thetmfoa · 1 year
더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie)
더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie) 링크<<
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더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie)
더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie)
더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie)
더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie)
더 퍼스트 슬램덩크 다시보기 2023 (full movie)
전국 제패를 꿈꾸는 북산고 농구부 5인방의 꿈과 열정, 멈추지 않는 도전을 그린 영화
It is said that the possibility is relatively high, but it has always been like this, so Puerto Rico's promotion to the 51st state has been an unrealistic proposal even in the United States. The two are too far apart to be unified. America is a country where the majority of people speak English. But in Puerto Rico, the majority speak Spanish. There are also Spanish-speaking states in the southwest federal states that border Mexico, such as Texas, California, and New Mexico, but at least English is spoken there. On the other hand, Puerto Rico barely speaks English. As of 2020, 76.6% of Puerto Rico's population speaks little or no English. 94.5% of people aged 5 and older do not speak English at home. Therefore, it is pointed out that the gap between the existing US and English use is so great that legislative and legal services should all be done in "Spanish". The questions, then, are whether all administrative records in the legislative and judicial branches should be written in Spanish, what language state government employees should communicate with, and how they should communicate with the rest of the country. Oklahoma and New Mexico have already stipulated that they "will take lessons in English at school" before being promoted to official states in the United States, and Arizona has stipulated that "the executive and legislature must ensure that English is used and understood." put in condition. The state of Louisiana also signed a statement that "all judicial and legislative procedures will be conducted in English" by then-president James Madison.
Moreover, unlike the mainland, Puerto Rico doesn't quite catch up economically. It is quite affluent by Caribbean standards, but very poor compared to the United States. More than 43% of Puerto Rico's population lives in poverty, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, and the unemployment rate exceeded 11% in 2020. Here, even if federal programs such as food stamps and Medicaid are supported at the same level as other states, about 25 trillion won will be added annually to federal programs alone. In 2017, it even filed for bankruptcy protection, and still has debts of nearly 20 trillion won.
And since there were many people who supported independence or free association[2] in the referendum, those who opposed or withheld Puerto Rico's status as a state in the United States said, "Once the status is elevated to a state, in case a majority of the residents What if public opinion turns to support independence?" It is also possible to raise objections. However, Pedro Pierluisi, who served as governor in 2021, said he wanted to be a complete American family, saying, "It is the unique value of being a permanent member of a family, having a permanent status like a nation."
Education is also an issue. Students in Puerto Rico do not have to take an English test. Therefore, there is no incentive to learn English very hard, and now it is treated as a foreign language because it is in fact the language of choice. Integration skeptics question whether Spanish-speaking teachers can teach English fluently.
However, in 2017, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, and residents believe that Puerto Rico is not receiving proper help from the US federal government because it is not an official state of the United States. As a result, the state promotion approval rating is rising steeply. However, there are also bleak prospects that it will further reduce Puerto Rico's ability to be financially self-sufficient while undermining Puerto Rico's niche market as a tax haven for wealthy mainlanders.
In 2019, Puerto Rico's status as a state bill was again submitted to Congress.
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