thetanzanitequill · 2 months
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ComicArchive/ About / Linktree
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Oh wow, then that IS a change!
I like it- it's cool. Much more blue than yellow now me thinketh.
(I may be behind the times but)
You changed your icon!? 😱
Hehe, yep! A couple days ago now. I’ve finally stopped getting confused and thinking my posts are someone else’s, which is nice XD
I just thought it was time for a makeover, ‘specially since I’ve only changed my icon once since I’ve had this blog.
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Abel watched the boy from the fire.
The Fierce Deity was always full of some surprise or another. He’d grown used to it. But when the mystical being had asked for their help and then just disappeared, only to be replaced by a teenager, Abel had realized that he truly could never fathom just how insane that god was.
Who was this child? Did the deity summon him? Was this some other form of Fierce? The teenager had asked questions that made no sense, was in awful condition… clearly the two were connected, but how was still evading him.
Rusl tried to be kind and helpful. Abel wasn’t going to withhold supplies or help from the boy, but… he didn’t know who he was. He was still trying to figure this out. Should they get him to a local settlement and leave him to be taken care of? No… Fierce had asked them to help. He’d trusted them.
The blonde teenager was ill and weak, spending most of his time sleeping. He’d asked about a sprite (so was he part of Fierce’s mythical friends, then?) before promptly passing out. Rusl hovered worriedly around him, being a mother hen far more than Abel was.
If Fierce asked us to look after him, then he’s trustworthy, he tried to remind himself. It was a natural tendency at this point, to view any stranger as an enemy. His younger age didn’t change that. Abel sighed, trying to ease the tension in his body.
Eventually, the two men decided who would take watch when, and Rusl settled to sleep for half the night. Abel continued to watch the teenager silently, keeping a little bit of broth warm over the fire in case he woke.
When the boy’s blue eyes fluttered open an hour or so later, Abel walked slowly towards him.
The boy spoke first. “Where am I?”
“Hyrule,” Abel answered. The teenager gave him an impressively exasperated look, despite his exhaustion. “Who are you?”
“I’ll answer if you tell me the same thing,” the teenager countered. Abel detected a familiar presence to him, a trained discipline that came with being a soldier. The boy was on edge, but he hid his fear well, despite his weakness.
Abel slowly knelt down to be closer to eye level with him. “I’m a knight of Hyrule… I suspect you are too, child?”
There was no way he was a knight from Abel’s Hyrule, of course. He was far too young to have been trained prior to the Calamity. He must have been from Fierce’s land.
The young one looked him from head to toe, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t look like a knight.”
“You look like a homeless child,” Abel replied dully. “If it weren’t for your age, I’d think you’re one of my land’s soldiers.”
“Hyrule is my land too. My name is Link. You might’ve heard of me.” The teenager said with some weight to his words before he collapsed back into a fit of coughing.
Abel blinked. Blinked again. Link?
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he muttered. The deity had two heroes?! None of this made sense!
“If you’re a traitor, you’re making a p-pitiful attempt at—at—” Link tried to quip, too breathless to really get a full sentence out.
Abel felt his chest burn a little with anger, but he held himself in check. “I am no traitor, boy. You come from a different Hyrule than I.”
Link stared. “Oh goddess, not again.”
“What happened to the Fierce Deity?” Link asked. “I was wearing his mask when—”
The boy cut himself off, scrambling to his hands and knees in a frantic search for something, but he could hardly hold his weight, nearly face planting into the earth. Abel caught him, gently easing him back into the bedroll as he tried to process everything he’d just heard.
Again. That meant this Hero in particular was used to traversing different lands. And what mask? What was he talking about? Wearing his mask? Did that summon the deity?
Wait. Was that why the boy was so ill and weary?
Abel’s gaze wandered towards the boy’s clothes, towards the blue scarf he’d been wearing. It was the sash Fierce always wore, though the embellishments were slightly different.
“Fierce has been out companion,” Abel explained quietly, trying to calm both his own racing thoughts and the boy’s. “He told us to take care of you.”
Link tried sitting up again. “But—”
“Lie down, Link.”
“I don’t even know who you are!”
“Abel,” he introduced himself. “I’ve commanded heroes before. Now listen to orders and lie down, soldier.”
Link bit his lip, complying. “I… I g-guess we’re not in my Hyrule, then?”
“No,” Abel confirmed quietly, tucking the boy in. “I’m afraid not. But you’re safe. Now rest.”
Link settled a little under the gentle touch, though his eyes still held worry. “Someone was—there were people attacking me before I…”
“Probably the Yiga,” Abel figured. “We’re hunting them down. Somehow, they’ve gotten the ability to travel to different worlds.”
“Traitors to the crown.”
Link’s eyes widened a moment before narrowing ferociously. The fierceness of the gesture was lost when he started coughing again. Abel handed him some water, and he drank slowly but gratefully.
“We’ll sort this out,” Abel assured him, patting his shoulder a little. “Now rest. I’ll keep watch.”
Eventually, Link fell back asleep. Abel resumed his place by the fire, watching him.
He had a lot to figure out.
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
IAU Time's biggest regret?
- hero-of-the-wolf
Time: I let Wild have glitter glue once.
Time: ...never again.
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
*Spits out my glass of orange juice*
What would IAU Wind name his kids in the future?
Wind: uhh... sheesh I dunno, I’ve never thought about it really?
Wild: maybe you should ask Tetra what she likes
Wind: oh good idea, hey Te—
Wind: Wild your days are numbered—
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
I'd love to hear about the Pup Sequel 👀
- hero-of-the-wolf
Well it’s sequels really since I have more then one idea, hehe. I’ll probably do something crazy like do one with every Link and their successor(s). But I don’t know yet. Heh.
Anyway the one I’ve done the most with is the one for Four & Wind, so here’s a bit of that one :)
“You. Why are you here?” he hisses, and the spirit narrows his eyes.
“Begone, Shadow,” the Hero of the Four Sword glares. “This one is under my protection.”
The shadowy being snarls, but the hero draws his blade in response, pointing it at the monster.
“Do not try me. I won’t hesitate.”
“He isn’t even yours,” Dark Link hisses, glaring at the child in his arms. “His predecessor abandoned this time, he doesn’t carry your spirit. He’s not yours to protect.”
Link tucks his head against the spirit’s shoulder with a soft whimper, and he holds him a bit tighter.
“He’s of my blood. That’s connection enough.”
The Shadow bares his teeth, and with one motion the monsters swarm forward, prepared to take down the spirit and the boy he’s holding.
Four merely smirks, and raises his sword.
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
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I did not mean to disappear that long mb 🤕
I love the way sky and wind came out omgg😢😢💖
Without text:
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
"LEGO The Legend of Zelda: Deku Tree 2 in 1" will be released on Sunday, September 1st.
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It includes four minifigures: Adult Link and Child Link from "Ocarina of Time," Link and Princess Zelda from "Breath of the Wild."
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I am so excited for this! How about you?
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
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One year of Tears of the Kingdom 🐉☁️
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
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I have a feeling Legend is not a fan of rain
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Ohhh Kitty!! That's so much fun! Her name's Nahida, right?
I've been good, going through the big summer blowout, so a little tired. 😅 I've been having a lot of fun with some of my aus lately- the creative juices are flowing freely which is always nice :)
Hey howdy hey!
How's your day going? How's life been?
it's been going well! i recently got a kitty <3 How have you been?
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
If you have a fic (or art) you've been working on, would you be willing to share?
Hmmmm, how about this
Blue’s hands dropped numbly from Vio’s tunic, his face pale as ice. “I—I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His voice rose, brash and loud, but it could not hide the stutter that started the sentence. “Lying isn’t your strongest point, Blue,” Vio said, his eyes narrowed and jaw set. “You can’t hide from yourself.” Eyes blazed with blue fire, burning cold as ice. “I CAN TRY!”
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
Do you have an art piece or fic you wanna share?
! Oh! Well, I guess I do have a little snippet for my LU pjato AU! This is very much in the works and while this scene is completed, I’m not sure if it will make it to the “canon” for this particular AU.
* * *
Look, Link never asked to be a half-blood.
And he wasn’t, actually, the gods seemed to have just decided he deserved the life of one anyways. Link didn’t consider it an honor. In fact, as he sprinted furiously up a hill for his life, he was inclined to think it was an insult. His parents must have pissed off the gods and they were taking it out on him. Apparently, the aforementioned parents dying after he was born was not enough.
Link slipped on the grass and went sprawling onto his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Goosebumps erupted over his skin and he rolled to the left, just in time to avoid a rusty sword meant to stab through his back. He scrambles to his feet, the ugly shnck of the sword sinking into sod ringing in his ears.
On his feet, he pulls his sword from his sheath, intending to finally take out these monsters, but two kids sprint past him, war cries splitting the air as they engage the monsters without a single hesitation. The battle, which would have lasted ten minutes with Link on his own, takes them mere seconds.
Silence retakes the hill as the monster dust is blown away in the wind, and then the two kids are sheathing their swords and turning to address Link.
“Hey, kid,” the first, a taller blond, greets him gently. “Are you hurt?”
Link shakes his head, and then stops. He remembers the weeks he’s been out here, all the monsters he ran into. Some of his wounds have started to heal, but there’s a long cut on his right arm that refuses to stay closed.
“Yeah,” he rasps, “a little.”
He doesn’t really think it’s a little, but he thinks to say he’s hurt badly would be exaggerating.
“Come on, it’s safer in the camp.” The older boy says, ushered him back up the hill.
Safer. Er. As in, not completely safe. His chest aches for his Uncle’s apartment in Brooklyn and the safe feeling it harbored. He thinks be might never feel that way again.
They take him to a blue farmhouse with a wrap-around porch.
“Should we wake them up?” The shorter of Link’s two rescuers asks nervously. “I mean…the last time campers did that—“
“It’ll be fine. Chiron made him change them back, remember? And they told us to wake them in the future.” Taller says confidently.
“Yeah, I guess.” Shorty pouts, and then leans over to whisper in Link’s ear. “Brace yourself. You might get turned into a dolphin.”
“Bottlenose,” Taller says.
“Heavy,” Shorty agrees.
Link knows he should be surprised, but in the last three weeks, he’s gotten to the point where he thinks he’ll be more surprised if he *doesn’t* get turned into a Bottlenose dolphin.
Taller knocks on the door, and for a moment there’s tense silence.
“This is the warning ignore-ment. If we knock again, we’ll be seafood.” Short groans.
“Or they could be asleep, still,” Taller offers optimistically. He sighs, murmurs a prayer in what Link thinks is ancient Greek, and then balls his hand into a fist and pounds on the door.
Link flinches back, Shorty turns and leaps down the stairs as agilely as a deer and disappears into the darkness.
Coward, Link thinks.
The door opens, after a few minutes, and to Link’s utter shock, a centaur is standing there. He blinks, gaze switching between gray horse legs and the perfectly normal man on top of them, who was wearing a red satin robe with cartoony Santa Clauses printed on it.
“Link, my boy, good…morning, I suppose. New camper?”
Taller nods. “Yep.”
“Has he been claimed?”
Horse-Man and Taller both look at Link.
His skin suddenly feels very warm. His stomach stirs nervously. He feels that the answer is important enough to deserve he say something cool.
“Uh…I’m mortal?”
Horse-Man and Taller exchange glances.
“Pardon?” Horse-Man says.
“I am a mortal.” Link repeats, more confidently. “The one in the prophecy.”
He lifts his left hand, the triforce mark just visible on the back of it.
“I am Farore’s chosen.”
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
It's WIP Wednesday!
Do you have any sneak peeks you'd like to share?
Wip Wednesday is upon us! I have about a million and one wips, but I'll just share these two
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Undertale yellow my beloved
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And I'm almost done with this one, I just need to add the sky and the lettering on the puzzle pieces
We'll see if I ever actually finish either 😅
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
Been working on anything you wanna share?
Gosh what haven’t I been working on XD
I’m in that mood I get into sometimes where I work on like six fics at once (and make... a tiny bit of progress on all of them 🤣), so I really have been up to all kinds of things, most of which I’m totally fine with sharing!
Okay let’s see... I’m still working incrementally on those IAU prompts I asked for (they’re getting there), I wrote a little bit of the twilight turns, though I didn’t get very far because I kept getting interrupted by stuff. I messed with my botw dark link au the other day and have still been messing with it on and off, I’ve been writing a little with my Berry Link guy, been trying to finish these two stubborn oneshots for hdw au, and this morning I remembered I’d written a solid half of the next kitty Wind chapter so I was rereading that to see where I was and messing with it a little.
I. Don’t know how to decide between any of that 😅 But if you’d like to see a wip of any of those you can give me a poke and I’ll show ya XD
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
Oh wow, that IS a lot!
Well, kitty Wind sounds like the easiest to pick from, but I also miss little berry Link <3
I'd love to see whatever you choose :)
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
Been working on anything you wanna share?
Gosh what haven’t I been working on XD
I’m in that mood I get into sometimes where I work on like six fics at once (and make... a tiny bit of progress on all of them 🤣), so I really have been up to all kinds of things, most of which I’m totally fine with sharing!
Okay let’s see... I’m still working incrementally on those IAU prompts I asked for (they’re getting there), I wrote a little bit of the twilight turns, though I didn’t get very far because I kept getting interrupted by stuff. I messed with my botw dark link au the other day and have still been messing with it on and off, I’ve been writing a little with my Berry Link guy, been trying to finish these two stubborn oneshots for hdw au, and this morning I remembered I’d written a solid half of the next kitty Wind chapter so I was rereading that to see where I was and messing with it a little.
I. Don’t know how to decide between any of that 😅 But if you’d like to see a wip of any of those you can give me a poke and I’ll show ya XD
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thetanzanitequill · 4 months
...I don't think I know castletown wedding, what fic is that?
Well. Um.
it's kinda silly.
But you did ask, so... right. I don't know if you've ever watched My Little Pony anon, but I have, and have several sisters who have as well. So a bunch of it is engrained in my memory pretty well. One time I was thinking about the wedding episode (which is surprisingly dramatic), and thinking about linkeduniverse, and thinking about Warriors, and I then got to thinking... you know? The canterlot wedding special would work remarkably well in a linkeduniverse setting.
I thought about it some more, then, silly me, I came on here and mentioned my dumb idea, and everyone immediately went "THAT'S GREAT PLEASE WRITE IT". And uh... so I did XD
It's currently about 50,000 words, and if you like Warriors angst then you'll probably like it lol. Or Wind being a cool guy. Or Time being angsty. Or Cia being evil. There's even cake.
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