I am Proud of My Service to The American People
I think, no matter what, I am incredibly proud of my service to the American People. I canvassed for Bernie Sanders. I went as far as quitting my job to live in a tent to do it. I was proud of that, and now that I joined the United States Army, I am equally proud. 
I joined the Army because I believe DEEPLY in the idea of America. The idea is that Citizens, not aristocrats, elect our leaders. That these leaders decide how to use America’s resources.  
The idea that I am an extension of the American people’s will, makes me incredibly happy. If there was an international incident, and both the left and right agreed that something had to happen (genocide?). 
Then as a soldier I’d be sent to enforce the will of the American people. As John Adams said “ if an intention to pursue by amicable negotiation a reparation for the injuries that have been committed on the commerce of our fellow-citizens by whatever nation, and if success can not be obtained, to lay the facts before the Legislature, that they may consider what further measures the honor and interest of the Government and its constituents demand “
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It sucks that no one uses this anymore, cause it def was the best thing out there growing up!!! I miss TUMBLR
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Me soon
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This kid was calling me a hipster, and so I told him," I actually consider my self m Post-label".
I too consider myself a stamp.
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I dunno how often you use this. But I think you’re awfully cute. I’m not sure how much we really have in common, but I hope one day we can chit chat 💕
Oh wow! I just saw this! Umm, yea I don’t use this much at all! My Instagram is this: 
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This is literally the greater tumblr/tweet ever
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I got hacked for the first time in my life and it was on tumblr
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i wonder if taking more psychedelics will make me feel better about life
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yes i’ve gotten drunk every night for the last week (perhaps more) but it is merely a preventative measure because the alcohol cleanses the germs out of my body. i am now immune to coronavirus
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the pervert’s guide to cinema (2006)
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Slavoj Žižek on Starbucks’ ultimate form of consumerism.
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Im so fucking sick of being here
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Best decision of my life
I decided to quit both jobs. I’ll be getting an ambulance related job in the next few weeks, so not worried about money. 
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My life
Immanuel Kant and Nieztche are somehow simultaneously my heroes
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