The last and most recent incident was with a Greymon...The project was code-named ZEKE, so I’ve been calling the Digimon ZekeGreymon. It was...”
Taichi vividly remembered the golden Digizoid armor, and the empty, blank, pupil-less eyes, and the deletion, with it’s last...and only words of freedom.
“We stopped it, but as it dispersed into data, it said the first, and last words it ever had said.”
“...hurts. I feel so cold, why am I so cold?”
“That’s true. There’s always been a reason for what anyone that has tried to take any of us down, and they’d swear their reasons were right…give or take a few that didn’t ever care about the whys of doing things.” 
Taichi remembered the rambling speeches of allies and enemies alike, and remembered how some of the same enemies dramatically changed their reasons within a matter of a couple years. On that note, he couldn’t help but start to see the changes in the reasons any of his friends, and himself, did anything, let alone in the life or death situations.
“Well…It’s a situation I think the both of us have run into. There’s a growing concern of Digimon being weaponized in new ways, merging old weaponry into the codes of Digimon.”
   Violet frowned. “I have seen one of those, in a case that was rather dark. A group of hackers managed to pioneer devices to garner control of a Digmon’s digital core, allowing the humans to control their actions.    “We encountered something akin to a MetalGarurumon, but Bumblebee never once encountered the likes of it before. I believe he uncovered it was called ‘Z’d Garurumon’. Little to say, it was long ago disassembled by his hand. We have no seen one since, but I am curious to know if you have spotted other renegade species?” She paused, eyed her half-finished coffee, before resuming, “I should tell you that I can confirm on closer inspection the Digimon held traces of artificial data interventions– which I assume is the code meddling you speak of. The damn thing carried around a dreadnought atop its back.”
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
“You’re in luck, Kari loves chai tea too, so we have plenty. As for your not-breakfast, I figured I’d do one you probably saw a lot in America. Would Omelettes work for you?”
Tai pulled out the ingredients he needed, and carefully grabbed one of the nicer cups for her tea.
thetaikamiya :
“Well, I’d make your favorite breakfast, but we’re nowhere near breakfast, so I’ll probably make you a classic of mine.”
With the slightest of effort, Tai lifted Mimi up into his arms, and walked carefully to the table, sitting her down in her chair.
“Anything you want to drink?”
Mimi laughed when Tai lifted her up, bending at the waist to wrap her arms around his neck for some stability. When he set her down on her chair, she let him go.
“If you don’t have any jasmine tea, I’d like some chai,” Mimi said. She leaned forward on the table, propping her head on the palm of her hand as she watched him work. “What are you making?”
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
“School, right, yeah. Awesome.”
He was really looking forward to classes this week. Even mentally thinking that felt like one of the dirtiest lies he had ever told himself, but he decided he needed to stop caring about it anyway.
“You’re the master chef here, so I trust you’ll pick something delicious, filling, and something I’ll be begging you to make in the future.”
My Prince | thetaikamiya
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
Tai was positive his slight hesitation would tip her off that he had hit a point where he didn’t have any response jump out at him “naturally”, but rather was forced to think through each of the billions of ideas, shoot them down, then move on to the next one.
“Soccer shouldn’t be much of a problem schedule wise. Unless we get into an overtime shootout...but considering how that has only happened twice to me since you moved away and came back, I wouldn’t count on it.”
Baking Cookies
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
I have like two friends so please.
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
Thank you for existing. 💗 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
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((I certainly don’t feel like I deserve this, but it’s making my current state of barely keeping it together more bearable.))
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