thetitaniumsoldier · 3 years
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.Best*Adult_*game. *2021. More 1 585 316 *HOT girls Online* ->
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thetitaniumsoldier · 8 years
you are a student, have you ever had any academic error?
My whole life is full of academic errors, but Im happy I can manage to fix them all. I try my best to continue the career of my dreams, be better in everyway and more tolerant with criticism.
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thetitaniumsoldier · 8 years
What motivates you to draw?
Most of the time is music :)
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thetitaniumsoldier · 8 years
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thetitaniumsoldier · 8 years
You keep active?
Not as much as I wanted, because Im doing my final work at university. Sorry :(
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thetitaniumsoldier · 8 years
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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A Eruri sketch I have long ago that I need to finish.
Also want to say that this tumblr will not be only for snk drawings but sketches and some wips
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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Introducing this blog with a sketch of Halloween of Erwin and Levi wearing some costume for the celebration.
Hope you like it.
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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twelve days of snk | [day eight]
↳ [A character you came to love] mike zakarius
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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Shingeki no Kyojin animation director Asano Kyoji just tweeted about his NYCC experience! Translation with @suniuz’s help:
“A lot of people requested Mikasa. Levi requests numbered slightly less.”
The one in the photo is not my Levi sketch, but of course several others requested him today, too :D
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
Why do you complain about the money ? About your country ? Is not your country at fault that you work for 3 months to buy a sofa. It's you. I mean, I am from a more " rich " country, accoridng to your words, and indeed I can afford a sofa when my old one breaks, but in the same time I don't have this large amount of time for cosplay. So, hard work, no free time = more money. No hard work, more free time= time for cosplay + fooling around.
Yes, please do ignore every single positive in my post, and downright assume I’m asking for money, even if I highlighted the actual point.
A cute little fantasy that anyone should feel ashamed and/or apologize for their country’s misplaced standards doesn’t work for someone who works 60+ hours a week, has two local freelance jobs and works on their personal growth (hobbies and cosplay) at night, getting an average of 3 hours of sleep.
You weren’t there to rush me to sleep at 4AM because I get up at 6AM for my work. My friends and followers were.
You weren’t there to bitch at me to go rest when I delivered a new batch of works because I depraved myself of that vast free time you so eagerly mentioned. Mina and Damien were.
You weren’t there to pick me up after I performed with my troupe, to the point to drag me into the car after it and drive me home half-conscious and sick, because to work on that, I skipped three nights of sleep in a row. Darko was.
And you know where were you? Here, staring at your screen, waiting for a perfect moment to bitch at me. And guess what? That moment is not today. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.
I don’t place myself above other people. I don’t even demand anything in my post. But you so cutely decided to focus on the negative and spew this psychotic one-sided bullshit my way, trying to make me land my team look bad.
Your entire post can be summarized in one sentence “The poor shouldn’t have chosen to be poor.” and just for that - fuck you and your over-privileged ass. Where did you get time to think of this bullshit of a post if you’re that busy earning money?
If you think you’re entitled to get your artist to deliver to you and magically create more, promote them to support them. THAT was my point. The money talk was only there to serve as explanation why aren’t we attending cons where our followers and supporters want to meet us.
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
this seems to be something that is still coming up so haku and i discussed this and decided it would be best to be transparent about it: haku and i are no longer involved in a romantic relationship.  this was a mutual decision that we made in our best interests given our current circumstances.  one didn’t dump the other.  it was discussed at length and we came upon this decision as the best solution. that being said, we are still incredibly close and trustful of each other and don’t want to see either of us getting any rude or hateful asks regarding the end of our romantic relationship.  we ask that you respect our decision and let our business be our own.
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
a few words from today. i won’t lie i’m skittish about posting a video of me actually speaking, especially when it’s mostly disorganized candid thoughts about everything i’ve been posting already, but it’s always been nothing but selfies and text with me. so here it is
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thetitaniumsoldier · 9 years
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looks like its transgender day of visibility you guys. been on HRT for a bit now. used to be really scared of talking about being trans on here, still kind of am, but here goes nothing.  when i first hit puberty about 10 years ago i guess you could say that i learned what it was like to really violently hate my body for the first time. that was the onset of a whole shelf of dissociative issues, disordered eating, S.I and depression. i spent most of the oncoming years rejecting myself, my body, my sexuality, my gender, but being afraid of admitting i was trans. the hobbies or interests i had, like fashion or costuming, weren’t really held by guys. from the beginning, i had never really understood gender or sexuality through all the hate i felt for myself. i guess in hindsight its kinda laughable. it’s taken about the past four years to work both personally and with professionals through all those issues through a lot of different ways and get to the root of it all. ive only started feeling like an actual person within the past year. i’m deeply ashamed and embarrassed of how i used to be, but you know, i’m doing everything i can to be someone i can feel proud of someday, and should have been working towards a long time ago. and here’s to all you other transgender people out there. even if you’ve boxed yourself in and think it’s too late to change things, or fix yourself, don’t be afraid to. even if it takes time. hang in there.
FTM (he/they)
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