thetallunkown · 7 years
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thetallunkown · 7 years
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There’s a device that lets you dive underwater for 45 minutes without having to carry an air tank on your back. The Air Buddy floats atop the water to deliver fresh, pressurized air from the surface to your mouthpiece through a long plastic tube, allowing you to dive up to 40 feet deep. Source Source 2
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thetallunkown · 7 years
Never forget that in 2008 Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008) is the only show that has ever beaten SpongeBob Squarepants (1999-) for favorite cartoon in the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards ever in the history of all time.
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thetallunkown · 7 years
Katara’s Time
It had been a long time since Katara had thought about the ancient fortuneteller that she and her husband had met nearly a century ago. But she had never forgotten the words Aunt Wu had said; You will have your third great-grandchild before quietly passing away in your sleep. At fourteen she hadn’t given these words much thought but now at the age of one-hundred it was all she could think about.
She was the last of her friends to go. Her brother had been the first. It had been a warriors death like he had always wanted, protecting Republic City from its first invasion that had become a common occurrence to Katara over years. She didn’t think she could survive the pain that his death had brought her, until she experienced it four more times.
Next was her husband. After saving the world, building a city and raising their three children it was easy to forget that the avatar wasn’t invincible, especially since he’d brought up Bumi and lived to tell the tale. But although scars fade they never truly go away including ones forever scorched into his back that she healed herself. It’s better this way he told her as injuries that no child should ever have obtained finally caught up to his health. He died happily knowing that this time he was leaving the world in time of peace instead of a war. It had been over thirty years since his death yet she missed him more with everyday. Often she would find herself looking at the new avatar, smiling to herself when she recognised her late husband inside her.
Toph was too stubborn to die. She fought to the last agonising breathe but eventually the calling of the spirits was too much for even her and she passed away slowly, her two daughters by her side with family feuds long forgotten. At her funeral Katara was finally allowed to tell her niece the secret shed kept hidden for nearly sixty years. Last to leave was The Fire Lord himself. At ninety-eight he had been the last person alive during the one hundred year war, besides herself. Except for herself there was now no one left to tell the story of their adventures first hand. They were now officially part of history. She could still remember the day he invaded her village. It was impossible to think back then that somehow this man would become one of her greatest friends. The two had spent a lot of time together in their later years, both needing friendship after the deaths of their spouses. It difficult to imagine life without The Fire Lord but she knew that Izumi would do him proud.
“It’s a girl!” Katara cried happily as she birthed her eldest grandchild’s youngest daughter. Jinora smiled an exhausted but joyous smile as she was passed life she helped create. Kai wrapped his arms gently around his wife while their other two children Pema II and Gyatso peered curiously at their new baby sister.
Suddenly the small room became crowded with people as everyone that Katara had grown to call family entered. Her son and his wife rushed towards their daughter with loving open arms, frantically checking that both she and her baby were alright. Tenzin placed a comforting hand on Kai’s shoulder having finally forgiving him getting his daughter pregnant at eighteen making his son-in-law glow with acceptance. Ikki, Meelo and Rohan came next, their tattoos shining brightly against their skin. They gave her encouraging looks before moving aside to let their honorary older sister see. Korra bended the elements in a small ring around the baby’s head making her eyes widen in awe. Asami laughed gently at her wife’s antics whilst their son Hiroshi stood unimpressed besides them. Suyin and her children entered next having officially become part of the family. They lovingly presented their cousin with a showering of gifts and Sokka II looked confused from Opal’s arms at the sight of another baby. Kya tried unsuccessfully to coax Lin inside who stubbornly stood outside with Mako and Wu who despite having two children of their own where still terrified at the sight of babies. Katara sat down with a sigh as the healing chamber became too crowed, not that she’d have it any other way. She knew she could never tire of seeing the way a family comes together at the birth of a baby. “What you gonna call her?” Hiroshi asked from where he was standing next to Pema II making the young girl blush. Jinora shared a look with her husband before turning to look bashfully at her grandmother. “Katara.” She said hopefully. At her age Katara thought she was too old to be shocked but at these words she found her eyes widen. But at her granddaughter’s regretful look her eyes eyes softened into a smile.
“I’m honoured.” She said suddenly feeling a great weight had passed through her. “Are you alright Mum?” Bumi said coming over to her. “Maybe you should lie down.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve been delivering babies since I was twelve years old, it’s going to take more than that to tire me out.” Despite her words she retired to her room thinking of the adventure known as her life. It hadn’t been easy and their where parts she’d rather forget but hearing the cry of the newest member of family made everything worth it. She went to sleep to the sound of her families’ cries of joy and Aunt Wu’s prophecy.
She awoke to welcoming tone of her husbands voice.
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thetallunkown · 7 years
this is honestly one of my favorite fourth wall breaks in any cartoon ever
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thetallunkown · 7 years
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thetallunkown · 7 years
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thetallunkown · 7 years
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thetallunkown · 7 years
The male benders in ATLA: Really good. They worked hard to get where they are skill wise and while it hasn't always been easy, they are capable and can hold their own in a fight. One of them was even the Avatar, which is pretty impressive since he mastered the elements at age twelve, rather than start learning at 16 like most Avatars.
The female benders in ATLA: Inarguably the most powerful and unmatched humans in the entire world. Prodigies, masters, and creators of subbending styles. One was compared in skill to the Fire Lord at age EIGHT and able to perform one of the rarest and most difficult forms by 14. She couldn't be defeated by another's (even the Avatar's) bending alone. Only faced defeat when fighting two other master benders while on the verge of a complete mental breakdown (officially being defeated by different female bender). Another held an entire city up by a single turret while standing on unstable ground, and then went on to invent her own bending style at the age of twelve. One mastered her element in mere WEEKS, mastered bloodbending and defeated the woman who INVENTED IT the FIRST TIME SHE EVER ATTEMPTED IT, held her own against a master waterbender without ANY TRAINING, and fully healed someone from a fatal wound, making her a master at two vastly different forms of waterbending at the age of 14. A female Avatar quite literally reshaped the planet and created her own ISLAND. AND MOVED IT ACROSS THE SEA. These women shown in the show are not only the most powerful and talented females in their universe, but also in almost any known piece of television or fiction, all while being completely fleshed out and complex characters, not being defined as nothing but 'strong'. Each has their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
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thetallunkown · 8 years
Damn I didn't know that
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145K notes · View notes
thetallunkown · 8 years
@drew0907 FUCK
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thetallunkown · 8 years
I feel this pain a lot
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12K notes · View notes
thetallunkown · 8 years
708K notes · View notes
thetallunkown · 8 years
on my wedding night
me: *sobbing*
my wife: what’s wrong
me: I can’t believe a girl likes me
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thetallunkown · 8 years
This must be how pilots feel all the time
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thetallunkown · 8 years
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thetallunkown · 8 years
My life
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